
Ch2 learning to be nice

After the party the queen had suggested that her and Jacob should go up and see if they couldn't make the servant feel a little better and secretly the queen wanted to teach her ungrateful son a lesson.

They walked back up to Jacobs quarters in silence. Jacob was silent because he had know idea what was going to happen. They arrived at the door and pushed it open and went inside they went over to James room and opened the door what they saw kind of surprised both of them; laying on the bed fast asleep was James but what caught them by surprise was the fact that he was wearing a block on his right foot. They both had the same thought and looked at each other. Elizabeth walked over and scooped up the boy on the bed carried him to a comfy chair and sat down.

"Mother" Jacob whispered

"yes dear" she said holding the boy

"am I going to have to hold him like that as well" he asked

"only if you want to dear" she said as she rocked the child. she continued when he said nothing. "when he wakes up let me do the talking first then you can apologize ok" she said as she continued to rocked the boy in her arms.

James didn't even here his bedroom door open he did feel himself being picked up though but dismissed it and snuggled into the warm embrace. He laid their in these arms listening to the two voices. He couldn't place the voice of the woman who was holding him but he recognized the males voice as prince Jacob. He thought that it would be a good idea if he opened his eyes. That's when he got the shock of his life. He was in the arms of the queen herself. James gasped out loud as he realized who was holding him.

"My lady" he stuttered

"Shhh it ok dear don't worry about common courtesy right now" she said "but I do have to ask why are you wearing a block on your foot?" She asked

"how'd you know I have a block on my foot" he said with wide eyes

"your not wearing clothes so everyone can see it silly" she laughed.

He then looked down and remembered taking off his pants and shirt to take a nap. He look up at the queen and blushed a deep red "I have to" he said "You see I have one leg that's shorter then the other so I have to wear this stupid block to even myself out" he said "otherwise people would start to call me a gimp again" he paused "I've gotten so used to the block that I can walk around and people won't even know unless they look at my foot or hear the clack of the block on the stones" said James embarrassingly.

"you poor thing" she said "and on top of all of that you have to deal with my son being mean to you" said the queen

"it's ok my lady" James responded "I'm used to it, I used to cry myself to sleep every night because so many people would make fun of me because I'm different, I don't even have any friends. I just thought that the prince would be different, he was my idol, the person I wanted to be when I grew up, I didn't listen when people told me how bad the prince was, I didn't want to believe them, but they were right and on top of it he hates me" he finished

"Great another fanboy" thought Jacob "where do they find these people and on top of that he's a crippled freak...that's going to make it a lot harder to be nice to this kid and not make fun, but we all have to do things we don't want to do and I will not loose my right to have a servant" he thought "well here goes nothing.....I am really sorry about what I said to you earlier James I was only joking" he lied

"you didn't sound like you were joking. It sounded real" said James as he looked at the prince

"I promise I was only joking and why didn't you tell me about the block" said Jacob

"I didn't think it mattered" said James

"will you forgive me for being mean" said Jacob

"why should I, how do I know I can trust you" James said looking straight at Jacob

"you'll just have to trust me" lied Jacob

"ok....what choice do I have" he said then smiled a weak smile and laid his head back on the queen and basked in the warmth of the embrace. James hasn't felt this kind of closeness since his mother used to cuddle him. Eventually he fell asleep again.

"Well son that wasn't that hard now was it" said the queen as she rocked and patted the boy again and listened to his light snores

"I guess not" he said

"well son I have things to do so I need you to take him" she said

"And do what" asked Jacob "

hold him for a while...let him sleep in your arms" she said handing over the boy "and I will send up a servant who can change his bed sheets because it looks like he may have had an accident" she giggled "like you used to" and walked from the room.

"Now what do I do" he thought as he watched the little servant boy who was sleeping in his arms. "He is kind of cute now that I get to really looking at him...." His thought was interrupted by a knock at the door "enter" he whispered.

In walked a boy who looked no older then the boy in his arms. He had a big stack of top of the line bed linens. the stack was so tall that the boy couldn't see and just blurted out "I'm here to change your bed your highness" said the boy "sshhhh you twit you'll wake him up" scolded the prince

"sorry your highness didn't realize someone was asleep" the boy whispered. "where would you like me to put the supplies sire" he continued

"just put the stuff in my servants quarters he's the one that had the accident" he said and waited for the boys reaction which didn't really happen.

"Yes sire" he replied and walked into the servants quarters placed the sheets and stuff on the cabinet, removed the dirty bed clothes and replaced them with new and walked back out "now where is the little one that needs fresh underwear" he asked.

"Well that explains why he didn't react the way I thought he would..he wasn't paying attention." Jacob thought to himself "He's right here in my arms you twit didn't you here me say it's my servant that had the accident"

The boy just stared wide eyed at the kid who looked about his age who was wearing nothing but underwear "I can't change him your highness, he's to big for me" the servant boy said

"why would you want to" said Jacob "that would be weird. I mean it's not like he's wearing a diaper" he continued rolling his eyes.

"hmmm good point" said the boy

"Just leave them over their and he can do it himself" said the prince

"Yes sire" said the boy as he set the garment on the night stand.

"how old is he sire" asked the servant boy "if you don't mind me asking my lord"

"nine or ten I think" responded the prince

"whys he got a block on his foot" asked the boy "because one foot is shorter than the other" said Jacob

"oh that must be hard to deal with" the boy replied "wouldn't know, you'd have to ask him yourself when you see him later" said the prince

"see him later" the boy asked confused

"of course, your going to change his bed sheets from now on. just check in on him in the mornings but come back in a couple of hours though once he wakes up" the prince said

"If that will be all your highness I will return to my duties"

"oh yes of course you may go" with that the boy bowed and left.

So here is ch2 finally sorry it’s taken so long. I know it’s a weird one but I wanted my main character to have normal people problems. Also as you may have guessed by now I do not have an editor yet so bare with me. Next chapter will be out soon.

DCKeaton_1988creators' thoughts
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