
Chapter 1: Second Chance (I)

I felt a bone chilling cold engulf me, it was like pure torture, after being burnt alive in an inferno, i was then thrown into an ice chamber.

After a long time, I tried openings my eyes to see where I was, slowly but surely I opened my eyes. But what greeted me was not a raging endless purgatory but pitch darkness, it was ominous and creepy as the floor I laid on was moist and wet with the haunted whispers that plagued me becoming louder and louder.....

Was I in hell?,

No that can't be right as i wasn't in a sea of flames, but then where was I?.

Then I got a reply, the whispers could understand me....well read my thoughts. They replied in their nightmarish and ghastly voices.

"Soul...soul...is in the line..."

"The line?" I asked, surprisingly my voice wasn't hoarse as I could still talk, I placed my hands at my throat and to my horror my hand passed right through it I looked down getting a bad premonition and to my expectations I was hovering above the ground....I became a ghost? Now I get why they referred to me as 'Soul', I was cut off from my thoughts as the ghastly voice replied.

"Yes...yes...soul is in the very thin line or tunnel that separates good from evil...."

tunnel?....good...from evil? I was contemplating in disbelief

"Yes....soul...should follow us down the path...yes...down the path...follow us...follow us.."

"Follow you?, towards where?" I didn't like the sound of them, and I was looking for heaven to meet her not to get lost and trapped in an unsavoury place, so I decided to ask.

"Excuse me, might the place you are asking me to go be perhaps heaven-"

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!.....no...no... it's much worse..... don't say it.....say it...no... it's not...AHHHH!!!!"

"?" I was confused as the strange haunted voices began to bicker against themselves, then Suddenly a low and ominous rumble sounded

That was the last thing I heard before a black mist formed, which seamed to be the materialisation of the haunted voices, I was suddenly grabbed by a million black and murky hands, pulling me downwards as they screamed in their wretched voices

"Mustcatchsoul...bring....him..there...soul..soul..must not escape....bring soul with us"

I struggled to no avail, as I was being dragged deeper and deeper, when I was about to be drowned completely in the depths of the moist and sticky black liquid a sudden ray of bright light shown


A ghastly screech resounded as the haunted mist started evaporating into steam until It finally dispelled.

I stared blankly at the light infront as it didn't seem to cause any damage to me, briefly turning to look at the darkness behind, then with a steel resolve i mustered all my strength and began to move towards the light , all i knew was that i preferred the warm rays of light than the bone chilling coldness from the darkness.

This went on for a long time, at some points in time I felt like giving up, but struggled onwards due to the fact that the closer i got to the light in front of me, the brighter it became, and the darkness behind shrank.

And so I progressed forward, my energy limitless, was this how vengeful spirits felt? Forever roaming about with limitless energy to exact revenge on their instigators but to no avail as they forever continue seeing them live on or for the vengefulness to slowly eat up their sanity and turn them into mindless evil spirits...

This realisation caused a shiver to run down my spine as I increased my pace, not wanting to end up like that.

I moved on and on for what seemed like an eternity, was this what that Evil ghost referred to as a thin line?, note to self never trust an evil spirit again, I thought annoyed

As I ventured forward there came a point in which I thought of looking back out of pure curiosity and boredom, much like a popular tale 'she' told me on how a man's wife out of curiousity as well as some lingering attachment to her home town looked behind her,after being strictly warned not to and ended up as a pillar of salt.... Sadly I wasn't given that privilege as immediately I turned around what greeted me was the sight of a thick black grotesque bulb of flesh and eyeballs....cold, blood shot and killing intent filled eyeballs, It had been silently tailing me....