
Prologue: The Rise and Fall of Wyrmheart

The continent of Eldoria had been ravaged by a relentless war. Humans, dwarves, and elves fought fiercely, each vying for dominance over the land they called their own. Battles raged on for years, with no end in sight. Blood stained the soil, smoke filled the air, and cries of agony echoed across the fields. As their conflict escalated, their once-thriving world was reduced to a desolate wasteland.

In the midst of this chaos, an ancient force stirred. Dragons, long thought to be mere legends, emerged from their slumber, their immense power shaking the very foundations of Eldoria. The warring factions found themselves utterly helpless against these mighty creatures, their strength and fire decimating all in their path. The dragons soared through the skies, unleashing their wrath upon the lands below. They burned villages, razed cities, and slaughtered countless lives. They were the harbingers of doom, the heralds of the end.

But just as darkness seemed poised to swallow the continent whole, a glimmer of hope appeared. Celestials, beings of divine origin, descended from the heavens, their arrival shrouded in mystery. They bestowed upon the humans, dwarves, and elves a remarkable gift—the ability to harness magic by channeling the latent energy of mana that permeated the land.

Magic was a boon to the people of Eldoria, a tool to aid them in their struggle against the dragons. It gave them a fighting chance, a ray of light in the midst of despair. But magic also came with a price, a burden that only few could bear.

Within the ranks of humanity, a select few possessed unique qualities, enabling them to wield magic with unparalleled mastery. These individuals, known as Dragon Slayers, displayed abilities beyond the comprehension of others. They could manipulate mana with ease, conjure spells of devastating power, and resist the effects of dragonfire. They stood as a beacon of resistance, a force capable of confronting the might of dragons head-on.

United by their shared purpose, the Dragon Slayers formed a formidable clan known as the Wyrmheart Order. Emboldened by their newfound power, they launched the Great War against the dragons—the Draconic Conflagration. For five long years, the two forces clashed, their battles etching tales of heroism and sacrifice into the annals of history.

The Wyrmheart Order fought valiantly, facing insurmountable odds with courage and determination. They faced countless foes, each more fearsome than the last. They braved storms of fire and ice, mountains of scales and claws, and seas of blood and tears. They forged bonds of friendship and loyalty that transcended race and creed. They gave everything they had for a cause they believed in—the liberation of Eldoria from the tyranny of dragons.

In the final throes of the war, the Dragon King Vermithrax, the embodiment of draconic tyranny, fell beneath the blades of the Wyrmheart Order. Their victory came at a great cost—many lives were lost, many wounds were inflicted—but the spoils were theirs to claim—a relic of unparalleled significance: The Infernium—the heart of the slain dragon king.

The Infernium was a marvel to behold—a crystalline sphere that pulsed with crimson light. It contained within it the essence of Vermithrax—his power, his wisdom, his fury. It was a treasure beyond measure—a source of infinite mana that could fuel any spell or enchantment. It was also a curse—a temptation that could corrupt any soul or mind.

Yet their triumph would not herald an era of peace. Fear gripped the hearts of the world's inhabitants—for they had witnessed the might of their own kind—the Dragon Slayers—who possessed the power to vanquish the once-untouchable dragons. In response to this perceived threat to their dominion—the Septem Imperium Accord was forged—an alliance comprising the seven most powerful human empires on the continent.

Under the banner of the Accord—the might of the alliance was united against the Dragon Slayers. With the assistance of the Seven Saints—chosen individuals wielding the power of the Seven Supreme Celestials—the Accord sought to eliminate this perceived threat to their dominion. In a devastating assault—they crushed the Wyrmheart Order and decimated every last Dragon Slayer. It seemed as though the era of dragon slayers had come to a definitive end.

But unbeknownst to the world—one Dragon Slayer survived—a lone ember of a once-blazing fire. This survivor would become the catalyst for the downfall of Eldoria—setting in motion a chain of events that would plunge the continent into darkness once more.

And so—as the curtain rose on a new age—a fragile peace prevailed. Unbeknownst to the world—the remnants of the past lingered—waiting for their moment to strike. The tale

of Eldoria would soon continue—but its future remained uncertain—hanging in the balance between the forces of light and the encroaching shadows.