
Jung Hoon

I had the best sleep of my life last night. The warm milk that he made for me acted like magic for me. I fell asleep in no time. And I woke up late too. It was almost 9 in the morning when I woke up. He had already left for his shift. I got freshened as I walked downstairs. I saw breakfast on the dinning table with a note.

Your maid called. She won't be able to come for few days because of a family problem. So I cooked up something from what you had in the fridge. Hope you like it.

SYL Joshua.

The note bloomed a smile on my face. I lifted the clock to see what it was. It was an omlette, toast. I got myself coffee as I sat on the chair and had my breakfast.

"Mmmmm tasty" I said out loud when I had a bite of that omelette.

After I was done I cleaned the utensils and walked over to the fridge to see what I had and what I don't.

I called my manager after that and told him to do some grocery shopping for me.

I had the eat off, neither interview nor shoot. I was bored to death. The time seems to pass too slow today. I kept watching the watch from time to time but it doesn't seem to buzz.

Around 12 at noon manager Hyung came to my studio with the groceries.

"Hyung you're here?" I asked as soon as I saw him.

"Ya. Got your things" he replied keeping the things on the kitchen table.

"Gomawo" I replied.

"I'll set it here ok. By the way what happened to the ajjumah?" he asked.

"Ah! she took a week off due to some family issue" I replied.

"Ok" he said.

"And I almost forgot the Mode office New York called. They asked if you are available for a runway show at Seoul Fashion week?" He added.

"What did you say?" I asked.

"I said I'll tell them after I check your schedule" he replied.

"Ok" I said.

"So do you wanna do it?" He asked me.

"No. It's been years since last I did runway" I said.

"Then I should say no?' He asked.

"Yes" I said. "I am just gonna attend" I added.

The day went on. I had nothing to do. I kept on looking st the time now and then. I tried watching tv, playing games buy time didn't seem to pass. I was tempted to call him but thought against it, thinking he must be busy. Giving up I came back to my room, laid down on the bed staring blankly at the ceiling.

I kept staring at the ceiling until I fell asleep. Wh when I woke up it was around 4 in the evening. I got myself cleaned and walked down the stairs to 5he living area. At first I thought of watching tv while waiting for hin but then thought Why don't I cook for him.

"I mean return the favor of him cooking for me this morning" I said to myself as if denying something.

I walked over to the kitchen station, took out an apron from the side cabinet and put it on. I looked into the fridge to see wha6 could I cook. I looked around fu or a bi tgg and took out the steak and thought of frting it. I cut out a big piece and kept it aside. I washed some rice and then let it cook in the steamer. I took a pan and stated frying it. At first I thought of keeping it at low flame but then thought what if it didn't coom well. So, I kept it on high flame.

After ads sometime I saw it was all burnt when I shifted my sight from chopping some veggies to the frying pan.

I immediately switched the gas off as I trying cutting it with a knife. It was all burnt and couldn't be eaten. I kept the pan in the basin as I took another piece of steak and tried getting it on a different pan. After I kept it on a low flame I walked up to 5he living area to her my cellphone to call him. To ask him when he was going to be home.

"Hey" I said when the call got connected.

"What?" He asked.

"When are you coming home?" I asked.

"I am almost there. Why?" He asked.

"Nothing just asking" I said.

"ok" he said.

"Ok then I'll see you in a bit" I said as I disconnected the call.

After I made the call I turned around to see the frying pan on fire, smoke all around. I rushed to the kitchen station as I took the pan and dropped it in the basin and let the tap open. It was hot. My hand got burnt a bit. I got splinters around my palm.

I heard a coughing sound as I also heard the front door open. I looked towards the door to see him coming in

"What are you doing?" He said as he came rushing to the kitchen.

"Cooking" I replied.

"What's with the smoke?" He asked again as he neared me.

"Ah.." he cut me off.

"Are you trying to blow the house?" he said seeing all the smoke and the mess in the kitchen.

He looked around the kitchen, saw the basin with all those burnt steaks. He looked at me.

"What were you trying to do, burn down the house?" He asked.

"Was trying to cook us dinner" I replied.

"I see?" He said looking at me.

"Why don't you let me do the cooking?" He said.

I looked at him.

"So?" He asked me.

"What?" I asked back.

"Ade you gonna st as y here?" He asked.

"No" I replied looking towards him.

"Then go sit over there" he said.

I walked over to the living area. I looked back at him looking around the kitchen to he tgg started.

