

Chris woke up feeling a stinging pain at the back of his head. His eyesight was dim but his other senses could tell him he was in a car ,he could feel it's movement , hear the low rumbling sound it made and he could smell the nauseating smell of diesel.He sat up straight and reached to the back of his head and rubbed it gently . Now his sight got clearer and he could make out that the car was a van or it's interiors looked like a van's. There were two figures at the front seat chatting in low voices , too low for him to hear.

".....He wasn't supposed....this is a.....proble..."

"The....ry mad....

"Where am I ?"he asked in a mumble like tone.

"You're in a car buddy ".said Trevor in his playful tone.Trevor's face was so similar to his twin brother's that it triggered the last memory Chris had before he passed out.

"You guys killed my....." Somehow he couldn't bring himself to say the word "you tried to kill me "

"I'm sorry about that Z....but the pot thing was to make you pass out."

"What are you trying to say you killed my mom I saw you back there then you tried to kill me....but why , why would you....".There were just too much questions that he couldn't let it all out at once.

"Calm down man , promise me you'll calm down and I'll explain everything." said Troy in his low calm voice.

Trevor was this quiet and sort of mature and uptight character while his twin brother Trevor was the exact opposite , he always took risks without thinking twice and almost everything he did always got him in trouble.Despite their differences they looked alike a lot that Chris couldn't differentiate them the first weeks he met them.

"I know what you saw back there but it's not what it looks like , we were only there to help your mother but....we failed...."said Troy looking away from me "we failed."

"What do you mean ?"

"Thing is Chris there's a lot to explain and we have no time...he sighed and stopped the the van then looked at me" there's a lot of crazy stuff happening that I don't think you'll understand "

"My mom died okay , somebody killed her and I need to know who and why so try me ".After saying that Chris realised that his eyes were welling up and tears were streaming down his cheeks.

"I know this may sound insane but your mom wasn't crazy Z ,she was perfectly fine ".Chris felt his tummy do a backflip and sat back this wasn't exactly the "insane" he was expecting

"How do you know that ...I mean..."Chris said too stunned to finish the sentence.

"Like I said there's a lot to explain and now is not the right time to do so....".

Chris cut him off instantly his mind stil in a dazed state "I went there to see her but I couldn't get in...the...the nurses told me she was violent and no visitors were allowed to vist her ."

Trevor stood up from the front seat and sat beside Chris "you may think we're crazy now buddy but trust me those were either lies or she did it to keep up the act ".Chris looked at him closely to see any loopholes on his facial expressions that could tell that Trevor was lying but he knew when his best friend was serious and right now was one of those times.

"But they told me that she attacked a girl who volunteered at the hospital claiming that she knew her from her childhood and she's the reason why she was stuck in there , I even met the girl and asked her myself....what was her name again Andi...?"

"Everybody sssshhhh " hissed Troy "Trevor we're being followed we gotta go now "

Without a warning he pulled the car back on the Highway and drove like a maniac.

The following part of the journey was silent , Trevor had returned to his seat and Chris took the moment to try and process what his friends were saying , their story was unbelievable but he trusted them with his life and knew they wouldn't play like that.

The van stopped abrutly and Chris almost fell over "what is it ?"

"cops" somebody hissed back.

They sat quietly as they watched two officers approach the van, one of the police officers tapped on the drivers window and signalled Troy to roll down the window.

Then the strangest thing happened , the moment Troy saw the officer's face he muttered a curse under his breath and in a response the cop pulled the door and threw it away like it was nothing.

Chris was too stunned to move so he just sat there and watched things get weirder and weirder. "the hit I got is making me see things " he thought

Trevor pulled out a flaming emerald green sword from midair like it's been there the whole time and sent it sailing straight to the policeman's forehead who immediately burst up in flames. The twins stood up and got out of the car , they went and stood infront of the car. Suddenly zombie like creatures came rushing in an incredible speed towards them. The sword had somehow found its way back to Trevor's hands its ghostly green flames glowing in the dark . The battle was on , the two twin brothers against the "zombies". It was all too much for Chris' brain to process , Trevor was slicing up zombies with a sword that was glowing green flames and his twin brother was fighting them with barehands and in some of the times produced something like shurikens and daggers from his hands and sent them sailing in different directions. Then suddenly the van's sidedoor opened and and a man wearing a leather jacket and dark blue jeans with matching sneakers stood there staring at him a grimm smile on his face , his bald head glimmering in the moonlight.

"so he lives ".His voice low but loud enough for Chris to hear. Before Chris could do anything the bald man grabbed him by the neck and tossed him to the ground , Chris' eyes took time to adjust to the darkness outide the van that he didn't see the bald man grab him again by his shirt and dragged him across the hard ground towards a black SUV , he started screamimg , kicking and trying to hold on to anything his hands could reach. Trevor's sword appeared from nowhere and stabbed the man on the back right next to the spine which made him loosen his grip and instead of running Chris did the stupidest thing he ever did , he picked up the sword that the bald man had thrown to the ground and aimed it straight at the man's chest who was too surprised by it to deflect the attack and stared in shock as the sword sank right through his chest and burst into green flames and was nothing but glowing ash soon after.

When he turned around , Trevor was staring at him with the same look the guy had on his face "How did you do that , the sword is only linked to me , you should have burnt down to ash the moment you touched it".

Before Chris could reply Troy came dragging someone towards them.

"She's alive , the oldman would want to question her ".he said

"What were those things anyway ".Chris asked

"Vampires "

"what do you mean vampires...vampires don't exist".Chris replied

"Well you just saw them buddy ".said Troy who had picked up his sword and somehow made it dissapear .In normal circumstances Chris wouldn't believe them but he had just seen the "vampires " battle his two best friends who were wielding a flaming sword and ice daggers so he just stayed silent.

Troy helped his brother carry the unconscious girl back to the van , Chris followed behind the cold blowing on his face . He got in on the van and closed the door , the unconscious girl was lying right next to him.Chris shifted closer and looked at her face and again for the second time tonight his stomach did a sort of a backflip .

"Uhhmm guys..."he said not taking his eyes of her.

""Yeah bro wassup "

"remember I told you about the girl from the hospital right....Andiswa , it's her ".

Next chapter