
The Lady of Roses

A cliche love story between a commoner and a prince. or is it? I think I dunno anymore p.s. I'm a very new author plz dun flame me QAQ I accept creative and constructive criticism so plz guide me seniors

ASaltyFish · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

Towering trees, branches that covered the sky, leaves that seemingly absorbed all the light from the sun above, leaving those underneath to walk blindly on darkness.

The forest was devoid of life other than flora, not a trace of other animate objects around, the place seemed devoid of life, despite the luscious and healthy plants around, the place was filled with the feeling of dread and death. Devoid of life.

The pretty maiden, Anise, treaded the uncharted forest her once flawless skin was blistered and bruised, her clothing torn up and her silky hair now lacking luster and cluttered, with leaves sticking here and there.

Her eyes were dull, as she trekked onwards, she has no goal and is only walking on one direction, that is forward.

She doesn't know how long it has been, how far she'd walked or what to do next, she wanted to rest up badly, but she was afraid that maybe she would be found.

So she continued walking, as she goes deeper and deeper into the woods she found that the darkness seemed to get darker and darker.

And finally she could see no more, the darkness has swallowed her.

The sea of black frightened her, but she cannot turn back, shivering she stumbled her way deeper into the woods, to no man's land.

Suddenly she slipped and she felt her legs give up.

"AAAA!!" Her hoarse voice screamed as a feeling of weightlessness engulfed her.

Gravity pulled her down, to what seemed to was eternity, and as fear overtake her she finally saw a the sun on its full glory, proudly sitting on its throne within the sky.

But it's bright light was too much for her to handle as she closed her eyes as her body hit the ground, and she lost all consciousness.

—•• ——— —• —

The gentle breeze hit the sunken face of Anise, waking her gently from her slumber.

Moonlight graced her sorry figure, she opened her eyes, and found herself surrounded in roses, their thorns pricking her skin.

she couldn't feel it as she feels numb all over, she can't mover her body at all only her eyes, she could only see the elegant moon, above her gracing it's light unto her as it covered itself in starlight that twinkled brightly with glamour.

it was beautiful, she never knew that the sky she has liven on for years was this, enchanting.

she looked at it, with wonder and amazement, and then her eyes slowly tainted with pity.

'The moon, is so enchanting, it is the brightest amongst all.' she thought to herself

'but even so, to be surrounded by the stars every night trying to outshine it, trying to flatter it and even trying to overpower it , it must be so exhausting for it too huh?'

she sighed to herself

'what should I do now?'

she asked herself tiredly as she continued watching the moonlit sky.

Where is this going?? oh well I hope she'll be fine soon lololol!!

anyways dk when I'll update again... probably next year .. probably next month oh well!! let fate decide!!! yayayayayayayayya!!?

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