
Behind every mask of ice, there is a heart of fire.


Noctis and his friends walk towards Crown's drink and dance. He can't shake the feeling the guy whom he left Snow with is bad news. The open hatred on her face just adds to that feeling. Though he heard the guy is actually looking for Thea, but he doubts with the way Snow reacted towards him, would she let him near her friend. She seems quite protective towards her friends, even though she definitely keeps them at a distance. Except for Yuna. She seems to be an exception. He wonders why Snow would keep them at a distance, yet keep Yuna so close, even though Snow is equally protective of them all. He couldn't help but glance at Promto. His thoughts keep returning to the way Promto acts with her. It makes him wanna scratch his eyes out, and pull out his hair. This jealousy is going to be the death of him, one day. He is sure of it. He wishes Snow would look at him the way, she looks at Promto. Not with the suspicion, or dislike in her eyes when she looks at him. He huffs and push a hand through his hair. He can't blame her. She probably thinks he's only after her, because she is the one girl who won't bow down to him. Yuna wouldn't either, but there is just something about her that attracts him to her. She is brave, unbelievably so. He suspects she could be really reckless sometimes, but has a good heart, and wouldn't do anything that would harm her friends. She is also very beautiful. Maybe that's not the right word. Gorgeous, exquisite, mesmerizing, is a better way to describe her, and even then she can't be put into words. Her eyes is so captivating. Scary, but if people could just look past that, they'd see the beauty behind it. The power. Everytime her temper flares, her eyes would light up, like the flame inside her awakens. And when she uses her ability, the green spots in her eyes would brighten just a little more. She is powerful. Very powerful. Her stamina to hold onto her power the way she did, was unreal for someone like her. For him, even growing up with his abilities, it took quite some time to learn to tap into his core to call on his powers, and then to learn and control it, was another thing entirely. She did it with ease. Yes she struggled, but when Promto pushed her, it was like she locked on immediately to her core of power. The prince wonders how Promto knew what to do.

"Man, Snow aced it today at training, didn't she Noc?" Promto boasted, like a proud brother, or maybe a proud boyfriend. Noctis's irritation flared, again.

"Yeah, she did real good, especially after what you did," He couldn't keep the bitterness from his voice. Promto glanced at him oddly, while Ignis and Gladiolus avoided his gaze entirely.

"Yeah, she did. Though I can't take all the credit," He said carefully and slowly. Which made Noctis want to strangle him even more. Like Promto doesn't know why the prince is so irritated.

"By the way. How did you know what to do?"

"I, uhh, I don't know. I just thought it would be fun to see if she could use her powers when she had to think fast," Promto studied his hands. Noctis narrows his eyes.

"You thought it would be a good idea to throw daggers at Snow?" He said slowly. Promto looks at him.

"Well yeah, I mean the best way to learn is to jump in the deep end, right?"

Noctis curled his fists. "Did you even stop to think that what if she wouldn't be fast enough. What would happen when she panics and her power wouldn't kick in?" He shouted, causing Promto to stop dead and whirl on him.

"I knew she could stop it. She doesn't even need her powers to dodge that, she is a Guardian for mothers sake. You gotta treat her as such, otherwise she would never fall for you!" He shouted back, making Noctis flinch. "Yeah, I know you're in love with her. Anyone with even half a brain could see it, in the way you look at her, but you got to stop treating her like she's a damsel in distress, because she is not," Promto said firmly. Noctis could only gape at him. Then his brain finally caught up.

"Just admit it. You like that I just can't impress her. You like the fact that she sees you rather than me," He yelled back. Promto watched him with wide eyes, then burst out laughing.

"This is what this is all about? You think I've got some dumb crush in her? By the angle Noctis, who do you think I am?" Promto glared at him.

"Well do you? And don't dare lie to me," Noctis growled.

"No!" Promto shouted. "I'll admit, I was attracted to her at first, but only because she is unbelievably beautiful, and she doesn't take shit from you. She didn't even care who you were, but when I saw the way you looked at her, I knew it would never be more than just an attraction. And you know what? Even that went away. In its place is the overwhelming need to protect her. You know why? Do you know why I just want to take her in my arms to hold her, Noctis?" He shouted, his voice breaking. Promto didn't wait for an answer. "Because she reminds me so much of Dafné. That's why my attraction immediately vanished when I realised that!" He screamed. Noctis took a step back, shocked. And the realisation hit him like a ton of bricks. He cursed. Dafné was Promto's older sister by seven years. She should've been twenty-six this year, but because she too was a Guardian, she died defending the city's wall. He didn't know her really well, but he did know they cared for each other very much, like all siblings should. He also knew Promto would do anything to have one last moment with his sister, so of course that's why he's so affectionate towards Snow. Not because he too was in love with her, but because he truly cared for her, and maybe he has come to love her in such a short time, but its a brotherly love. Love works in strange ways, and visits people at the strangest times. Everything makes so much sense now. Snow doesn't know it yet, but she's got a friend for life.

