
Full moon mayhem

The Avalon Family were a reputable family during the Imperial dynasty but there is something ominous their family was known for. Lovara Avalon was the first descendant of the Family and she was a Black magic user, she used to be bullied until she found solitude in Black magic and taught the bullies a permanent lesson(she turned them into crickets and then fed them to Bullfrogs).

Lovara was deeply into black magic and she was not to be offended ( she once turned an old Woman that infuriated her into a goat), Full Moon rituals were her favorite part but the costs of her rituals was at the expenses of the people living around her. Each time she performs the sacred rituals she's possessed by the Ladora spirit, a spirit whose thirst for Blood knows no bound. After every ritual, Lovara wakes up covered in Blood without feeling remorseful for what she had done in her possessed state and the bodies of her victims would be found laying around the place in pieces(The eyes gouge out, intestines mingled, head separated from body, limbs torn apart, Flesh in pieces and bones arranged in unusual manners)During one of her rampages she skinned her sister alive. This continued for Almost a year until her family members and the townsfolk couldn't take it any longer. The Emperor once ordered her head be chopped off but the Axe wouldn't cut through her, The executioner just continued hacking and hacking!!!!! But in vain.

Lovara's Family wanted to put an end to the killings due to the stigma placed on them , during their search for a way, they met a wizard that told them that on Blood Moon's night the spirit is at its weakest and it can be contained in a dark room surrounded with Moon Talismans for Six months .They kept this a secret from Lovara but she found out ,then she went to the Wizard and removed his eyes and tongue. When Her family went back to the Wizard to report her missing they found his dead body. After Lovara dealt With the Wizard she went on a rampage in the next village and started killing in cold blood while laughing out loud , when the Emperor heard the news he consulted the Best Sorceress in the town (Morgana), she specializes in detecting negative energies , and Suppressing Dark entities. Morgana found Lovara's whereabout and then she sent her Spirit Guards after Her, She was caught right in the middle of tearing a toddler apart. Upon seeing the Spirit Guards She fled from the scene when they caught up to her, she tried to fight them off but they were stronger than her and they dealt her a deadly blow. They brought Lovara back to Morgana half dead, She was taken to the room her family had built away from the house to contain her.

After Six months had passed no one was brave enough to open the door that was nailed shut, after they have gathered their courage they finally opened the door but Lovara had been dead for while now, judging from the fact that only a skeleton was found in the room, nobody seemed bothered by it because they assumed the spirit died with her but what they didn't know was that...….

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