"Are you sure you too know how to cook?" I asked him.

"Just sit there" he commanded.

"By the way sorry" I said looking towards him.

"Why?" He aske me confused.

"I burnt all the steakd" I said.

He burst into laughter.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked.

"Its nothing to be sorry about" he said.

"And beside I am vegetarian" he added.

"Are you sure you're vegetarian?" I asked him still unsure.

"You're not saying to make me feel.." he cut me off.

"Yes is m hundred percent sure I am vegetarian and beside why would I lie about it" he said.

I was embarrassed at my silliness.

I looked away from him as he started to cook.

After some time he came over to me.

"Dinners done come have" he said.

I got up from the couch to walk towards the dinning table. When I got to the dinning area I saw dishes spread out. There was atleast three side dishes he had prepared.along with the rice I cooked.

"Get started I'll go get freshened" he said walking towards his room.

I started savouring the flavour but my palms started to hurt. I wanted to finish before he comes so that he won't get to see the splinters. I finished up first as I saw him coming down.

"I am done" I said to him smiling as I walked over to the living area to watch some tv.

He walked over to the dinning table as he eat his share. After he was done I saw him doing the dishes. I wanted to help but at the same time I didn't wanted him to see the burns.

After he was done he came over to me.

"Show me your hands" he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Will you show me or should I see it myself? He said.

I gave up thinking he must have already seen it. I took out my palms from behind me. He saw the redness in my palm. He looked up to me as he looked down again to my palms.

"Where is the first aid kit?" He asked me as he asked me to sit down.

"I am fine. I don't n.." he cut me off.

"Where is it?" He asked again this time in a commanding tone.

"Over there" I said pointing to the drawer next to the television table.

He walked over to get the first aid kit. He took it out and came back and sat down next to me.

"I am fine. You.. " I was saying as I stopped as I saw him glaring at me.

"Give me your hsnds" he said.

I slide my hands out from my back where I suppose I was hiding it.

"You call this fine?" He said in an angry tone.

"Why are you angry?" I asked him.

"I am not" he replied.

"Yes you are?" I said.

"Yes I am. How can you say you're fine when your palms have splinters all over them" he said.

I looked up to his face I could see tears brewing in his eyes.

'Did I just make him cry' I thought yo myself.

He applied medicine on me.

"Ah" I screamed as the medicine kept stinging.

"Did it hurt?"he asked looking at me.

"Ya a bit" I said.

He started blowing as well as kept applying the medicine.

"Why did you try to cook if you didn't know how to?" He asked me when he was done applying medicine.

"You should bave waited for me if you were that hungry?" He added.

"Its nothing like that" I replied.

"Then?" He looked towards me.

"I wanted to cook for you" I said.

Our eyes net. He looked at me with those beautiful eyes.

"Why?" He asked.

"I don't know. I just wanted to" I replied.

What came over me I don't know. I cupped his cheeks as I kept getting closer to him. At a split of time my lips were on his. His lips were soft as a cotton. It felt amazing against mine. I deepened the kiss asking him for entrance. He gave in giving me a way. After a few seconds he pulled away. Then the reality hit me. 'What have I done?' I thought to myself.

"I should go to my room" he said getting up.

"Josh" I said.

"Good night Jung Hoon" he said as I saw him rushing up stairs to his room.

I was all alone there. The feel of his lips still lingering inside me.

"Jung Hoon what have you done?" I said to myself.

"How? How? How can you loose control Jung Hoon?" My soul screamed inside me.

'Did he not like it? Is he mad?' All sorts of thoughts came rushing through me.

"Should I go talk to him?" I asked myself.

"Anya I can't. What am I suppose to say. Sorry for kissing you," I said to myself.

"Ah" I almost screamed.

"You must have gone crazy Jung Hoon" I said it out loud.

I walked up stairs as I halted at his door.

'Should I go in?' I thought to myself. Then again decided against it. It will feel awkward to t as ll to him in an enclosed room.

'And beside I won't be to resist those lips of him after I just had a taste of it' I thought to myself.

I decided it was best to talk ty o uim ty tomorrow so walked past his room and entered my room. The soft tgg touch of his, those beautiful lips kept tempting me. I was yearning for more, when I knew he was just in the next room.

I wanted to see him right now but at the same time I didn't wanted him to feel uncomfortable. So I just texted him goodnight and decided to keep myself busy reading the script i got for my next project.

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