"Man, Promto, my brother. I'm so sorry," Noctis apologises. He shakes his head. He feels so ashamed. He noticed the three if them staring at him, when Promto gives a small smile and offers his hand.

"Its alright, besides its not everyday you apologises. So how can I stay mad at you? Just promise me if something like this happens again, even though I hope this never happens again, talk to me. Confront me, rather than snap at me at every turn," Promto says, eyes a little sad. Noctis shakes his hand then pulls him in for a hug.

"Promise, though I too hope this never happens again," Noctis chuckles. Promto laughs.

"Man, you really are in love. This never happened before. Next thing you know you'll start kissing babies, rather than making them," Promto laughs.

"Hey. I've never got a woman impregnated," Noctis ruffles his friend's hair. He grabbed Ignis around the neck and pulled him in.

"Prince Noctis, unhand me! This is simply not done!" Ignis struggled against him, making the prince laugh.

"When has that ever stop me? I've done a lot of things that's simply not done," He mocked Ignis, in return Ignis huffed and muttered something that sounded a lot like: hope Snow changes that too, but Noctis couldn't be sure. He looked toward Gladiolus, but he just glared at the prince and Noctis threw his hands up in surrender. Gladiolus is his muscle and almost never has any fun. He is always so serious. Just like his father was. Noctis leaves him be for now and they walk toward the Crown's drink and dance. His mood is profoundly lifted and he can't wait to unwind a bit with the gang. Especially with Snow and her friends. He couldn't help but glance at his friend, Gladiolus. He could feel a grin spreading across his face. Seeing this, Gladiolus eyes him suspiciously.


Noctis blinks innocently. "Oh, nothing. Absolutely nothing," He looks away, but the grin remains.

"When he talks like that, there definitely is something," Ignis comments. Noctis snorts.

"Well, I was just thinking about how nice it's going to be to unwind with friends, don't you think so too, Gladiolus?" He glances at him again. Gladiolus narrows his eye at the prince.

"Why do I get the feeling you're insinuating something here?" Gladiolus asks cautiously, eyeing him.

"No, no. You're reading too much into things. I'm simply asking, because I know you must be happy to see Cinthea again. She's a pretty woman, but when are you making your move, man?" Noctis' grin grows when Gladiolus' shocked expression turns into an open glare. Promto sniggers and Ignis watches Gladiolus curiously.

"I have no idea what you mean," Gladiolus grumbles. Noctis laughs. They stop at the entrance. Its an open archway that leads to the outdoor sitting area, that's surrounded with a low wall. Next to the building is an open veld, giving a nice view.

"No need to pretend. I know Cinthea has caught your eye. What I don't know is, though, when are you asking her out?"

"When are you asking Snow out?" He throws back, making Promto bark out a laugh.

"Good one, Gladiolus. I always liked your sharp tongue," Promto clapped him on the shoulder, grinning. Noctis only shakes his head.

"No, I won't be asking her that question for a while. She's not interested... yet."

Promto let loose a few catcalls.

"Man, good luck with that," Promto laughs. "We all know that'll be your biggest challenge yet," Promto laughs, making him glare, which made the rest of his friends laugh.

But his friend was right. Winning someone like Snow over, was going to prove to be a challenge. She thinks she knows him very well, or rather his type, but he'll have to show her that there's more to him than just the rumours. Why, oh why, does the one girl he actually wants, have to be so difficult? Fate really is a cruel bitch. They walk inside to get a seat, and he is immediately met with stares. Some of them cautious, and some of the girls' stares, lustful. On a different day, not too long ago, he would've looked for the one who could give him the most pleasurable night, but tonight all he could think of was that none of them was Snow. He met none of their stares and sat at the table which his friends picked out. Tonight he will be gaining Snow's trust, even if its only that.



Its a wonder Thea's head hasn't caught on fire yet, or maybe exploded. I've been glaring at the back of her head since we walked out of the Guardian Core's building. After I told Yuna half of what happened she at least had the sense to drop the subject. Though I had a hard time doing the same. Thea was waiting for us outside, but I wasn't stupid enough to think she was alone, even though there was not a hair out of place, and no evidence that she's been kissed. The only way I knew Logan was with her was because she was happy and almost giddy from excitement, and I know its got nothing to do with the prince. How can she even still have feelings for the guy after what he has done? How can she be so irresponsible?

"Easy Snow, you've been burning a hole in the back of her head for the past 10 minutes," Yuna said quietly.

"Yeah, and she would know that if she'd stop daydreaming," I hissed.

"You won't get through to her this way. The only way she'll listen is if you show her," Yuna whispered.

"And how do you propose I do that? Let her walk in on him cheating on her?" I deadpanned.


