

This is the world where magicians are respected.. and the weak people ar doomed. Arjun Kumar our main protagonist is dsired to become the great magician but later finds that he has no "magic core" at all. Arjun didn't fell disappointed. He trains in Willpower the lengthy and time consuming way. But his fate changes when he meets a poweful Dragon named 'Magneel' who is kind to Humans and gives his power to Arjun and trains him. Join the adventures of Arjun and Magmeel who together joins in an adventures along with the interesting new characters who will be introduced in the future.

VKSS1602 · Eastern
Not enough ratings
1002 Chs


As of now, Steve felt fear for the first time. So what he's from the Raven sect. In the face of death, what exactly the Raven Sect means to him? You don't want to die.

At that time, he remembered something. He looked at risk and opened his mouth to say something, "I Surr...!"

Steve wanted to say "I surrender!" And escape from the clutches of death. But before he could even complete his sentence, he found that Rick suddenly disappeared from his initial position and in a flash he was behind him.

And what is even more shocking is that, his chest was ripped apart. He looked down. Whatever the sentence he wants to say right now was blocked within his throat. He couldn't utter a single word. She wanted to say many things. But not even a single sound could come out from his mouth.

And even if he wanted to say something, everything is pointless. Because he knew that his death has arrived. And as for what technique the other person used to rip his chest, he didn't know. But he knew one thing for sure. Rick's body is much stronger than it looks. His physical body is much much more stronger.

How could it not be strong? He is someone who could transform into a dragon. And through the essence gathering system, his physical Constitution has already reached the level of Dao! So it was very easy for him to rip a person's chest.

Steve fell on the ground. He couldn't accept the state. He was the genius from the Raven Sect. All this time he killed many people and enjoyed the fear within the eyes of other people. But he never imagined in his wildest dreams that he would actually die in the hands of a barbarian. He took his final breath with eyes full of shock and terror.

"I surrender!" ,At that time, Young Master Luke said hastily. He was petrified for a moment. He never thought that Rick would be this vicious enough to kill someone from the Raven Sect. With this, his dreams of joining the Raven Sect has crumbled.

Most importantly, his own situation is not looking good. Rick has dared to kill one of the genius from the Raven Sect. So what exactly his presence amount to? No matter what, he has no confidence in defeating Steve! He said that Steve is someone who could use Dao! It was just too scare Rick as he said that.

But Steve was one step away from stepping his feet in the world of Dao. In order to make Rick to take things seriously, he said that Steve could use the Dao Energy.

But he never thought that things would develop to this point. He never thought that Rick would kill a member from the Raven Sect. So in order to save his life, he surrendered. With this, he knew that his life won't be in any danger.

"Relax! I won't kill you even if you didn't surrender to me. After all, after the end of the competition, you need to honour your side of the bet! Don't forget about the bet between you and Jimmy! So don't die in the forest for the remaining days!" ,Rick smiled and said, "See you soon!"

When he learnt that he will be alive, young master Luke took a sigh of relief. But the humiliation he suffered today was definitely the strongest in his entire life. The shame, humiliation, frustration, he don't know how to vent it.

"Aren't you people afraid of the anger from the Raven Sect?" ,Young master Luke asked. Even though he just asked, everyone could sense that he was angry.

Rick said without even turning back, "What the hell is the Raven Sect? And why should we care about them? If everyone are scared of them and do not commit to their inner feelings of becoming the champions of the preliminaries, then what is the use of this competition to begin with? Just ask the emperor to stop conducting these competition and announce that the Raven Sect has become the champions!"

Rick turned back and said, "There is no big or small in this world. The resources of the world belongs to everyone. The heaven gave everything to us. The differences in nobles and poor was something we have created for our own greed. Strong rules the weak? Then what is the use of calling yourselves a noble? You people are no different than a bandit."

When Rick said this, Young Master Luke became even more angry. But what can he do? He has nothing left to say anything anymore.

Rick said, "If killing one off their members in the competition is quoted as offending the Raven Sect, then why bothering participating in the competition? I would suggest the emperor to rather stop conducting these competition to begin with."

Rick continued, "I know that in the past, all the preliminaries from the Solar City conducted by the Empire were won by either of you three families. I know that in the past, all the competitions in the Eagle Province won by either of the three great Sects. And I know that all the main competitions won in the Royal Capital were from any one of the dominating clans over there. It's not because all the other contestants were weak. It's because they don't want to put their loved ones in danger by angering you top clans or sects. Or else, you people would have tasted the defeat by the likes of us."

Rick said that and left. Before he left, he took all the passes that were in Young Master Luke's possession with him. Young Master Luke had more than ten Pink Pass. He even won three Bronze Pass. And to make things even more shocking, he had one Silver Pass.

Before this, his team rankings were at around 150s. But now it rushed to 123. The presence of three Bronze and one Silver Pass made things very different.

As Rick was busy with his harvest, his words raised a commotion in the seats of spectators. They could no longer remain calm.

"Damn it! I have never seen any person with such guts in my life. Compared to us, this person is a true man."

"That's right. They knew how strong the Raven Sect is. And yet they remained calm. They disregard everything. I don't understand whether these barbarians are ignorant fools or they were truly brave."

"It doesn't matter. What matters is what will happen if these people face against the likes of Bruce and Cohan. They are the true monsters from the Raven Sect."

"That's right. These barbarians' true nature will be revealed when they faces the true powerhouses like Bruce and Cohan!"

When Miller and others heard these conversation, they smiled in satisfaction.