

After the collapse of the Galaxy Pavilion, most of the Core and Inner Disciples of the pavilion joined other pavilions. But there were two people who didn't join any pavilion. These two people were none other than Howard and Malan.

At the moment both of them were in a pitiful state. Howard already lost one of his eyes. He was very proud for being the best disciple of the number one pavilion in the entire city. But all those things which he held his pride in was gone just like that. Right now he refused to join any pavilion. Because he felt that it is a great humiliation in joining other pavilion. After all, his pride was something which reached it's peak.

Malan who always followed Howard in the past followed him even right now. He looked pale. He didn't want to talk anything at the moment.

When both of them were walking in a forest without any destination, suddenly the space around them shook. They encountered a huge amount of vibrations from the fissure of the spatial crack which made them hard to breath.

Suddenly a figure descended from the spatial crack whom Howard and Malan knew. They looked at the figure in front of them and were completely stunned. They couldn't stop from shivering in fear when they looked at the figure in front of them.

The God Of The Underworld!

Howard asked, " You.... Why are you here?"

The God Of The Underworld smiled and asked, " can you guess?"

Howard asked in hesitation, " Are...Are you here to kill me?"

"If I have any plan to kill you then there is no need for me to personally come and pay a visit." The God Of The Underworld replied with smile.

"Then...Why are you here?" , Howard asked in alarm.

The God Of The Underworld replied, " Kid! You have a great potential. I want you to become my envoy. Of course! I will take you to the Celestial Realm with me. I will make you stronger and stronger. Your enemy has a great potential too. He will come to the Celestial Realm for sure. I will give you the required power to take them down when the time comes. How is it? Do you want to come with me?"

"Envoy? Celestial Realm?" , Howard said in shock and disbelief, " Do you think I have the potential? I feel that I have just an average talent compared to those high class sects in this world."

The God Of The Underworld shook his head and said, " Don't compare my teachings with these lowly ants. I said that I can make you strong. That means you will get strong. There is no need for you to doubt in my capability."

The God Of The Underworld took a deep breath and lift his finger. A dark light came out of his hand and flew towards the damaged eye of Howard. Immediately Howard's damaged eye returned back to normal. Now he could see with both eyes.

Howard was really happy. He was thrilled beyond words. He immediately bent down on his knees and paid his respects. Even Malan also paid his respects.

"Respects! Master!" , Both Howard and Malan said at the same time.

"Good." , The God Of The Underworld said in the bright smile, " Very Good! Both of you stand up."

Both Howard and Malan stood up. They were clearly happy.

The God Of The Underworld said, " I will take both of you to the Celestial Realm. From now on both of you are my envoys. After going to the Celestial Realm you will receive some formal training. Then I will explain your duties and responsibilities. Both of you work hard. And one more thing. Don't call me master. Call me Sovereign. That's how all my disciples and underlings address me."

"Yes." Howard said, "We will work hard and bring you glory and honour. We will never do anything that will disgrace your name and image, Sovereign!"

"I have high expectations from you." , The God Of The Underworld said, " Now let's go to the Celestial Realm. After going to the Celestial Realm, you will know what kind of small world you lived so far."

Both Howard and Malan nodded their head in anticipation. They were clearly happy about it.

A black light surrounded them. They were about to leave this realm and go to the Celestial Realm! They were thrilled. Howard looked in the direction of the Star Moon Pavilion and gave a sinister smile.

[Just you wait. I will get stronger and stronger. Then I will not only kill you Ben, but also that Big Brother of yours. That very same big brother whom you are very proud of. Just you wait.]

The black aura surrounded them and the next moment both Howard and Malan disappeared along with The God Of The Underworld. The forest returned to the normal once again.


Inside the Star Moon Empire------>

Rick, Sitaram, Gnan, and others were sitting in the main hall. Ringo and others were also sitting there. After Rick's clone invaded the enemy base, the things were looking good for the empire. Rick was able to gain much more information about the plans, higher ups, and big shots of the Loren Empire. With the help of the information Rick managed to obtain, and with the help of experience and wisdom of Sitaram, the things were looking good for them.

"It's been eleven months since we saw boss!" , Rick said, "I wonder how he is doing at the moment?"

"He will be fine." , Sitaram said, " Cultivation is always time consuming process. We need to have a hell lot of patience."

"I understand that." , Rick said, " But we are running out of time."

"Yes father." , Gnan said, "We don't have much time left. If he don't return in the mean time, then things will become very complicated."

"I know." , Sitaram replied, " But let me ask you. Do you have any ideas?"

Gnan shook his head and said, " No."

Sitaram said, " Even I don't have any idea as of what to do. So just be patient. He will come for sure within time."

At that time the door of the room opened. Everyone looked at the person who walked in from the opened room. They were completely stunned. But they immediately smiled warmly.

"Boss! You have finally come." , Rick said in delight.

Others also were delighted to see him. They waited for him for a very long time. But seeing him after a very long time really made them all happy.

But Arjun walked into the room with his eyes half closed. He was completely exhausted because of what he did in the foreign universe. Now suddenly he was back. But he felt weak and exhausted. He was seeking some rest.

Arjun ignored all their statements and walked towards Sitaram with that half closed eyes of his.


Sitaram was sitting on a sofa. Arjun suddenly fell on the sofa as his head landed on Sitaram's laps.

Arjun said in a tired tone, " Man! I'm completely tired."

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