My head whips in her direction. A small smile graces her lips, and a twinkle of amusement shines in her eyes. I stare at her.

"You can't be serious," I gawk at her.

"Its the only way she'll listen isn't it? He probably told her that you were the only one he tried to kiss and that it was a mistake. That he misses her and that he wants her back," Yuna watches Thea with careful eyes. Concern written all over her face. I sigh and rub my eyes. I know she's right. Its the only way she'll listen. I have to investigate before I make my move. I have to plan and see how on earth I'm going to pull this off, and before she's too far gone. I can not let her fall, and I can not let her live with that kind of guilt forever, when she realises he is just using her.

My gaze falls on Cinthea and Fay. They're so busy talking, about who knows what, that they don't even notice the rest of us walking in silence. Up ahead I see the open arch of the Crown's drink and dance, and I can't stop the grimace that flashes across my face. I can't believe I'm about to hang out with Noctis. The prince. The guy I can't even stand to be around when we train. I know the lady said to go easy on him, but its years and years worth of dislike that I have to work through and forget. Only when Yuna speaks, I realise that I've come to a complete stand still.

"Come now, Snow. Don't tell me you're too scared to face Prince Noctis, now are you? And you dressed so nicely too, it would be a shame to have come this far, to only come this far," Cinthea muses. I throw her a dark look. I only pulled on some dark jeans and a green low cut tank top. Though I did see Yuna and Fay throwing me some weird looks, when I stepped outside the room, but Cinthea only smirked like she knew the world's largest secret, and Thea was too far into dream land to notice anything.

"I'm not scared," I said resolutely. I'm just not in the mood to hang out with the Prince and his gang of friends, but if I make up some excuse to not go, then Cinthea would most definitely jump to the worst conclusions, and she is the queen in jumping to the most wild and awful conclusions. One look at Yuna's face told me the same. I heave a sigh and trail behind them as we walk into my worst nightmare.

I first saw Promto. Who, when he saw us, brightened and waved, directing the boy's attention to us. Then I saw Noctis seated next to Promto, with Ignis and Gladiolus seated opposite them.

"Hiya guys!" Cinthea greeted cheery, which grated my nerves. You get two kinds of cheery voices. One is This-is-my-genuine-cheery-voice, and the other is I'm-trying-too-hard-cheery-fake-voice. I've heard when Cinthea is genuinely cheery, and that is not it. She usually uses that voice when she wants to get noticed, or when she is so angry, but tries not to show it. Promto waves me over and when I was close enough, he pulled me in for a hug. I was so shocked, it took me a full minute just to return the hug.

"I'm so glad you could make it, Snow," Promto pulled away and smiled. I met Noctis' eyes and I was really surprised not to find any hostile emotions in them, it was actually the opposite. I wondered what brought this on. Could they have sorted out their problems? Must be, otherwise Noctis would have never excepted Promto's affection. Which is definitely messed up.

"Yes, though she almost didn't make it, even though it was her idea to come. You would have definitely been missed, Snow," Cinthea piped up, from across the table. She sat between Gladiolus and Yuna, with a sweet expression on her face, making her look so innocent, but I knew better.

It was your idea, not ours. And Prince Noctis would have definitely missed you. And maybe Promto since you are already so close.

Message received.

Like hell it was. She wanted to come just as much as the rest of us. Well, the rest of them. I'm not sure what I was thinking when I agreed to come, but I definitely regret that decision now. And how dare she bring that up. Couldn't she just leave that alone. I wanted to glare at her, openly showing my distaste, but instead I threw up a mask of indifference.

"Aww, you are so sweet, but I'm sure that's not true. Anyway, you were so excited to come, I couldn't disappoint you," I tell her sweetly. She narrows her eyes.

You wanted to come just as much as I did, no need to pretend I make all the decisions, and you just have to follow.

"Hmph, yes well. I knew everyone wanted you to come," She grumbles and I had to hide my smirk, but a feeling followed, that immediately wiped any thought of smiling off my face. Sadness and regret. Always when we fought like this, I would taste some sort of bitterness in my mouth. Why does she always do this? Its only gotten worse over the years. Is it jealousy, or dislike? Or something else. I don't understand why she is like this. Sometimes, she's not like this at all, and its really fun to be friends with her, but times like this, I just don't understand. I shake my head.

"Well, either way I'm just glad all of you could make it," Promto breaks the tense silence, with a quick laugh and pulls me down to sit between him and Noctis.

Great. Just where I wanted to sit. I almost roll my eyes. Smooth, Promto. Real smooth. I give him a look that's both a question and a demand, but he just grins, wiggles his brow and turns toward Fay and Thea that sits next to Yuna.

