
The Knight's Princess

"Stay with me."She requested. "To the eternity Princess." His soft but deep voice embraced her loneliness.

Mili_ · Fantasy
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50 Chs


Raptured by her ticklish small breaths , Max couldn't stand and drew her even more close to himself.

He pushed his warm tongue and lifted her up with both of his hands as if she was a feather. Pressed her back gently to the wall near them.He continued kissing her with all desires.

At this rate, Merry clenched the tunic on his chest to ask him to stop.

Just when Max opened his eyes and saw her teary eyes.He broke the kiss, put her carefully down and stepped back surprised.

Both of them were gasping.Max looked at her struggling for air.

"Hah Merry, are you alright?!" Max gasping asked her with full concern.

She looked up and nodded with sobbing eyes and her swollen reddish lips.

Filled with guilt, Max knelt down on his knee .Merry wide opened her eyes with shock, stepped back suddenly.

Lowering his vision, Max said distressfully

" Please forgive me princess , I always overstep.Instead of protecting from others I become the one who you need to be protected from."

Merry was shocked and couldn't understand what Max was apologizing for, for kissing his own wife?! And why he is talking to me so formally.

"M-Max? W-Why are you apologizing? Please don't ." Merry sat on her knees to look into his eyes and asked him with more ruptured emotions while taking his one hand in hers.

"You d-don't h-have to be sorry... I a-am c-completely fine" Merry added stutterringly.

"I should be, I should control my emotions or I myself will end up hurting you."

Max eyes were filled shame and rage for himself.

Merry looked into them, and found herself lost...She wanted to know what was going on in his mind.

'It must be because of me. It's me who made him feel this way...Why he always blame himself and make boundaries between us..Is it because of the promise he made on our wedding night?' Merry's thoughts mingled and she grew tensed.

Merry caressed his cheek with her palm.

Max raised his head and accepted her touch

while tilting his face on her palm.

Before Merry could gather up to ask him , Max arose and lifted Merry in his arms attentively.He walked towards the bed and laid her on the bed.Merry couldn't break her gaze from him but on contrary, Max avoided

even a glance .

"It's quite late princess, get some rest." Pecking on her head and turning away from her ,trying not to observe her eagerness to ask something ,he headed towards the balcony.

"Where a-are you going?!" Merry grabbed his arm hastily and demanded where he was going .He stood still for a moment and replied as if he also didn't know the answer of her question.

" Nowhere.... I'm just.." He replied with indecision somehow.

But then he turned to look at Merry with unexpected expression while keeping his composer.

"Please be aware of my bad side Merry..... I maybe a knight and a ruler whose ultimate aim is to protect anyone but remember that I may not be able to keep you safe from myself.." Max said it as if he was showing her his real side and a cruel reality.


The day after that day, several meetings were held within the church and discussions took place in order to gather support from other kings and dukes for the upcoming war.

Max got busy in all these discussions but deep down he never wanted to negotiate with them,but they had other plans to force him and he knew all of it from the very start.

If Max declined to negotiate,they would block the resource supplies from North with help of other rulers. It was the fact that they always traded with Kingdom of Pearls in return of nice hunk of golds and charge.But Max had no other choice but to trade with them to develop his kingdom in other prospects that included raw materials, infrastructure,social upliftment etc.

"In return to risk our lives, you have to give up on our Contour riverine villages...if not then I don't care about whatever you do in the future." Just as Max put forward his demand with no ,the silence proliferated in the meeting hall.

After discussing for a while ,the head excutives and clergymen came to agree on his terms.

"Anything else lord Maximilian?" Clergy Heckka asked with hesitation.

Everyone looked at each other.They all knew ,to win this war ,they required Maximilian's troops and assistant.But for other kings and dukes,it was quite raging to see him getting a special attention.

"At least fulfill this first Your honour." Max replied.

The meeting dismissed.

Merry was seating with Lady Darlin and other ladies while having a tea and cookies.It appeared to her like a kitty party which she heard of from Elle.She enjoyed their talking freely to her and each others.But somehow her mind was completely engaged on thinking about that night incident.

' Since then Max only asks about if I'm taking my lunch and dinner on time or not and then he just avoids to conversate on any other topics....' While Merry was thinking about him, their eyes met each when Max was leaving the hall with Frederick.He smiled at her.

'Hmph! What did I do him? If he continues like this I would avoid him instead...' Merry turned her face away from him and felt annoyed with his behaviour.

Max was startled with her sudden action,arching his brow in confusion he said to Frederick," Do you know what, I need a hard slap to correct my conscience right now."

"Huh? What's the matter commander,are you and lady got into a fight?"Frederick asked bewildering.

"No." Max didn't want to elaborate anything to anyone but her. Because if she continues to give that look, he might not be able to face her.
