

It felt really weird for Chris to walk inside a book closet like it was an elevator. He really didn't know what to expect on the otherside of the door but with the strange things that had been happening so far he knew anything from there would be unnatural. He opened the door and got inside and closed the door..."like this can't get any weirder , of all things they could think of it had to be closet " with that thought on his mind Chris browsed his brain for possible explainations if anybody found him there.

He stood there for 5 awful minutes realising that he wasn't given instructions on what to do once he was inside....a secret lever or a magic word maybe anything. As if on queue a gold button started to glow on the left side wall of the closet , right after pusshing it Chris saw the back wall that was full of books turn and a wall emerged and covered the door then stayed there for half a minute then as quickly as it came it disappeared revealing the same closet doors....to Chris' disappointment. He waited a few minutes and was starting to feel ridiculous , he opened the door to tell Harold that the prank they were pulling on him was not funny but stopped on his tracks the moment he stepped out of the closet and his stomach did a backflip.

Somehow Harold's office had turned to a marble floored castle like courtroom. The floor he was standing on ended in a little flight of stairs sort of like the UCT entrance but tis one was indoors in a castle like building there were people sitting on the stairs , standing in groups most of them were older than him , some looked about his age they were all chatting but stopped when he stepped out of the elevator/closet and Chris had a funny feeling that they were talking about him. The chatting turned to low whispers and Chris found it hard to navigate with every eye on him. He moved forward to what looked like a second entrance hoping to find a familiar face or maybe some spot where everyone wasn't looking at him , being an introvert and all.

A kid maybe two years or three years younger than him walked up his direction , honestly Chris didn't have anything against nerds but he hopefully wished the kid was just passing by . He was wearing an Old navy tracktop with with baggy jeans and oversized sneakers. He also wore spectacles which made him look even more of a nerd than he already was.

"You must be Chris "


"I'm Reggie , Trevor sent me to come get you and show you to your room ."

" Where are they , Troy and Trevor ?"

"I don't know I heard they came in with a prisoner so I'm sure they are interrogating her".Reggie spoke with a huge smile on his face and somehow found it hard to make eye contact with Chris. "since you have no luggage , come on let's go ".

The kid walked next to Chris , talking nonstop and Chris had a hard time trying to understand hom but he ended up just nodding and saying yes and no when required. His attention was focused on his surroundings and it really blew his mind.It looked like some ancient castle had somehow sunken underground. The walls looked partly corroded and lights hanged from the ceilings providing enough light for the dark interior which made Chris feel claustrophobic. From the elevator the building had a single passage that led to a large room , which had four adjoining passages.

"-it's awesome right "

" whaat?" said Chris his mind shifting back to where it should've been.

"I mean the Academy , a magic school turned to a supernatural military school sort of like Valhalla but Valhalla is way more cooler."

"Valh- what now , you know what never mind I've had enough weird stuff to last me lifetimes ."

The silence carried on for the next seconds Chris back at studying the castle around him.

"So everybody in here comes through Harold's office ?"

"No actually , the Academy has many secret entrances around the continent that lead to that single elavator , how cool is that"

"Definitely the weirdest day ever"Chris said in his mind.

"-and we're here , this is the demigod dormitory " said Reggie and they moved towards the left side " and this side is the boy's side ."

Reggie opened the door and revealed to Chris's disappointment a simple room that had single beds lined on the walls opposite of each other. He didn't know what he was expecting but definitely not that with the weird stuff he had seen and heard.

"The twins will find you here , gotta bounce " said Reggie already closing the door.

Chris moved towards the nearest bed and threw himself ontop of it with the book next to him , the bed was comfortable that after a few seconds he felt himself doze off , then his hand touched the book Harold had given him and then he sat upright and started through the pages. He read for a few minutes then he dozed off.

He woke up abruptly and stared at Troy who was lying on the bed next to his staring at his phone , playing games maybe.

" I see you were reading the family history " said Trevor from the other side of his bed. " They are never accurate and so old fashioned "

"--Just connect to the Academy's wifi and go to myth nerd.com "added Troy still staring at his phone.

"Whoah there's wifi here ?" asked Chris taking out his phone , he turned on his phone , the time shown was 13:30 he had been asleep for 2 hours then he saw a missed call notification and scrolled to see it was from his foster "damn I forgot to call mom ."

Honestly he didn't truly forget , he was kind of mad at them for hiding him from the truth all this years.