"By the way, who was that guy looking for you, Thea? Hope he doesn't cause trouble," Promto frowns my way and I realise I'm stiff as a taught bow. I try to relax my shoulders, and instead grip the bench. I watch her expression carefully.

"Uhh, no. He was just an old friend, saying hello. That's all," Her gaze darts my way, and the seat strains under my grip. Everyone's eyes swing in my direction.

I need to let go. I need to let go. I need to relax my grip. She can't see how much her answer rattles me. Does she really consider him a friend? That bastard? Or did she only say that to just throw Promto off her trail. But why? Why not be honest? Could she honestly be pro-

A warm, calloused hand envelopes my own, tearing my fingers from the wood. My head swings on its own accord and I stare right into the dark, forest green eyes of the prince.

"Relax," He murmurs only for me to hear. Under any different circumstances I would've hit him over the head for trying to tell me what to do, but his voice stopped me. Or rather the emotion in his voice. It was soft, and soothing. Wiping the angry thoughts from my mind. I took a deep, calming breath and blew it out shakily.

"That's it. Just relax," He grips my hand until I've calm down. I look at our joined hands and couldn't help but think this picture is somewhat wrong. My stomach churned and a growing discomfort blossomed in my chest. I pulled my hand away and almost felt bad at the hurt that flashed across his face. Almost.

I looked up and met Thea's eyes. Regret burned in them. And then I knew for sure she was back to forgiving him and loving him. Though if its love, only she would know. I glare at her, showing my anger. She has to know this is a bad idea. She quickly looks away and I see a tear run down her face.

Crap. I didn't want to do that. I hate being the reason for anyone to cry. I sigh and stand up.

"I'm going to get some drinks. Does anyone want something?" I look around the table, awaiting.

"Yeah, I'll have a mystical sunrise please," Promto tells me.

"Dark midnight blue for me," Noctis doesn't meet my eyes and I want to punch him for it. Is he seriously going to be that guy? The rest of the gang scribbles off orders and I look at Thea. She still doesn't want to meet my eyes, but unfortunately she won't have a choice. When push comes to shove, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

"Thea? Will you please help me?"

Her head whips up and she looks at me with wide eyes. I nod my head to the bar. Wordlessly she gets up and follows me. I can hear the bustling of conversations around us. The laughter, the cheers. The smell of alcohol. The lust in this place. Couples kissing, and doing other things that should not be done in the open. I look away and realise the sun is just setting, illuminating the horizon. Dark clouds are moving in from the seaside. Grandmother always said when clouds that big moves in, strange things are about to happen. Though I'm not sure I believe that. Clouds that big have moved from the seaside many times before, but nothing happened. We come to a stop at the bar and I give the bartender our orders, when he went off to make our drinks I turn to Thea.

"So, are you going to explain to me why on earth, in this lifetime or any lifetime, for that manner, would you ever go back to Logan?"

She sighs and finally meets my eyes.

"What do you want me to say, Snow? That I don't love him. That I don't want to go back to him? That I'll never go back to him? Well I can't. Only one thing is true. I don't want to go back to him, but the heart wants what it wants and I'm so tired of fighting him, of missing him. Do you have any idea what it feels like to miss a person like that? It feels like a part of me is missing. I love him, and I don't need you to approve of him. What I do need is for him to be in my life," Thea glared at me, before turning to leave. I had to think fast, and honestly I didn't really think. I just did. I grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"Alright. Alright," I relent. Her eyes widened.

"I don't want to fight with you. I just wanted you to tell me what you were thinking, that's all. Just because I worry he'll hurt you, doesn't mean I'll interfere," She stared at me. I could see the wheels turning and I hoped my pokerface was still as good as years back. I hated lying. There was no excuse to lie to a friend. I can say its a means to an end, but that wouldn't justify why I would lie to her. I know why I lied. I needed her to trust me. I couldn't let our group fall apart, because of a boy, and I just need to lie long enough to figure out how I can show her who he truly is. Even with that reason, I still feel guilty. I refrain from shaking my head, but settle for squashing that feeling. I've made my bed, now I must rest in it.

"Are you serious? You'll leave us alone?" She sounds so hopeful. I wish I could tell her the truth, that I'll never leave them alone. Not as long as I know that he'll only break her heart, but for now I'll settle for breaking my own.

"Of course. I just want you to be happy. If he makes you happy, then so be it," I give her a smile, and her face brightens considerably. She flung her arms around my neck and squeezes me almost half to death.

"Thank you, thank you," She repeats. I pat her back and hope she can't hear my heart beating so fast its sure to jump out my ribcage. I pull back to look her in the eye.

"Just know, that the only reason I'm giving you hell, is because I care,"

She nods and pulls back to collect our drinks. I watch her walk back with a spring in her step and sigh. This is going to come back to bite me in the ass, I'm sure of it. I pick up the rest of the drinks and make my way over to our table. I have to really work my way around the crowd that gathered in this place. I dodge hands and elbows and sometimes even feet.

