
new world

As the blinding radiance of Eclipson's spell began to fade, a profound sense of warmth wrapped around him. Slowly, his eyes adjusted to the soft, ambient glow that surrounded him, replacing the overwhelming brilliance that had consumed him moments ago.

As his vision cleared, Eclipson realized that he was no longer in the grandeur of his royal chambers, nor amidst the awe-struck subjects who had once revered him. Instead, he found himself in a place that was both intimate and unfamiliar.

Gentle candlelight bathed the room in a warm, golden hue, casting dancing shadows across its rustic decor. This was no palace. Instead, he was nestled in a humble chamber adorned with simple, handmade decorations, and he lay upon a soft, cushioned surface that cradled him comfortably.

However, the true revelation that struck him was the sight before him. Bent over him with eyes that shone with delight and joy were two individuals – a young woman in her mid-twenties and a man of the same age. Their faces were etched with happiness as they gazed upon him, their expressions mirroring an immense sense of fulfillment and tenderness.

But it wasn't just their presence that bewildered Eclipson. It was their attire, the simplicity of their clothing, and the modest surroundings that contrasted starkly with his life as a monarch. His heart raced as he grappled with the reality of his new existence.

Looking down at his own form, Eclipson was met with the sight of a baby, a mere infant in the woman's tender embrace. It was a moment of overwhelming shock, for the man who had once held the world at his command now found himself utterly helpless, with the gaze of the woman and the man reflecting an indescribable affection and love.

Eclipson made an effort to comprehend their words, to fathom the meaning behind their soft-spoken coos and murmurs, but it was as though their voices were composed of melodic, soothing sounds that defied his understanding. The language was foreign to him, and the world into which he had been reborn was beyond his comprehension.

A torrent of emotions surged within him, a tumultuous blend of confusion, disbelief, and the realization that he had been reborn, not as the mighty Eclipson, but as a vulnerable, innocent child in the arms of these strangers.

Ramon: " she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life!"

Espy: " she truly is, her blue eyes are just so mesmerising"

Eclipso: " unhand me right now, or I will…"

I can't seem to speak. This is extremely frustrating

Espy: oh my God, she is so cute she said mummy!"

Ramon : " I don't think you can hear, right she clearly said daddy"

In the tender embrace of the young woman, Eclipson's infantile world was a labyrinth of confusion. He retained the memories of his past life as a powerful monarch, but his newfound existence as a baby left him in a state of disarray. He longed to make sense of his surroundings, yet all that consumed his thoughts was a gnawing hunger that seemed to grow with every passing moment.

This world, though once familiar to him, now felt alien and perplexing. He was stripped of his regal wisdom and authority, thrust into a realm where he could not command or control. The vast expanse of the universe that had once bent to his will was now a puzzle he yearned to solve. Yet, the cries that escaped his tiny frame were not of inquiry or understanding but of a relentless hunger that shook him to his core.

Eclipson's infantile cries grew more insistent, echoing his deep longing for sustenance. He was incapable of expressing his thoughts or desires with words, and so he communicated through the universal language of a baby's cries. Tears welled in his eyes, spilling down his cheeks in silent testament to the intensity of his need.

The young woman and the man who held him exchanged concerned glances, their hearts aching in response to his distress. They could sense the unrelenting hunger that gnawed at him and knew that it was their duty to provide solace.

With gentleness and love, the young woman cradled Eclipson in her arms, drawing him close to her. She knew that there was one solution to his predicament, and with the grace that only a mother possesses, she offered him the nourishment he sought. Eclipson's cries slowly transformed into soft, contented sounds as he began to feed, the hunger that had tormented him now sated by the warmth of his mother's embrace.

As the infant Eclipson nestled against his mother, the world outside faded into oblivion. The tumultuous memories of his past life, the enigma of his rebirth, and the complexities of the world were momentarily forgotten. In that serene moment, he was simply a baby, cradled in the arms of his mother, nourished and comforted. With a sense of serenity and contentment, the infant Eclipson surrendered to the embrace of sleep, his eyelids growing heavy as he drifted into slumber, nestled in the safety and love of the one who held him close.

I think it’s a nice way to introduce everybody and trust me you will love them :) if you’re interested, keep reading on, it’s gonna be one heck of a story

Robert_Mosu_4955creators' thoughts