

This is the world where magicians are respected.. and the weak people ar doomed. Arjun Kumar our main protagonist is dsired to become the great magician but later finds that he has no "magic core" at all. Arjun didn't fell disappointed. He trains in Willpower the lengthy and time consuming way. But his fate changes when he meets a poweful Dragon named 'Magneel' who is kind to Humans and gives his power to Arjun and trains him. Join the adventures of Arjun and Magmeel who together joins in an adventures along with the interesting new characters who will be introduced in the future.

VKSS1602 · Eastern
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1002 Chs


"We are trapped." , Alwyn asked, " But how?"

"Look at that infinity mark on that stone pillar." , Arjun pointed towards the stone pillar and said, " In order for us not to forget the route, I marked it on that stone pillar. And since then we were walking straight. So why did my drawing is in front of me once again?"

"That's true." , Alwyn said while lost in his thoughts.

"And what's more, " Arjun continued, " We didn't face even a single enemy so far. Why? Do you think we are dumb enough not to understand that if someone infiltrate an highly secretive organisation, then the members of that organisation stay silent and do nothing?"

"What are we supposed to do then?" , Adam asked in concern.

"I know you are watching us." , Arjun didn't answer as he shouted, " And stop this damn illusion."

Nobody said anything. Arjun didn't receive any reply with. Even though Alwyn and others had bunch of questions in their mind, even they didn't dare to talk. They knew whom Arjun raised this question for.

"Hahahaha!" , A laughter came out from an untraceable direction, " You are as clever as the rumours that I heard about you. I have to admit it though. Even after all this misleading, you still managed to figure it out."

"Who are you." , Arjun asked, " Are you the mastermind behind all these misleadings."

"No. I don't do such things." , That voice replied, " I have people for that. As for who am I. Well the people of the organisation address me His Majesty! And I am the leader of the Assassin Organisation."

"The Leander of the Assassin Organisation?" , Arjun's face became serious!" , Are you the person known as Yin?"

In the hall of the Assassin Organisation, Yin was looking at the screen. The screen was displaying Arjun and his friends every movement. When Yin heard his name from the mouth of Arjun, he was stunned completely.

"How do you know my name?" , Yin asked in serious tone, " Only very few people know my name. so how did you get to know my name?"

"It's pointless." , Arjun replied, " After all, I have my own ways of investigation."

"As things have developed to this stage, I don't care about it anymore." , Yin said, " I am giving you a final chance. I am inviting you to the Assassin Organisation. If you join us, then you will have more benefits."

"If I say no..?" , Arjun asked.

"Then you have to die." , Yin said, "You just don't know anything about us."

"You mean about the system like one king, two chiefs, three musketeers and four Asuras?"

"Ho-How did you know that?" , Yin was completely stupefied, " That's impossible!"

"There is nothing impossible." , Arjun replied, " Like I said, I have my own ways to investigate you."

Yin was stunned. But when he calmed himself down and thought about it, he felt it was possible for Arjun to know about them. No one in the God Realm knows about them. But Marley told him that because of a small mistake, the dragons learned about them. And since then Fukumeel the King of the Wind Dragon was trying his best to find their location.

And Magmeel who is Fire Dragon King, is the brother of Wind Dragon King. So it was possible for Magmeel to learn about them from Fukumeel. And Arjun might have learned about them from Magmeel.

Thinking to this far, Yin calmed himself down. He looked at Arjun in the screen and knew that the fight is inevitable.

Yin shouted, " Jordan! Do it!"

As soon as Yin commanded, the stone pillars of the entire base started to shake violently. The ground beneath them also shook violently.

"What's happening?" , Logan said shockingly.

"Be careful everyone." , Arjun said.

As they were wondering what was going on, the architecture of the entire base changed. The location of all the rooms they passed through also changed. The stone platform they were standing on started to move on it's own. It started to separate them.

"What is happening?" , Rick asked in shock.

"Damnit!" , Logan said, " This stone platform is taking us in a different direction. It's trying to divide us."

Adam tried to run away from the platform. But as he tried to attempt it, the wall made of stone bind him tightly. It's as if the wall was made of leather rope as it bind Adam's body completely.

The helpless Adam was then brought near to the wall by the rope like stone. As he was helplessly trying to break free, a hole opened in the wall. Adam was passed through the hole. Then the hole shrieked back and turned back normal.

"NO!!!" , Logan shouted.

"Adam!!!" , Rick shouted.

But they were not in any good situation themselves. Just like Adam, even they were bind with the stone rope. A hole appeared consequently in the wall near them. They were forced to go through the hole and the hole merged back.

Even Arjun was no different. Even though he was confident that he could easily break free from the bind, he didn't resist. All six of their minds are connected. So Arjun knew that they are safe. They were just guided to the different places. Arjun scanned the entire base. He found out that there are people of the Assassins organisation waiting for them in ambush. And these people are probably the three musketeers and the two chiefs.

So judging from the situation Arjun estimated that even he is going to face an enemy. So he didn't find any reason to resist the bind.

Arjun was also guided through a hole. As soon as he passed through the hole, the stone wall merged back.

The bind on Arjun didn't go. He looked at the surrounding. He found many people sitting on their seats. The seats were arranged as if the room was some kind of court.

Arjun's eyes then fell on a person who was sitting on a throne looking chair. That person was smiling while looking at Arjun. Arjun looked at him and could immediately tell that this person was none other than the leader of the Assassins Organisation- Yin!

"Welcome!" , Yin said, " 30 years ago, I ordered Nege to kill every one of you. But who would have thought that you people are not only going to survive, but also recapture Star Moon Empire? Who could have thought that the things would develop to such extent, that one day you will walk through my base and stand in front of me? If I had knew this would happened, then I would have personally killed you."

Arjun didn't say anything. Yin looked at Arjun who was standing silently and said, " Are you worried about your friends?"

"No." , Arjun finally replied, " They are good and very quick learners. Even though they were bind, I know that they are not in any kind of danger. If they are that easy to be killed, then we wouldn't have cleared all the traps from that Array formation."

Yin was surprised with Arjun's answer.