"Excuse me," I try to get past a person blocking my way, and then they have the gall to glare at me. I, of course, glared right back. He is in my way. Not the other way around.

"Sorry, sorry. Excuse me," I keep repeating that line to just get past the people. Where have they all come from? It wasn't this busy five minutes ago. I almost bump into a guy, if I hadn't had training, I would sure crash into the guy. I glare into the back of his head. This idiot is blocking my way. He is literally taking up the entire walkway.

"Excuse me," I call out. The oaf doesn't hear me. He even takes another step back.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" I yell, but he still doesn't hear me. He's still talking to his friends. I inhale deeply. Alright, I've had enough of this. Alright, now I know I maybe could've handled the situation better, but I was tired and not in the mood for this nonsense. The music is blaring so loudly a headache is busy forming. I don't even think about it anymore, I just imagine connecting with my core and I feel my power thrum through me. If I could I would've probably just pushed him out of the way, but that would require using my hands and that is currently holding the drinks, so instead I willed the drinks to hover in the air, and with my free hand I took aim and whacked the guy over the head. He grabbed his head and whirled around. At first he glared at me, his hand already lifted to strike back. When he saw me, shock rippled across his futures, but also recognition. I ignored that part. I don't care whether or not he's heard about me. Okay, so maybe I care a little. I'm not used to being recognised, or rather I didn't think I'd be recognised like this. I always thought that when people knew exactly who I am, I would be the Guardian Core leader, not the lost daughter of two legends. I noticed his arm still hovering in the air, and lifted my brow.

"What? Are you going to hit a woman now? Are you that ready to start a brawl? Don't. I'm not in the mood. What you can do is, move out of the bloody way so I can get these drinks to my friends, and so that we can go our seperate ways," I gestured to the drinks still hovering in the air next to me. His eyes widened further and wordlessly he took a step back. I stared at him, for only a moment before collecting my drinks and moving past him.

"Thank you," I called over my shoulder. That was easy. I expected a fight. Or at most an argument. I glanced over my shoulder and saw his couple of friends whispering and gesturing my way.

Why did I think this would be a good idea? When I finally made it to the table, nobody was there. You've got to be kidding me. I looked around, but couldn't see them. I inhaled and set the drinks down. Stay calm. Stay calm. I repeated. This can not be happening. I did not just struggle like that to be met with a bare table. They better not have thought that it'd be funny to leave me here. My jaw clenched and I take another look around. Maybe I'm at the wrong table, but no. I recognise this table. We did sit here. I look around for the third time, and my gaze snagged on a group in front of a dartboard. I groan inwardly. No. Anything but that. For some reason I'm it is not something I'm good at. At all. Give me a bow and arrow, or maybe some daggers and I can give you a descent shot. Not as good as Yuna, or Thea and Fay, but good enough. But with darts I just can't get the hang of it. The dartboard floats in the air, but it doesn't really matter if it hangs against the wall, or hovering in the air. Floating dartboards are just way more modern. Maybe I can sneak away. Say I'm tired and my head hurts. Which is the truth, and give the drinks to somebody to deliver it to them. Yeah, maybe I'll do that. I took one step in the direction of a blond guy when I stopped. For some reason he looked really familiar, but then I am just seeing the back if his head. Why do I keep seeing the back of everyone's head tonight? But he looks really familiar, but I can't place him. He walks like he owns the place, and everyone parts for him like the red sea, without them knowing it. Some kind of power, or is it just the air around him? The words of that woman comes back to me.

With time many more will soon follow. Only few carry the potential, but with time they will multiply and rise.

Could he be one of the guys who is an exception to the Royal Rule? I was just on the verge of figuring out who he was, I'm sure of it, I could almost taste it, when a voice yelled.

"Snow! Over hear!"

My head whipped in the direction of the voice, but when I turned back, the blond guy was gone. I cursed. Damn you, Promto! Why couldn't you wait. And damn myself for getting distracted. He was probably nobody and I talked myself into thinking he was somebody, and now Promto saw me so now I can't follow through with my plan, and I probably looked like an idiot standing in the middle of nowhere. I dragged my feet toward our group and planted the drinks on the table.

"Sorry, for the delay, but this place is packed," I made a show of looking around.

"Yeah, but at least you aren't scared to use your powers to get people to move out of the way," Noctis smirked at me, and I only gaped at him.

"You saw that?"

"Of course, I must say when I saw you slapping that guy over the head, I was really surprised. Didn't peg you for the violent type," I could see he was trying so hard not to smile. His lips quirked up and he looked away quickly, but not quick enough. I could see the full smile on his lips. My eyes narrowed.

"Hardy har, har," I deadpanned. "He was in my way and didn't want to move. What was I supposed to do?"

