
Chapter 3

Name: Kumo

Magic: 100%

Race: Aranea Daimon

Stamina: 100%

Existence level: 100

Loyalty: 100%

Her power was raised to be about the same to mine minus the divinity of course. I am greatly surprised considering she was a bug before. Damn that goddess wasn't kidding when she said my first subordinate would become as powerful as myself. I'm thinking of asking her about her abilities but I can do that later.

There's no rush considering I don't know how long has passed. The forest is no longer covered in frost so it seems like it's been quite a long time.

I look around taking a glance around the forest.i can still hear some of the animals and beasts running away from whre they sensed Kumo's spider form. Everything looks quite different from the last time I saw it. The wild flowers are in full bloom, there are dozens of different colors reds, yellows, blues, purples it all looks like a fairy tale. I start walking around while taking in the scenery with Kumo behind me. A little far away there's a puddle. I walk toward it to finally see my face in the reflection.

It looks to be the same shade of purple as the rest of my body but I have no golden tattoos on my face. I have deep golden eyes; they're much brighter than the runes that cover me they almost seem as though they're glowing. Finally I have two long black horns growing out of the sides of my head a few inches above my ears. My face isn't what I could describe as handsome too different from my past standards. It looks like a humans' but at the same time completely alien. The different skin tone and horns give it an otherworldly vibe. If this were a game id look like a really cool demon lord.

Am I demon lord? In a way I guess I am, huh.

After checking out my naked muscular body as well as my new face I look at Kumo and her body that I can only describe as perfect. Why should we walk around like cavemen? Wait even cavemen had some type of primitive clothing to protect them from the elements.

We are civilized people or at least I want to pretend to have a shred of civilization. Although the weather doesn't particularly bother me I don't want to walk around with shrinkage and much less with a raging hard-on if I keep looking at my companion.

"Hey Kumo, I saw some of your life while I was sharing my power with you. Did you experience something similar?" I tell her in a soft voice gauging her reaction.

"Yes, divine one; I have shared some memories with you as you have shared your experiences with me." She told me in an all too serious tone. I'm not too fond of this weird title so I try to lighten the mood.

"You don't need to call me divine one. You can just call me purple overlord or buff Barney if you prefer." I say trying to make a joke.

"As you wish purple overlord she responds." Well sometimes a joke lands sometimes it doesn't.

"Never mind just call me Obyrith I say." That's my name or at least I think that's my name. It is my name now that my status shows it as such so I'll just keep it, at least for now. It sounds imposing.

"What I really wanted to ask is if you can make clothes like some of the ones in my memories. I need at least some pants and a robe for myself and a dress for you."

"I can weave these clothes if you so desire Master Obyrith." Ugh. I'm really gonna have to work on getting her to be more casual with me. It looks like her loyalty is giving her some strange ideas on how to talk to me. Well it makes sense she probably sees me as her god. The status denotes I can gather faith and followers so maybe I am one, in a strange way.

Am I god? Not important right now. First clothes. I don't want to go from the purple overlord to half-chub man!

"Yeah just weave us some clothes please. I don't like walking around all exposed."

"I obey." She says.

She goes back to her spider form and start weaving both our clothes at an extremely fast speed. I don't think it's been 10 minutes and she's already done with both our clothing. Shit, it looks like weaving web intricately is easy for her in her huge spider form. Can she do that in her humanish form too? Where would the web come out of? You know what I don't want to know. I don't want to ask.

She turns back into her human-like form and we put on our clothes. I got some pants that are comfortable. The silk is soft to the touch and decently strong when I give it a tug. It looks nice like modern sports pants that reach just below my ankle. My robe is about as long as my pants maybe a bit shorter. It has long sleeves but no hood for obvious reasons. (My horns if you don't remember.) the buff monk look is complete.

She looks amazing with a long white dress. That covers her entire body below the neck aside from her hands and feet. It kinda looks like a ball gown but with sleeves. The dress probably has pockets. I mean my pants have pockets and how else are we gonna carry shit. In our hands? Like some type of savages. No, just no. well at least now we both look good. Or I am assuming I look good too. If I ask her I don't think she could tell me I look bad.

Now I want my own place. I also want a shrine. But that might be my new instincts as a Daimon. But for that we need to gather subordinates. Maybe we can find some goblins? I ask myself.

Nah chances are goblins don't exist in this world. I'll have to look for the first vaguely humanoid or vaguely sapient creature in the surroundings and attempt to turn them into loyal followers.

Gotta catch 'em all!

I sing to myself but I can't quite remember what I'm referencing but it seems appropriate.

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