

This is the world where magicians are respected.. and the weak people ar doomed. Arjun Kumar our main protagonist is dsired to become the great magician but later finds that he has no "magic core" at all. Arjun didn't fell disappointed. He trains in Willpower the lengthy and time consuming way. But his fate changes when he meets a poweful Dragon named 'Magneel' who is kind to Humans and gives his power to Arjun and trains him. Join the adventures of Arjun and Magmeel who together joins in an adventures along with the interesting new characters who will be introduced in the future.

VKSS1602 · Eastern
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1002 Chs


John asked, " Just a minute young master! Please tell us whether there exist any risk in this process?"

Arjun was surprised. He asked, " If there exist any risk, why would I propose this process in the first place?"

"But...." , John didn't have how to describe his problem.

Arjun said, " Don't worry! Uncle John! Adam will be fine. He won't be facing any problem during Will replacing process."

Rick said, " If he will have any problem, then it would be after he awaken his Inner Will! When he accepts the Devine power then he will feel some pain. But he will succeed. So don't worry!"

Samantha said, " But how long would it take?"

Arjun said, " Nearly six to twelve hours!"

Samantha said in shock, " That long?"

Arjun replied calmly, " Then what would you expect? I guarantee that he will succeed! It all depends on how you are going to support your son. Look at grandpa Gutherson. When I was ready to give Rick my Will then none of us know if there are any hidden consequences. But grandpa Gutherson took the risk and allowed me to change his Will! But Rick was just as eager as Adam is now."

Rick said, " We didn't know whether there exist any consequences back then. But we have succeeded. But today we know that their exist no danger in Will changing process. So please take it easy madam!"

Adam who was silent all this time said to his worrying parents, " Mom!, Dad! please. I have to do this. Please let me do this."

John said, " But you are showing some improvement recently. On top of that you have master who is one of the most experienced person in the world! Why would you take the risk?"

Arjun interfered and said, " If he continued like this then he would have showed no improvement at all. Not even grandfather would have changed much. I have a unique art known as Yin-Yan eyes using which I have seen his conscience yesterday. It is totally in mess. His foundation has been disturbed due to the excess training. If he continued like this then his future in magic is disaster!"

John and Samantha were stunned when they heard what Arjun said. When they heard that their son's conscience is total mess and foundation has been disturbed and future in magic is disaster, they were worried even more than the last time.

John said, " Alright young master! We agree for it."

John looked at Samantha who also nodded her head. Arjun saw this and smiled gently.

On Arjun's word, everyone went to the mountain area where no population exist. Last time Lord Chaos came and caused a huge sensation. They went to the mountain area to avoid that disturbance again.

Arjun said to Adam, " Adam! Just lie down on ground! All you need to do is sleep for six to twelve hours. We will take care for the rest of the things."

Adam nodded his head and lied down on ground. He know about the legend of Eric Dawson. When he thought that he is going to walk the same path as Eric Dawson, he was thrilled.

Arjun looked at Adam's smile, he smiled and started the process!

Time passed and after 12 hours Lord Chaos descended and blessed Adam with Arjun's Will! Adam was not as lucky as Rick. He didn't get any boost in his willpower like Rick in the past. Lord Chaos didn't blessed with the boost in power to anyone.

Adam woke up and smiled to everyone. Both John and Samantha asked him about his experience.

Adam said, " I can't express this feeling. I feel kind of empty in my conscience. The power that I had earlier was completely gone."

Both John and Samantha looked at Arjun nervously. The word empty really made them worry.

Arjun said, " Of course you will feel empty. In this process all your previous power will be vanished. Your Magic Core will disappear forever! What you will have now is nothing but willpower to train in. It's like you have taken a rebirth. Consider this as your new life. You have got a second chance to start over from the beginning."

Sitaram said, " You might complain about ruining all your past effort. But your conscience during the magic training was really horrible. If you continued training with that horrible conscience then you would have regretted when you grow old. You will build up knowledge about different training methods. As your knowledge keep rising, you will feel that you would have used this or that training method when you were young! I wish I had a second chance! You will feel that way. But nobody gets the second chance."

Gnan said, " We met so many people in the past who wanted to have a second chance. But they couldn't. But you have a second chance now. So forget about the past. Focus on the present. Because you are no longer the Adam who trains in magic. You are Adam who trains in Willpower. So try to grab this second chance with both hands."

Gutherson said, " Train hard kid! You have both Rick and young master Arjun who will help you with your training. You are not alone in this. You have my boss Lord Sitaram here. And you will get your Devine Core when you awaken your Inner Will. That means you are going to walk on the path of those Gods whom everyone in this realm worship. When you become a God and come back then you can laugh at those people who looked down on you. Do you understand?"

Adam nodded his head and said, " Yes sir!"

Everyone left the mountain and gone back to their homes. Adam was very happy. He was all smiles. Arjun looked at departing Adam and smiled.

Sitaram was keeping his eye on Arjun all the time. He asked, " What exactly have you seen in his memories that you always smile when you see him?"

Arjun replied, " Since young he was very ambitious person. He dreamed to become the strongest person in the world just like me. But his Red Realm Magic Core really disappointed him. All his friends made fun of him. Adam was disappointed but never gave up. He trained more than what his body could take which resulted in his horrible foundation. Today he got a second chance and he was happy. He made up his mind that he will train with the peace of mind. But not like in the past with anger and frustration. That's why I was smiling."

Sitaram smiled gently and said, " It looks like his past experiences has made him much more peaceful.

Arjun replied, " Yes."