"Well, I think a simple tap would've sufficed," Noctis grinned at me. I mouth tips up.

"But where is the fun in that? Plus, it's not like you didn't enjoy that," I couldn't help but smile when he laughed. His perfect white teeth gleaming in the light. I noticed he had a dimple in his right cheek and was instantly jealous. I always wanted a dimple.

"I don't deny that," He leaned forward with his elbows on the table. His shirt rolled up to his elbows and exposing his fine toned muscles.

Mother above. What the hell is wrong with me? Am I really ogling the prince right now, but I have to admit, with the dim light he really looks handsome, and that smirk on his lips just adds to the attractiveness. My cheeks flush with the thought, and I quickly look away. Hormones. It's gotta be hormones. My period is certainly nearby, I'm sure of it.

"Snow, why don't you try," Promto gave me a dart and I held it away from me like it was a snake.

"Oh, no. I'm fine, thanks," I tried to give it back, but he dodge my hand.

"I don't think that's such a good idea. Last time she threw darts it hit everything except the dartboard," Fay came up behind Promto, sipping her drink. Promto laughed, but turned it into a cough when I glared at him. Not that it stopped Noctis from smiling at me.

"Its easy. Come on, I'll show you how," Promto offered, but I shook my head furiously.

"Nope. Even I know when this is going to end badly. Honestly my head hurts and I'm really tired so I think I'm going to head home," I took a step-

"Oh, nononono, you're not getting away so fast. Just try it," Promto pushed me to the dartboard and I only eyed the thing. This is going to end very, very bad. Why can't I just go home? The sun hasn't even set yet. If they think I'm going to party into the wee morning, they've got a big surprise coming. I glance around and find everyone watching me, though my friends are definitely the smart ones. They've distanced inconspicuously, and the tips of my mouth quirks up. The boys though, are all standing within hitting distance. They will soon learn a lesson. The lamp, which stood a few feet away, flickered. I glared. Don't you dare go out on me, it's already hard enough to throw with the light one.

I took aim and threw. I might've closed my eyes and I'm definitely sure that's why what happened next, happened.

Something shattered and for some reason it just got darker. With my eyes closed I didn't understand how the hell that could happen. I opened them and saw it was indeed darker that it was before. I looked around and saw a dart sticking out of that lamp. My eyes flew to the dartboard and I realised it was clean. Someone behind me whistled.

"Man, you weren't kidding when you said you sucked at this game. I mean how do you even hit a lamp, standing miles away from you, opposed to a dartboard standing a few feet from you," Promto came forward and plucked the dart out of the lamp, avoiding the shards of glass.

"I warned you, so don't blame me if you don't listen," I crossed my arms and glared at him. Promto smirked.

"Well, in my defence I had to see it to believe it," He chuckled.

"Well, enjoy. I'll hang out a little longer before I go home," I went to sit at the table near the dartboard, stretching. I kind of deflated a little.

"I probably have to report that," I took my last sip and stood up, but Noctis layed a hand on my arm.

"No need, I know the owner. I'll cover it,"

Irritation sparked.

"I don't need you to cover for my mistakes, nor pay for damages I caused," I spun around, leaving my half finished drink on the table and walked up to the bar. It was a lot easier to get through the crowd when I'm not balancing a tray of drinks in my hands.

"Hey, where can I find the manager? I accidently broke one of the lights over there by one of the dartboards," I gestured over to my friends.

"Just a minute, and I'll go find him for you," The bartender turned and disappeared around the corner, probably into the management office.

"Aww, great. Now look what you did. I've been waiting forever just to get his attention, and here you come and send him off," I turn to the voice who sounds really rude and find a very familiar blond person, scowling at me. My jaw drops and I just can't tear my gaze away from him. Which obviously made his scowl deepen. His ocean blue eyes was the first thing that caught my attention. His eyes had different shades of blue, starting with light blue, changing to dark blue closer to the pupils. He was a almost a head taller than me, towering above me, making it possible for him to look down on others. Including me. His body had prominent muscles, being made even more visible by the tight T-shirt he was wearing. My mouth went dry, staring at him and my heart felt like its going to beat out of my chest. I couldn't stop staring. He was gorgeous. Not in the way Noctis was, but it was something different. I think its more subtle, like he doesn't know how truly beautiful he is. And I was right, I realise. He's the same blond man I saw earlier. Now I know why he seemed so familiar. And the way the crowd parted for him. I was right, he had this air around him that commanded respect. To be feared and not to be disobeyed. I shivered, but the spell broke the minute he started talking.

"Well, are you deaf, or mute? If not any of those, please, ever so kindly get out of the way," He folds his arms, still glaring at me. I blink. It's the man of my dreams. Now I know that sounds cliché, but he is literally the man of my dreams, the one I've dreaming about these past two months. He kind of reminds me of someone, but I can't place it, but then again its probably just the visions. Though he definitely was not glaring at me, the way he is now. Suddenly his expression changes.

