Webnovel original My OC DC Comics Loosed Based off dc comics classic character Superman.
Far away from the from the planet earth-a a strange and alien world known as Krypton begins to slowly implode upon itself-the planet's tectonic plates sliding shift and change…resulting in various natural disasters such as earthquakes, erupting volcanoes and numerous natural catastrophic natural Events to occur across the planet's surface.
Everywhere People begin to panic-some pray to their ancient and alien gods to save them…others fall into into chaos rubbing and killing each other for seemingly no real reason at all…and of course, who blame the government for the downfall and seemingly utter ruin of their…but there are two that have a plan to save at least one treasured piece of their world.
"Waaahh!!" a baby cries in her mother's arms-scared and continued as to what is going on as the world around her seems to tremble with the two are nearly crushed to death by a falling debris of crystal-like shards.
"Shh…it's alright little one-"the woman promised before singing a native lullaby in the bizarre-sounding tongue of the native Kryptonians-the woman soon leaped over the debris and continued to race deeper into the crystal-like catacombs with the small in her arms gently pressed up against her chest.
The woman's quickly-paced footsteps echoed as she entered what appeared to be some sort of alien launching pad with a miniature-sized escape pod or rocket-ready…a man dressed in typical krypton clothing.
"Lara!" the man said softly with a saddened tone in his voice as he briefly looked up from the strange control he was operating.
"Jor EL!" The woman replied with tears beginning to stream down along the edges of her face.
The two quickly embraced with the child nestled between them."…must we really do this?"Lara asked with tears still freely flowing down her face-Jor EL nodded affirmingly with her fingers begins to String along with the little girl's short raven black hair." Yes…as much as it pains us both…we must do this for the sake of our daughter!" The woman does not say anymore and merely hands the child over to her father.
Jor EL quickly presses a sequence on the nearby control panel and the small spacecraft instantly lowers down.
Jor EL briefly kissed his young daughter's forehead…tears glistening in his eyes." goodbye my dear daughter-"Jor EL says briefly before gently placing the infant into the homemade rocket ship."…wherever you go the legacy of both krypton and the house of EL with you…our little Kala Jor EL!"Jor EL said once again embracing his wife as they watched their only child blast off into the great cosmic ocean of space.
The spacecraft escapes krypton's natural gravitational force just as the planet begins to implode upon itself.
The planet soon dies in a fiery blast ending all current life on the planet.
Small fragments of the now-dead krypton are sent flying into space to who knows where?
Sometime later…
The small alien spacecraft calmly and serenely made its voyage through the great cosmic seas of space until finally reaching the third planet of a G dwarf star, very soon the spacecraft entered the planet's atmosphere with a silvery hull beginning to glow bright reddish-orange.
The rocket soon crashlands into a Kansas cornfield of a typical farming couple named Jonathan and Martha Kent.
"Good Lord Jonathan what was that?"Martha asked her husband, who himself was fixated on the small-smoldering crater that lay off in the distance.
Sometime later…
The couple soon goes to investigate the crash site of the 'meteor' that had roughly dug into the ground and left an almost crater-sized trail behind; the couple immediately drew closer and closer to the small crater-the couple's eyes both widened big as plates as they shined their battery powered flashlights down into the small crater-and are left shocked by the sight Undamaged kryptonian vessel.
"What the Sam heck is that Jonathan?"Martha exclaims absolutely stumped as to what to make of the small and sort of egg shaped object right in front of her and her husband.
The man simply shook his head in response…not quite sure of what to make of the strange and seemingly alien object before him?
"Well…I guess I'll just have to go on and find out for myself!" The woman quickly slides down into the small crater.
"No Martha wait!" The man warns as the top part of the alien metal pod.
"Waaahh!!"the shrill-high pitch voice of what appeared to be a crying baby coming from the pod."What?"Martha said before quickly moving closer towards the alien craft-her eyes widening as she finally moved close enough to the pod to see just what what the extraterrestrial craft just what had within its strange metal shell.
"…What is it Martha?"Jonathan Kent asked his wife worriedly.
The woman removed the alien vessel's small passenger-Martha turns to her husband with surprised smile.
"…It's a girl?"the woman exclaimed to her spouse's shock and disbelief.
"Err…uh girl?"the man repeated not even sure what else to say.
To be continued…