
The Incident

All that I can remember from when I was little is a fire burning my whole town down. But whenever I ask someone about it, everyone goes "I don't remember a town being burnt down. It was probably a dream or something." I've always wanted to ask them why do I have this burn scar on my hand then? But I never do.

I've always hated this stupid world. Nothing to see, nothing to do, it's the same every day. But I get the feeling that there's more out there besides this stupid world. "Why the hell is it so boring in this world?" I yelled at the top of my lungs while on the way to the convenience store. "This life is so stupid, why the hell do I need to get some food for their lunches but none for mine."

"Hello welcome." The worker looked at me and then noticed it was me. "Hey Hitori, what you looking for today?" He asked.

"Nothing besides food for my parent's lunches for the week."

I've been coming to this store since I was six. I started to come with my parents but as I got older, I was able to come alone and get what my parents wanted me to get.

I grabbed the sandwiches my mother wanted and the chicken my dad wanted and started to walk towards the cash register and something caught my eye. A girl was standing at the cash register.

"What do you mean I don't have enough money?" She asked the cashier.

"I mean exactly what I said. You don't have enough money for what you want. So I will ask you once more, put what you can't afford back."

After coming here for so long I could tell when the cashier was getting mad. And this was one of those moments. I need to step in as fast as I can or the cashier will ban her from the store. I thought to myself.

"Hey Klein, what's going on?" I asked the cashier.

Klien glared at me and he looked like he was about to scream at me. "This girl can't afford everything she wants to buy. So, I've asked her many times to put the items she can't buy back." He looked at the girl with an angry look. It made him look like he was going to kill her. "Listen kid, I'll say this one more time. Put the items you can't pay for back or I'll need to kick you out of the store."

I looked at the cash register to see how much her total was. "Wow, what could she be buying for 50 dollars?" I muttered to myself.

"Listen, I got paid this week so I can pay for her stuff. Add her items to my total, I'll pay for her things as well."

She looked at me with sparkles in her eyes. But she reminded me of someone. Someone I possibly forgot about.

"Thank you so much for this. I will always remember this." She stated as she was walking out the store.

"Kid, why the hell would you spend your money on someone like that? Didn't you work hard for that money?"

"It's true. I had to work an extra 20 hours to get some of that. But I needed a good deed for the day. So, there it was. But something seems familiar about her, like I forgot about her or something like that. But I need to get going soon or I'll be too late getting home." I said while running out the door and waving to Klien.

"Something doesn't feel right today." I muttered to myself. "Why does that girl seem so familiar?" I just can't figure it out. Why the hell would a random girl look so familiar to me. Like, I grew up with her or something similar. "I just need to forget about her and move on. If I don't, it could distract me." All of a sudden, I could feel a slight pain on my left hip. "Not again. Why can't they ever go softer on me during our training?" I ignored the pain and started to make my way home. But for some reason, I felt like someone was following and watching me.

As I made my way towards the crosswalk near my house, I looked around to make sure no one was following me. I looked and looked but I could see no one except a few people who lived in the neighborhood.

I started to walk across the crosswalk and I saw it. A truck heading my way. I looked the other way and saw a car going my way. "Shit shit shit. If I go left, I'll get hit, if I go right, I'll get hit, and if I stay here, I'll get hit. Is this the end for me?" I said to myself.

"Hey kid, watch out!" I heard a man yell. "Hurry and run this way before you get hit."

I ran towards the man as fast I could but it looked like I couldn't make it. "I guess this is the end for me." I muttered while running as fast as I could.

All of a sudden, I could hear foot steps behind me. But I didn't want to look back so I wouldn't get hit.

"You won't be killed today." A random girl said as she pushed me onto the sidewalk.

We both fell onto the side walk and I hit my head. I tried getting up but I couldn't. Instead, I used all my strength to move my head and looked at her. "Thank..." And I passed out.

I could faintly here the man yell, "Call the fire department and some paramedics now!"

"Where am I?" I was in a plain white room with nothing around me. "What the hell? Is anyone out there!" I yelled.

"Quiet down Hitori. Why are you always so loud?"

"Who said that?"

"You really don't remember me. But it makes sense. Akari did use that mind erase magic on you." All of a sudden, a red and black katana appeared in front of me. "I am Hitona. I am your sacred blade."

"Sacred blade? What the hells that." I asked.

"I don't have much time, so I will tell you this. You will soon remember something you won't want to remember. When that time comes you will remember this moment and you will call upon me." Hitona said.

I opened my eyes and I was in a hospital. "What the hell happened?" I looked down to my feet and I saw my little sister Rinne sleeping at my feet. "Hey Rinne. Rinne wake up." All of a sudden Rinne woke up and looked at me.

"Hitori is that you?" She looked at me with a confused look on her face. Once she noticed it was me, she ran up to me and gave me a hug. "Hito!" She yelled with a look of excitement.

She was so loud my mom and dad came running in with a nurse and one of the doctors.

"Glad to see you're okay." The doctor said. "I'm doctor Ichino. But just call me doc."

"Alright doc. What happened to me?" I asked. I didn't even know what was going on. But when I looked on the doctor's face, I could see he didn't really know what happened.

"Honestly, no one really knows what happened. The only person that seems to know is the girl who saved you. Would you possibly want to discuss it with her?" The doctor asked me.

"Sure." I stuttered. "It would be interesting to hear what made me be in here." I don't know who saved me because I didn't get a clear look of her face before I passed out. Could be someone I know? All I knew, know is that a female saved me.

All of a sudden, I could hear footsteps coming from down the hall. I could hear doors opening, everyone talking, I was so confused. None of it made sense to me. One second I could hear barley anything, and the next second I could hear everything around me.

I looked outside the door of my hospital room and it seemed I was the last room on this floor. But for some reason I couldn't see any other rooms in this hallway.

I could see shadows of people walking around the corner and heard people talking. As fast as I could I went back into my room and just waited. I could hear their footsteps getting closer and closer to me and the closer they got I could start hearing their conversation better. "I hate this! Stop making me listen to this shit!" As soon as they got to my door and started opening it. Then all of a sudden, the loud noises stop and my body started to relax."

The door started to open and I saw her.

"Wait… It can't be. You're the girl from the convenience store." I was so confused, how could this be? Why would this girl that I don't even know save me?

She started walking towards and glared at me. Once she got close enough to talk to me without raising her voice, she whispered to me. "I need to talk to you. Don't say anything."

I looked at the girl with a confused look on my face.

The girl started to walk towards the adults and grabbed something out of her pocket.

"Please leave us two for a while. I would like to talk to him in private." The girl asked the adults.

"Sorry we can't do that. We need to stay here with you as you guys talk." The doctor stated.

"Listen, I want to talk to him alone. Leave us at once or I will use force." She said with a serious tone in her voice.

"Alright, we will leave." The doctor, my parent's, and the girls parent's said.

What the hell? How the hell did she do that? All of the adults obeyed her without a second though, I thought to myself.

I was so confused, why would the adults listen to her? The girl started to walk towards me with a cute look on her face.

"Listen Hitori, I'm going to tell you some stuff now. But, come to the warehouse behind the hospital around three." She might've had a cute face, but her tone of voice meant business.

"We are from a different world. We have powers that no one here knows about. There's one more here in this world as well. He's actually one of your very close friends. But that's all I'm going to tell you now. Tomorrow I will tell you more. If you're late, I'll make you pay." She said in a serious voice.