"Oh, I understand. You're clearly too shocked by my handsomeness to speak," He smirks and that shakes me out of my stupor. I take it back, he definitely knows about his good looks.

I am such an idiot.

"Excuse me?" I glare at him.

"Ah, so she does speak," He's still wearing that arrogant expression. This can't be happening, why is every one of these guys so arrogant. Can't I just get a handsome, nice man for once? Why must it always be one or the other?

"Of course I can talk! I was just shocked that's all. I thought I recognised you," I looked away. Why I did that, I don't know, but he makes me so uncomfortable. And I think he knows it.

"Well, I have one of those faces, or maybe you dreamt of me. Don't worry I get that a lot," He winks at me. He may be joking, but if only he knew how close to home that hits. I square my shoulders. Amusement twinkles in his so deep ocean blue eyes. It almost makes me forget what I wanted to say. I shake myself. Focus, Snow. I scoff.

"Don't get your hopes up. Like I said, my mistake. You reminded me of an ex I had last year. Great looks, though I wish I could say the same about his intellect," I'm lying of course. Though he doesn't have to know that. His eyes narrowed.

"Well, you remind me of a girl I used to know. Not that great looks, and got herself killed in the end, because she couldn't find her way back home," He leaned in, and my heart began to race. I clenched my fists. "Because she was already inside her home," He righted himself and I really wanted to punch him at that moment. I couldn't tell if he was lying or not. His face betrayed nothing.

"How could that happen? Did she walk too fast into a wall and crack her head open?" I lift a brow. The tips of his mouth lifted up. He seemed to be fighting a smile, and losing.

"Well, I can assure you I'm definitely not her," I look him square in the eye.

"Really? Well, I can't tell the difference," He shrugs.

"You don't even know me. Haven't you heard to never judge a royal by its abilities?" I snapped. He is such an ass, and I haven't even been talking to him for more than five minutes.

"Well, you aren't a royal so I can judge you however I like," He snapped right back. I reached for my powers and pulled. I might not be a royal, but I bet I'll give him a pretty good reason not to piss me off. I can feel my eyes flare hotly. The green shining just a little brighter. His nose flared with sharp intake of breath, but otherwise he remained quite calm.

"Is that suppose to scare me? To prove a point?" I was so surprised I lost the grip on my powers. He smirked.

"You'll have to do better than that," He said. I wanted to punch him so much, but I also wanted to know why he isn't scared. Most people would just stay out of my way, but not him. Here he stands looking me in the eyes, and he is not even scared.

That you know of. That little voice whispered. I ignored it like, usual.

"If I'm not that impressive to you, why are you still talking to me?" I crossed my arms and glared at him defiantly.

"It's not like I want to. You were in my way and you are still in my way. You are the one wanting to still talk to me," He smirked. I scoff, playing it off, but deep inside I felt a crack in my heart. I don't know what I thought he would say. Maybe that he finds me attractive, or amusing. Or interesting, but he didn't say that and I can't have these thoughts about him. He will break my heart, maybe even more so than Noctis. I can not allow that. He may be very handsome and a small part of me hoped that I would find love just like my mother and father had, but it was stupid of me to think that. Whatever this feeling is, it cannot evolve into something more.

"You think too highly of yourself. Don't. Nobody likes an arrogant ass," I bite out. Pushing those feelings far, far down. Locking them and throwing away the key. He chuckles, surprise in his eyes. Why? Does he really think he has such an effect on me? Okay, he does, but to be fair he is very attractive, and he does not need to know that. A mask hides one true feelings, or gives the illusion of feelings. A mask is a deadly weapon, it takes a lot to learn, but not much to use. It can strike someone down, without lifting a finger. The mask is a power all on its own. For now, the mask is my best weapon if I want to walk away from this encounter unscathed and heart intact.

"Of course girls do, they like a man who takes what he wants, when he wants," He's still smiling and I wonder if that's his usual facial expression or can he make more mature expressions. He must atleast be twenty-three years old.

"Well, I don't dig it," I shot at him.

"Well, you obviously don't have great taste," He looked down at me over his nose.

"I have great taste. You are just not a part of it," We glare at each other for a moment longer before someone cleared their throat behind me. I whirled around to see the bartender and a man not much older than me standing there, looking rather awkward and lost.

"We're not interrupting are we?" The younger man asked. He must be the manager.


"Yes," We both answer at the same time and I send him a glare.

"No, you're not," I said more firmly. I took a step forward to shake his hand.

"I'm Snow. I'm the one who accidently broke your lamp," I offered with a sheepish smile. The manager chuckled.

