
The First Sign

"The brightest and most powerful star in the entire universe will bow in front of it's destiny and will be divided into seven equal pieces, to fulfill the prophecy that will determine the future of this universe."

"Wow dad! This is so exiting. I love stars.", little Marceline chirped.

" Really?", her father asked while raising her in his lap.

"Mmhmmm", she nodded smiling.

" Well I love you more than the stars.", her father said kissing her forehead.

"Yes, because I'm the star of your eyes.", she hugged her father happily.

" Oh wow!! My daughter knows everything.", he pretended to be surprised.

"Yes, because your daughter is very intelligent.", she said pointing at her head.

" Hahahaha! come here my intelligent princess.", he said while tickling her. And the atmosphere was filled with Marceline's adorable laughter.

"Markian! What are you both up to?", her mother came hearing their laughter.

"Mommy! let me har one more story please.", Little Marceline said showing her puppy eyes.

" No dear, it's not going to work. comeon brush your teeth before going to bed.", her mother ordered.

"Dad!!!", she looked at her father in a hope that he will persuade her mother.

" Oh honey! come, let's go see the stars before we sleep.", her father picked her up in his arms.

"And mommy is going to sing me a lullaby.", the child said happily.

" Only if you promise me that you will sleep afterwards.", her mother said showing pinky finger.

"Pinky promise mommy.", she said while intertwining her finger with her mother's.

" Good girl. Now come to mommy.", her mother said talking her from her father's lap.

They went to the roof and saw the dark night sky stretched above their heads, embedded with diamond like numerous stars.

"They are so beautiful! Daddy, aren't they?", Marceline asked mesmerized.

" Yes dear,indeed they are.", he said patting her back.

Marceline was happily humming a song looking at stars and suddenly she went silent. Noticing her sudden silence her father asked,"What happened baby girl?"

"Umm... dad, does anybody lives up there?" she asked deep in thought.

"Well, I'm also not sure either but maay be someone lives there. Who knows?," he said itching his chin.

"Hmm,I see.", she said resting her head on her mother's shoulder.

Seeing her sleepy eyes her mother started singing lullaby to make her sleep.

" Oh Heaven! What secrets do you hide?

Are those singing stats your pride?

They are so mesmerising I can't avert my sight,

They walk with me even in the darkest of night.

Their shine chase away the darkness inside,

In this tiring journey they are my guide.

And in the end my days is yours to decide,

Open the gates wide if I die,

Gratefully I will return to you happy to unite."

And by the time her mother finished singing,she already slept.

"Celeste, she slept. Come let's go downstairs. It's freezing up here.", Markian said to her but she looked lost in her thoughts. Her eyes were watery and she had a worried expression on her face.

" Her, hey... What happened love? Is anything bothering you?", his heart ached seeing his beloved wife being upset.

"Markian, I'm worried that she will become like me when she will grow up.", Celeste said wiping her tears.

" And why exactly do you mean by 'like you'?", he said while rising his eyebrows.

"You know... like me!!! A fairy.", she began to sob.

" And if that happens,aren't we supposed to be happy? I want her to resemble her mother in every aspect of her life.", he said while cupping her face with his hands.

"But I don't want he top suffer like I did. You also went through a hard time for being with me.", guilt was visible in he eyes.

" Shw is our child, sweetheart. And we both are with her. Don't worry. Ans do you know what else makes me upset?", he looked in her charming green eyes and continued, "Tears in these eyes of yours."

She blushed hearing what he said and he cheeks turned red. "Stop flirting with me. Where have already been married for 10 years."

"Each day I fall in Love with you all over again.", he said winking.

" Stop it!!!" ,she playfully punched him.

"Hahahahah... okay, come. I'm sleepy.", he yawned and they went downstairs.

" You know, my love for you is never ending.", Markian said to her wife when they were coming out of Marcelin's room.

Celeste who was tired of listening to his love confessions sighed and said , "Prove it...", with a smirk.

"Proof ??? You want proof? How am I..." he paused in mid of the sentence when he saw her looking at him.

"Ohh!! Your wish is my command, your highness.", he smiled as he leaned close to her and hugged her.

" Markian...", his wife then whispered in his ears.

"I want you to do the dishes. You'll not refuse me. Right?", she said kissing him on his cheek.

" Yes honey...", he said while breathing in the fruity fragrance of her hair. He was so busy feeling her in his arms that he didn't even heard what she said.

"Okay then, Good night", she pulled away and walked towards their bedroom.

Markian, who was unaware of what just happened stood there with a blank expression.,"Good nig... OHHH WAIT!!! WHAT DID YOU JUST SAID TO ME??

Come back." he ran behind her but she closed the door before he can reach it.

"Why you always do this to me. Why???", he faked crying. But knowing that this was his trick she giggled and slept.

" I'll get my revenge...", he said and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. And then slept on the couch.

In the morning, Celeste woke up and saw her husband sleeping on the couch and covered him with a blanket. Then she went to prepare breakfast and when she was pouring tea in the cups, she felt dizzy and the tea kettle fell from her hand and broke. Woken up by the noise, Markian came running in the kitchen to see what happened. And saw his wife sitting on the floor breathing heavily.

"Oh my God!!! Celeste, what happened? Are you okay?", he helped her stand up and checked for any injury and was relieved to see there wasn't any.

" I'm glad you are fine.", he said hugging her.

"But what happened? Why were you sitting on the floor?", he asked worried.

" Markian, I... I saw something but...", she was telling him about her vision when they heard Marceline calling them and crying.

"Mommy!!!! Daddy!!!", she was calling them crying.

They both ran to her and hugged her trying to comfort her.

" What happened baby?", her father asked gently.

At first she was too scared to even say a word but after sometime she calmed down and told them about the dream which scared her.

"D..daddy, I saw a.. a dream. A s..scary one.", she said hugging him tightly.

" It's okay Marceline. See now you are awake and you aren't alone. Don't be scared. You can tell us about your dream.", Markian said Patting her back.

She looked at her mother and when Celeste smiled at her and assured her that it's fine, she finally told them what she saw in her dream.

" Mom, I saw that a waterfall flowing with sparkling water and the river originating from it , both dried and the cave behind the waterfall became visible. Then something like a mist filled the atmosphere and I felt someone choking me."

Celeste was shocked when she listened to her daughter's dream. Her eyes grew wide and seat droplets were visible on her forehead and her hands were trembling.

Markian began to comfort his daughter,"It's okay baby. It was just a dream. You don't have to think much about it."

"I saw the same thing.", Celeste mumbled.

" What?", Markian was unable to hear her clearly.

"I said that I also saw the same thing she told you.", Celeste said wiping the sweat off her forehead.

"How can she have the same dream ? She isn't a fairy you know that...

WAIT, that means... Our daughter, she she is...", Markian was also shocked because this was the first time Marceline showed a sign.

" A fairy.", Celeste completed his sentence. "Yes, she is a fairy. The thing which I didn't wanted to happen, happened.", she was upset. Little Marceline was looking at her parents blankly, unaware of what was going on.

She understood that her mother was upset about something but she can't understand the exact reason.