"yeah I'm sure Harold has talked to them already "said Trevor who kept lighting his hands on fire and , let it die out then light it up again.

"So since you say I'm a demigod , do I get to do stuff like that ?"

"I'm sure you're able to do more than that dude your father was the chief of the Olympians , I think that's why you were able to touch my sword " he pulled it out of the air whilst saying so. Chris could see it clearly now , it had a golden hilt with little strange ancient characters inscribed on it and on the long blade the word

" Θεριστής ψυχών" were inscribed there and strangely Chris could understand them "Soul Reaper ".

"Soul Reaper is bound to me , even Troy can't touch it despite the fact that he is a son of Hades ". said Trevor now taking an interest in Chris' hands.

"We both know I got mom's abilities that's why I can't touch that "added Troy still not taking his attention from his phone.

"So how do I get my abilities ?".

"Training , you'll start Monday , we don't train on weekends "

"How about going out are you allowed to leave."

"Not till you get one of these " said Trevor pointing to a badge on his jacket , a upper case D inter-joined with a G circled with six golden stars on each side. "Only graduated hunters get to go out."

"and how long will that be till I get one of those ?

"depends on how you perform in training , months max...if you do well "

"Guys it's time for dinner we gotta go to the hall...I'm starving ".said Troy finally turning off his phone and sliding it in his pocket.

"Great now I'll have to eat in a crowd...how many demigods are here anyway ? "

"For now it's just three , that's me , you , Trevor and Reggie.....well we do know there's more of us scattered around the world "

"but what about all the other kids , I saw in the lobby ?"

"This is not a school for halfbloods anymore" said Troy chuckling " this place was turned to a military base for anyone that's willing to fight against Modred."

"--witches , wizards , werewolves ,satyrs , Trolls and almost any other mythical creatures you can think of even mortals ".

"so it's true about twins being telepathic?" laughed Chris."let's go then"


The hall was huge with three long tables one on the left , center and right next to the door there were tables where food was served which let out mouth watering aromas. The tables weren't fully occupied when they came in which proved to be difficult for Chris to move around because he could feel every eye on him. They grabbed their trays walked to the queue got their plates filled sat down at the table to the left which was unoccupied. Next to Chris sat a bulky dude who Chris realised had horns on his head and had a sort of a bleat in his laugh , he kept looking at Chris funny sort of what everyone was doing and Chris couldn't eat well with everyone getting inside the staring at him and whispering . They all at their dinner in silence until Harold came through the door , everybody started murmuring and staring at Chris the way school kids do when someone had snitched on him to the teacher. Harold had plate filled and walked to the other end of the room and a table and chair appeared infront of him , he sat down and ate not minding the eyes gawking at him something Chris wanted the old man to teach him.

"Why's everybody looking at him like that ?" Chris whispered to Troy.

"It's the first time he's ever been here for dinner in three or four months " he whispered back "he only does that when there's something important "

Chris got the feeling that he was the "something important" and he didn't like the feeling. He suddenly felt full and pushed his plate to Troy who attacked it hungrily finishing it instantly. Harold took his cup , a silver ancient goblet and hit it gently as he called for everyone's attention , he cleared his throat and began to talk in his low voice which was audible in the whole room.

"Attention students , I humbly apologise for my absence lately but I have been rather busy as you all know Modred now knows the Academy holds the secret to where the Ophiotaurus is so he's coming for us and also he now knows that the last son of Zeus is alive and well" he motioned for Chris to stand up while saying so " I'm sure all of you have seen him he'll introduce himself after my announcement-"

Before he could finish that sentencea loud BANG shook the room. Everybody shifted nervously and sat in silence looking at Harold who looked confused too.A second BANG was head louder than the first one which made rubbles from the ceiling fall. A girl maybebabout Chris' age came trodding in to Harold and whispered something to him. He whispered back and the girl ran off. Harold faced the crowd again and spoke.

"sorry for the interruption but I fear we have a problem , please may all the hunters even the ones in training go to the lobby there's an urgent matter you need to attend to immediately and everyone else please stay here"

"What's going on?" Chris asked the twins as they stood up.

"I think we're under attack " replied Trevor taking a huge gulp from his plastic cup whilst standing up then he brandished soul reaper and walked out the door with Troy following behind.

Harold joined queue and passed past Chris "Mr Connor , follow me " and Chris obeyed.

Next chapter