"Yes, Martin filled me in on what happened. Though I must admit it caught me my surprise. I've never had an incident happen where my lamps broke because of a dart," He smiled. His golden eyes twinkling with amusement. He wore a loose fitted shirt, the first buttons unbuttoned, and shorts. I laugh, despite myself.

"I know. It's hard to believe it myself, but when it comes to darts, normal flies out the window," I joke, making him laugh.

"I guess when it comes Noctis' friends, weird things tend to happen," He smiled, making me huff a laugh.

"Oh, no. I'm not his friend. We- uh, we just train together," I finish lamely. He just lifts an eyebrow, saying nothing, but the smile remains.

"About that lamp, no need to worry about it. I've been wanting to replace the lamps around the place for a long time. Make it look more modern, you know," He winks and I couldn't help but smile.

"If you're sure? I'd really not mind to pay for it," I offered, but he shook his head.

"No, no, please. I'm sure," He waves me away. "Please, go enjoy yourself," He smiles and turns away to go talk to Martin, the bartender. He seems really nice, but I wonder if he lets everyone off the hook who breaks something in this place. A slow clap breaks my train of thoughts and I turn around to see that guy still standing right there.

"What are you still doing here? Don't you have somewhere better to be?" I frown at him.

"Excellent performance. Really. You had him wrapped around your little pinky finger," He tells me. I narrow my eyes.

"What are you saying?" I bite out. He smirks

"You seem like a smart girl, figure it out," He merely smiles. I want to punch him, no, throttle him so hard, right now. I know exactly what he's saying and I hate him for it. How dare he suggest something like that. That I would use my looks and charm to wiggle my way out of trouble. I don't have that great looks, nor would I even think to use my charm on someone to get out of trouble. But I know he wants to get a rise out of me, or to lose my temper, but I will not give him the satisfaction of seeing me lose control of my anger. Why he wants to so badly, I don't know. I wish I did though. Instead I slid on a mask and gave him a sultry smile.

"That's not what you insinuated earlier. You said, I reminded you of a girl who is quite daft," I winked, wiping his smile from his face. He glared at me for a moment longer, before opening his mouth, but nothing came out. I wiped my hands on my jeans, looking innocent.

"Well, bye now. There is so much trouble I can get into and use my looks to get out of it. So much to do and so little time," I feigned. I flipped my hair dramatically, before marching away. I am so done with this conversation. I didn't dare glance back, but I could feel his eyes burning in the back of my head. It actually felt like hot coals being pressed into the nape of my neck. Well, semi-hot coals. I hated the warm, fuzzy feeling in my stomach. It doesn't belong there. I approached my friends and by some miracle they don't ask why I took so long. They just pulled me along with them as they joked around and played darts, though I definitely avoided the latter. After a few more drinks I decided to play it safe and walk home before the sun set completely. When I bid my farewells Cinthea, Fay and Thea was still in the thick of it. Yuna of course didn't want me to walk alone, so being the good friend that she is, she came with. I suspect Cinthea was all to glad for me to leave so she could finally have her alone time with prince Noctis. But she can have him, for all I care.

For some reason this became our daily routine for the next couple of weeks. I would train with the Guardian Core in the morning, then if we didn't have any afternoon practises, I would train with Noctis and his friends. My friends became more absent by the day. They each had different, better things to do than sit and watch me train everyday. I don't mind really, though Thea is a different story. I would have preferred she stay here where I can keep my eye on her, and away from Logan, but I can't think of a good enough excuse to keep her here without raising her suspicions.

My power has since grown and I'm able to access my powers without struggle and lift things without feeling I've run a hundred miles. Its like taking a breath. Easy, uncomplicated. Second nature. Though I don't think I can do much more than lift stuff and surround myself with a red shield. I've been to grandmother a few times to fill her in on my progress and I can see she is very delighted that I have control over my powers. I also told her about my temper, which lights up more than usual, but she always just gives me vague answers. Nothing that could explain it really. She once suggested a that it could be a new power manifesting that's causing these mood swings, but maybe its just my monthly period. I don't think I can handle a second ability right now. I've just gotten use to my first one. Though if I really am my fathers daughter, I suspect I'll receive a second ability whether I want it or not. I also haven't seen my dream guy. Yes, I've taken to calling him that since I've never asked for his name. I also didn't mention it to my grandmother or my friends. I don't want to make a big deal out of it. Maybe that's what the dream meant, though I'm not really sure I believe that. The guy was smiling in my dream, and he did not once smile a real smile when we talked. Only these mocking ones. I must admit he had taken up a bit more space than I would've liked in my mind, but he hasn't taken complete control over my thoughts. Sometimes I get these wild urges to go and search for him, but that would be weird and I do not want to be a stalker. So I just convince myself to forget him and move on.

I think I've got a plan on how to get Logan to cheat on Thea, or rather Thea to see that Logan cheats on her and that his promises don't mean anything. Now I just need to jump into action.


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