
What A Fortunate Event

"Oh my, that's her, isn't it? The lady and only daughter of House Castillon?"

"My, she's as gorgeous as the rumors say, but she looks rather, er..."

"I say, does the Duke and Duchess Castillon approve of her style of clothing?"

"Quite revealing and over-the-top for a day dress, don't you think?"

"Ah, but I hear that's how she normally dresses."

"And look at that make-up and hair. It's as if she's just begging for attention."

"I hear she's actually been quite a frivolous lady since she debuted in high society."

"Ahh, what a disappointment of a lady."

I took a sip of my tea as I eavesdropped on the ladies' conversation, my hands trembling as I struggled to control myself.

"Are you alright, m'lady?" Aliesha, my personal maid, asked in concern once she noticed.

We were at a renowned dessert cafe down The Avenue where I was currently enjoying my cheesecakes and tea. However, it seemed I was not the only one enjoying my stay here. After stealing a glance at the gossiping ladies at the other table, I looked back at Aliesha and cleared my throat.

"I'm fine, Aliesha," I told her calmly.

However, one of the ladies suddenly said something that finally made me snap.

"Oh my god! Do you notice how low her dress's neckline is? It's as if she's just asking men to ravage her with those things so out in the open."

Unable to control myself anymore, I burst out laughing rather uncontrollably.

My sudden outburst shocked Aliesha, the gossiping ladies and all the other guests at the cafe. Once I managed to control myself, I apologized for my behavior and fully turned my face to the ladies at the other table.

Because I still felt all that laughter bubble in my chest, I couldn't help but smile at them when I spoke. "Please, do tell more," revealing bluntly to the shocked and embarrassed ladies that I was listening. I then rested my elbow on the table with my chin on my palm and eyed them with a critical eye. "Those rumors, they're really entertaining to listen to. I'm pleased you women find me attractive and worth your keen attention but, er, I can't seem to return the sentiment. I hope you enjoy your tea though." I then widened my smile.

My words did not go misunderstood despite the smile on my face. Thus, each of their faces reddened. Whether from rage or embarrassment, I don't know, but they were all very amusing to look at that moment.

None of them said another single word before they filed out of the cafe, embarrassment seemingly winning over them. I watched them go and shrugged when I looked at Aliesha who was now holding her laughter in. I resumed to sipping my tea, a satisfied feeling overcoming my bosom. When I set my cup down did Aliesha finally speak.

"You truly are merciless, m'lady," she commented, chuckling.

I raised her an eyebrow. "Merciless? Whatever do you mean?" I feigned innocence before we both started giggling.

My name is Anastasia Eleanor Castillon, the only daughter and lady of the House of Castillon. My family comes from a long line of powerful dukes and duchesses since the creation of my country, the Kingdom Acethien.

Despite my heritage and class, high society sees me as a frivolous woman because of the way I look and dress. Due to my natural foxy look, noble ladies see me as a flirt and, due to the way I dress, noble men see me as an object of their wolfish desires. Half of their reasons I cannot control and the other half I will not submit to simply because they don't like what I wear. I am clothed the way I am because I like the way the style looks on me, and high society cannot dictate me what or what not to dress like. Besides, opinions and rumors are just that. They are not facts and never will be facts.

I lived life confidently because of the way I was raised. I had a loving and supportive family, and servants who understood me for who I really was. As a lady, I was academically and socially well educated; thus, I had no problem socializing with high ranking nobles and setting up my own business. Despite these rumors, I was an accomplished lady.

And yet, because of such rumors, I became a little bit isolated in terms of friendships and acquaintances. People tended to believe the masses, not the other side of the story.


It came with repercussions more than benefits. Yet I did not believe these would greatly affect my life.

"Wesley. What brings you here?"

Until now.

"I've come to break off our engagement."


The man looked up from the cover of his hat towards the commotion in the cafe. He came here to have a peaceful afternoon tea, but it seemed the 'peaceful' part would have to wait.

On one table sat a single noble lady and her maid while on another sat five ladies who were shamelessly and obviously gossiping about the former lady. In spite of this, the lone noble lady, despite her calm demeanor, trembled as if she was about to... laugh?

The mysterious man continued to observe her. He immediately recognized her as the only daughter of the House Castillon because of her raven black hair and amethyst purple eyes, which were the unique features of the duchy family. The Castillon's always had a reputation of being the perfect aristocrats, producing bright and truly honorable offspring generation after generation. Their family heritage was as old as the royal family's, from the day the kingdom was created. They had always been loyal to the crown; thus, many other noble families thought of them as the "Crown's Dog". However, many fail to see that they were actually the backbone of the kingdom. Without them, Acethien would surely fall.

And yet, despite their reputation, many of their offspring have always been quite... unique.

Without any warning, the said lady suddenly burst in a fit of laughter, her voice ringing like a bell in the man's ears. No one in the cafe, not even him, could not be shocked by her sudden outburst.

Once she felt it appropriate, the Castillon lady then graciously apologized like a practiced noble woman and then turned to the gossiping ladies. In spite of her gentle smile, her eyes stared daggers and her next words were as sharp as swords. She immediately silenced the women with explicitly barbed comments that only a daughter of a duke could get away with. She then smiled while the other ladies reddened in embarrassment until they shamefully left the cafe, clearly the defeated in this battle.

As she sat straighter with a victorious look on her lovely face, the man couldn't help but smile wickedly. He then stood up to approach her when another man suddenly appeared out of nowhere.


He thought he'd lost his chance as he recognized the man as the Castillon daughter's fiance. What a waste, he thought.

"Wesley. What brings you here?"

But, apparently, it was the perfect opportunity he had been hoping for.

"I've come to break off our engagement."

What a fortunate turn of events, he thought.

Next chapter