
The Kryptonian Emperor Through The Multiverse

It all began when Varion seized the codex of life from the grasp of the selfish Jor-El. Now witnessed the ascent of the Kryptonian Monarch and his journey across the multiverse. Additional Tags Resident Evil, Predator & Prometheus ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict ========== Disclaimer I claim ownership of absolutely nothing. This is just a fanfiction.

The_Book_Addict · Movies
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106 Chs

Michael's Rage

"Are we venturing into the rainforest?" Selene inquired, peering out of the spaceship window.

"Well, our destination is quite a distance away, and this craft won't suffice. We need something larger," Eleven explained.

At the Blood Orchid Base, Varion had already received Mousse's report. He hadn't anticipated this mission to unfold so smoothly. Alexander—hopefully his blood would yield something worthwhile.

After all, he was among the first of the undead, laying the groundwork for the existence of vampires and werewolves.

"Everyone, disembark!" Bill's voice echoed through the spacecraft. Having traversed numerous locations, they had now returned here with a sense of purpose.

Several individuals exchanged perplexed glances. What sort of place was this? Nestled deep within the rainforest, it seemed improbable. And what were those crimson blooms in the greenhouses?

"Excuse me," Michael interjected, gesturing toward a looming figure in the distance.

A spaceship? It dwarfed the craft they had arrived in, stretching tens of meters in length. Its design defied current technological norms. How had such a marvel been engineered?

Questions swirled in their minds.

"Don't be startled. Once you reach the base, you'll be in for quite a shock," Quan sneered. The fate awaiting these individuals didn't bode well.

The Commander's collection—had anyone ever witnessed such specimens outside?

After the necessary verification, they approached the spacecraft, where Varion awaited.

"Commander, the mission objective has been secured," Eleven reported.

"Good work. Let's proceed with the handover," Varion acknowledged.

With that, Eleven departed to resume his guard duty. All eyes turned to Varion. Could someone so youthful lead this force?

"Feeling bewildered, I presume? Fear not, all will become clear in due time. Please board the spacecraft now. We must hasten our journey!" Varion urged, exuding an air of authority.

Bill and Tran stayed behind, watching the spaceship ascend, exchanging a few muttered words.

"You reckon they'll make it out in one piece?" Bill queried.

Tran shrugged. "Who knows? You're curious why we didn't tag along?"

"Just messing with you. Got some flowers to tend to, too busy for intergalactic adventures."

Meanwhile, aboard the spaceship, the view outside indicated a rapid departure from Earth. 

"Where are we going?" Michael's anxiety was palpable.

Varion glanced over. "No need to fret. Oh, almost forgot, Mousse, enlighten them about their future designations."

"Of course, sir."

Projected before them were strings of letters and numbers: R-BS-02 for Alexander, 04 for Michael.

Michael trembled. Before his involvement with werewolves and vampires, he was a doctor. But when creatures were designated by such alphanumeric codes, it usually meant they were subjects of experimentation. Was this man planning to use them for experiments?

"You... want... to use... us... for experiments?" Michael gritted his teeth, each word forced out.

Varion waved his hand innocently. "Well, what else would you be good for?"

Enraged, Michael's features contorted, morphing into that of a wolf, his eyes blackening, his palms turning cyan, nails elongating as he lunged at Varion.

"Insolent fool."

The Kryptonian warrior roared, employing psychokinesis to immobilize Michael, leaving him suspended in mid-air, unable to move or resist.

Michael felt an immense pressure bearing down on him, making it difficult to breathe.

"Enough, Commander. He's just a kid. We're cooperating with your operation, please let him go," Alexander tried to interviene.

Varion's hand gesture prompted the Kryptonian warrior to release Michael's restraints. Michael slumped down, drained... then shot Varion a glare.

Stepping forward, I couldn't fathom how someone like him had survived until now.

"You better figure out your curret situation. It's an honor to be studied by me, and with Alexander here, you're expendable."

Watching this unfold, Storm Shadow smirked inwardly. Things were getting more and more interesting. Seems like his boss's crew had some superhuman abilities? That kind of power was mighty tempting.

"Storm Shadow, keep an eye on him. Any funny business, you know the consequences."

Storm Shadow patted his knife. "Yes, sir, I'm thrilled."

"Then, as you said, now that we have Alexander, Michael and I aren't very useful. Why's that? And you brought along a vampire and a werewolf. Can't see any use for myself," Selene spoke up.

The Dark Knight legend's heroine, Varion, raised an eyebrow. "Others might have research value, but you're just a hobby, a collectible."

"That's it?"

"That's right."

Damn, was this guy even looking at himself? Selene adjusted her clothes, unfortunately in tights.

"No, you can't treat us like this, we're not objects," Michael protested Varion's words.


Storm Shadow drew his knife and pinned Michael to the ground in one swift motion, ah...

"You seem pretty worked up about Selene. Do you fancy her?"

Varion stepped closer, wrapping his arm around Selene's waist.

Michael's expression turned to fury. If it weren't for Storm Shadow holding him down, he might have lunged and taken a bite.

"Oh, it looks that way."


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