
Chapter 1

Before you start reading, I made up this character (annabelle) she's not in the show. I wanted to try something different. Enjoy reading!

"I just showed up without a map or a compass, and at some point, you have to make a choice ... about who you are and what you want. And therein lies the catch." -Rue Bennett {Euphoria}

Annabelle is a 19 year old girl who is a bookworm. She has brown long hair, blue eyes, sharp nose but not that sharp. Annabelle never really liked socializing with people. She would often talk to people when she had no choice. She loves to be in her own space and prefers to be alone at times

She lives in a town with her mom. Her dad passed away when she was five years old. Her parents always wanted her to attend this famous university, Belgrave University which her dad attended when he was a student. It was a rich University for rich kids. She wasn't that rich but you can say she was in between

It was her first day and she was quite anxious. Meeting new people is not her thing. Like at all

She grabbed an apple from the kitchen. Her suitcase was in the living room by the front door

"Honey, are you ready?" her mom, Lucy asked her

"No not really" Annabelle said

"Don't worry you'll be fine. You get to explore new things" she said smiling

"Yay" Annabelle. Her mom went outside to start the car. Annabelle took a moment to look around the house. She picked up her suitcase and she closed the door. Annabelle put the suitcase in the back seat and she got in the front . Annabelle took one last look at her house. Her mom drove away and they were on their way to Belgrave

"This place is bigger than I thought it would be" Annabelle looking at it

"Yeah this building has been here for a long time. Annabelle,I hope you have a wonderful time. And call me if you need anything" she said Ann smiled. Annabelle's hand was on the car door handle

"You need help with your suitcase?" Lucy asked

"No mom it's okay" Annabelle said and smiled. She got out and closed the door, opened the back seat door and took out her suitcase. Also her books that she had. She looked at her mom and waved her goodbye

She had her backpack on her back and she rolled her suitcase into the university

She was walking the premises. Annabelle had her sketch book in her hand and three other mythical books. She saw kids laying on the grass just talking. She was looking around while walking until someone ran into her. Her books fell and they didn't even bother to help her

"Assholes" she muttered to herself

She sighed and bent down to pick it up until she saw someone pick up her sketch book

"Cool drawings" a boy said. He was looking at the drawing. He stood up

She looked up and it was a tall boy with black hair. He picked up the other book. He was wearing a red top with long sleeves, black sweat pants and white sneakers

"Oh my name is Randall " he said. Annabelle was shocked at how handsome he is. He let out his right hand

"Annabelle" she said looking into his eyes and shaking his hand. They let go of the hand shake

"I'm sorry about those guys. Idiots" he said and chuckled. She smiled. "Oh here's your books" he said and smiled. Annabelle took them

"Thanks for helping me" she said

"It's not a problem. You know where your dorm is?" he asked

"No not really. Was hoping to ask someone" she said and chuckled nervously

"Well you don't have to anymore. I'll show you where it is" he said and smiled. The two started to walk and she was looking around

They got inside and it was busy inside. They walked upstairs and she saw the dorms. They stopped at a door

"This is you" he said and smiled

"Thanks so much Randall" Annabelle said and smiled. He was smiling

"Oh and if you ever need anything, just text me" he said giving his number on a piece of paper. She took the paper and smiling

"Do you always give out your number so casually?" she asked smilingly

"Uh yeah. I mean it depends. Since you new here, thought it would be a good idea to do so" he said

"Well you are such a prince" she

said and he smiled

"I gotta go. Let me know if you need anything" he said smiled

"Will do" she said and smiled. He left and Annabelle opened her dorm door. There was no one in the room but her. She saw someone's things by the other bed. There's two beds. One on the left and right. She had to take the right bed

She went to the bed and put her bag and books on the bed. She looked around the room. She went to the desk and she saw drawings about creature's including vampires and werewolves. Suddenly the door opened. She turned around quickly. It was a boy with short brown hair and blue eyes like the ocean. They just looked at each other

"Hi. I'm guessing you the new girl" he said

"Uh yeah. I'm Annabelle" she said and smiled

"Jack" he said and smiled. she stepped away from the desk

"Sorry I was looking through your things. It caught my eye because I love reading mythical things too" she said and smiled nervously

"Really?"he asked

"Yeah. You can basically call me a nerd" she said and they both laughed

"Well in that case, I love nerds" he said and she laughed

"Seems like we will be getting along just fine" she said and he smiled

"You wanna go for a drink?"he asked

"I would love to but I want to check out the place" she said

"Oh I can give you a tour if you like" he said. she chuckled

"Thanks Jack but I'll be fine on my own" she said and smiled

"Okay if you say so" he said and smiled. She walked to the door and stopped. "Don't get lost" he said and Annabelle smiled

"Who says I will get lost?" Annabelle asked pulling her face

"Well uh, this place is pretty big and you can get easily lost" Jack said and he let out a breath

"Let's say I do get lost, I give you 20 bucks and if I don't get lost, you give me 20 bucks" Annabelle said

"I like where this is going" Jack said impressively

"Wanna bet on it?" Annabelle asked. She stick out her right hand. Jack looked at her then down at her hand

"Deal" Jack said and they shook hands. Annabelle smiled. They let go and Annabelle left her dorm

Next chapter