
saving Eve

Soma was woken up in his Quarters, by a servant his lord gale wished to see him as soma was a half elf half Dreadnaught. his short wild blonde hair and his medium pointed ears and saphire eyes with almond erises, where a very peculiar trait his face was both chiseled from stone, while retaining the wild beauty of his elven heritage, his body was slim and muscular one would think he was a martial artist at first glance not realizing he is a magic knight. Soma quickly dressed and made his way to his lieges quarters sensing. a feeling of anxiety, he steeled his heart in that moment he immediately knocked on his lords door. announcing his presence milord it is i Soma answering your summons.

Gale: yes Soma you may enter. Soma opens the door and closes it immediately sensing his Lord's summon at this time in the night to be very odd which means he wishes for secrecy. Soma glances about the room, he notices lady Evangeline and bows to his lord and lady immediately milord you wished to speak with me. gale yes i do my children have been born for about a week's time i have a mission for you and only you my most trusted knight... my dear. children Eve and Mirra where born and yet they are twins, soma immediately understood where this was going my lord .... i would do anything you know my loyalty to you and my lady are absolute but this i cannot nay never i will not harm a child let alone a baby... Gale and Evangeline immediately sighed and expelled breaths of relief over hearing somas words and seeing the conviction in his eyes, Gale that is precisely why i have summoned you!. Soma: i don't understand... Gale & Evangeline: we need you to take eve to the village of num where her grandparents live it is a remote village, safe and surrounded by forest and lakes hardly any danger comes to this village.we need you to do this in absolute secrecy Gale: my brother Cedric won't stand idle if he finds out about eve he will do what ever it takes to kill whichever child is deemed weakessed under the guise of preventing calamity, due to his Traditional and unwillingness to be flexible in his beliefs you know as well as i do how stuborn Cedric can be. Soma: yes milord i completely understand Soma understood perfectly years ago he had met Cedric the man never did anything out of scorn and always put the kindom before his own personal gains he has honor conviction and a strong immovable stubborn streak. which can be good and bad in this case its very bad for Eve... soma understood Dreadnaught's in general see twins as a calamitous existance because in Alstairs history every time a twin is born and both live calamity has always followed with war, destruction and for reason that not everyone could fathom not even the historians, that lived in those times let alone survived.

soma understood immediately when do i and miss eve depart milord. Gale: very well you will leave tonight under the guise of the the storm once you are far enough from Alistair, you are not to stop atleast until you are in vicinity of Num Village, there Eve's grandparents will care for and raise eve .... Soma: Understood my lord said soma Gale: make your preparations report directly to me when you are done that is all. Soma bowed to his lord and lady and immediately left to make preparations.. Gale turned around and immediately went to Evangeline, he saw in her violate eyes the same thing he was thinking looking and Eve and Mirra he said this his thoughts this just isn't fair, my family shouldnt be made to be separated or to suffer such. grievances we won't have to suffer Eve's death at the least Evangeline looked into gales black grey eyes and said at the very least if we can work on these new bills and change the people of Alstairs views, on this superstition, then maybe there can be a day that we can all be together without fear.

gale: i truelly hope so and fervently wish for that day my dear Evangeline looked at eve whose hair was white with streaks of violet,her deep violet eyes that seem to glow when she is awake. while mirra shared similar traits her hair was violet with white streaks, her eyes glowed the same deep violet color if not for the difference in hair color they would be considered identical twins. A mirror of eachother Evangeline couldn't help but laugh bitterly. since they couldn't just up and leave the Dreadnaught kindom of Alstair. Being members of the royal court, they where literally bound to the kingdom!. Evangeline decided to do one thing she could she took a deep purple pearl shaped object that was embeded in her forehead this is known as a Tettrarouge's core it contains the code and information of a tettrarouges funcions and memories. Evangeline decided to literally give her heart to Eve this core would enhance her energy pathways and create a refined foundation for.

eve allowing her to develop her photon core and nodes early as well as giving her the abilties unique to the tettra rouge supercell compression, super energy compression and accelerated learning. Evangeline smiled and kissed Eve's forhead as the core shrunk and formed a small tearshape where one would say Eve's minds eye or ones third eye would be located. Evangeline's eyes widened in suprise as a phenona occured that was extremely rare to her people. when Tettrarouge core evolves as Eve's just did thats when they gain humanoid bodies and become a high born Evangeline smiled bitterly and looked at gale, our children will be the most gifted and yet we can't be there for both of them please call soma, before i can't resist not being without both my children any longer...

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