
Noisy Tiara

The ringing of the cell phone that rang successfully made Kinara startled. The CEO of a company called Diamond Palace, which is engaged in the real estate sector, then looked at the cellphone screen that was on her desk. Kinara sighed when she found Tiara's name listed as the caller she didn't want. Honestly, she felt a bit heavy to receive an incoming call from one of her friends.

Lately, Tiara has been too noisy, saying that she had seen Abimana with another woman. Tiara also suspects that Abimana is having an affair. As the wife of Abimana who has put great trust in the man, Kinara only considers Tiara's words to be nothing more than ridiculous and baseless allegations.

After all, Abimana is a businessman just like Kinara and often meets several important relationships. Maybe, the woman Tiara saw was just one of the many relationships that were currently working with Abimana.

"That's all right," Kinara mumbled then chose to ignore the incoming call from Tiara. "There's no way Abimana would do such a thing."

Kinara's belief of course has a solid foundation. The reason is, that Abimana Erlangga is the man chosen by Bram Pradipta—her father—to be her life partner. So, it is impossible for the man who was betrothed to her to have an unfaithful nature, considering that her father is a very selective figure. After all, Abimana appears to be a competent man after being seen from Kinara's assessment for one year of marriage.

The first ringing of the cell phone ended, but not long after, Tiara contacted Kinara again. Kinara who almost pressed the laptop keyboard had to take a deep breath. According to her, this time Tiara was annoying. Kinara was annoyed by the noise, then decided to accept an incoming call from Tiara with a plan to give a slur.

"Hello, Tiara," said Kinara shortly after the cell phone that she had been holding was stuck to her right ear. "What are you calling at work hours like this, Tiara? It's only half past nine, it hasn't been long since work started, Tiara! Don't spoil my mood! You know I'm a very busy person, right?!"

"Kinara!" said Tiara in a half-screamed voice. "You have to listen to me. It's for your good. I can't possibly tell a lie, and it's of no use to me at all. So please ... listen to me."

"What should I hear from you, Tiara? About Abimana again? Oh, no. He's not that bad of a person, Tiara. Believe me and stop saying nonsense. He can't have an affair!"

"He's in Bali, isn't he? I met him again, Kinara. Again I said that he was with another woman. The same woman I said before. They don't seem like a business partner. Their gestures are really weird, tend to be like lovers. I have evidence in the form of video footage showing their affection. Do you know? I followed them both just to convince you."

Kinara's eyes blinked. She swallowed her saliva just as Tiara finished her words. Regarding the video evidence that Tiara said, it became the main focus of Kinara's mind. Her heart also started beating faster. At first, she didn't believe Tiara, she even thought Tiara was just misinterpretation. However, Tiara's voice which sounded very convincing managed to make Kinara's heart feel like it was shaking like being hit by a violent storm suddenly.

Could Abimana have an affair? A first question appeared in Kinara's mind. She could not ignore Tiara's words if her friend already had clear evidence.

"I'm sorry, Tiara, but I still find it difficult to believe what you say. My husband, I mean Abimana is a competent man. Abimana is very kind and treats me gently, even though our marriage is only a marriage of an arranged marriage," said Kinara, still holding firmly to her belief. Yes, Abimana can't cheat her.

"You're stubborn," said Tiara accompanied by a rough exhalation. "I will send you video evidence that I secretly recorded. Whether I was sent to help you or it was just a coincidence, today I met Abimana again. I was on vacation in Bali, I didn't expect to see that romantic scene again. "

"Tiara ...." Kinara was about to give another rebuttal. However, for some reason her heart suddenly became bitter. As a result, the words she was planning to say had to be stuck in her throat.

"If you think about the good of yourself and your company, come to Bali right now, Kinara. Because in my opinion, it's better to be hurt now, than later after your marriage with Abimana has been getting longer. You must arrest Abimana and the woman herself before the merger between your company and his company happened. I will send the address of the hotel where I am, and of course, your husband is also at my place at this time," said Tiara.

Tiara let out a sigh. And not long after, Tiara again said, "Okay, then. There's no point in talking too much. After this, check the contents of the message I sent you, Kinara. I hope you believe me, for your own sake. You're getting more hurt if you know my husband's rottenness in recent times."

Tiara turned off the call unilaterally, leaving a deep bitterness in Kinara's heart. Kinara's mind kept refusing to believe Tiara's words, but her heart said otherwise. Her conscience demands that he must go to Bali this very second. She needed to prove Tiara's words with her own eyes and head.

Kinara promised not to have anything to do with Tiara again, if Tiara just lied or just misunderstood, especially thanks to the suspicion that her household was at stake. However, if Tiara's statement proves to be true, Kinara will not hesitate to file a divorce suit against Abimana before the merger between her company and her husband's company takes place.

Kinara grabbed her cell phone, then booked a plane ticket at the earliest, after deciding to go according to Tiara's suggestion. She also had time to read an incoming message from Tiara which included the address of the hotel where Abimana was. Unfortunately, she was not in the mood to see the video that Tiara also sent along with the message.

The next second, Kinara walked out of her office. A woman who was younger than her gave a respectful greeting. It was Isabela—Kirana's secretary—who immediately stood up when the boss appeared out of the door of the leadership's office.

"I have to go, Isabela. Postpone all my schedules for today," said Kinara.

Isabela frowned. "But, meeting with potential new investors, it shouldn't be Mrs. Kin—"

"I'll be speaking directly to that person, so calm down. You just need to take care of the rest. Have a car ready for me too."

"Oh... well then, Mrs. Kinara. I'll get the car ready for you right away."

Seconds after she finished giving orders, Kinara resumed her steps. She walked towards the elevator to get to the baseman where her private vehicle was. Maybe in the place containing dozens of cars, the private driver who had been contacted by Isabela was waiting for her.


Welcome to my first global book!^^ I am sorry about my bad grammar. ^^

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