

This is the world where magicians are respected.. and the weak people ar doomed. Arjun Kumar our main protagonist is dsired to become the great magician but later finds that he has no "magic core" at all. Arjun didn't fell disappointed. He trains in Willpower the lengthy and time consuming way. But his fate changes when he meets a poweful Dragon named 'Magneel' who is kind to Humans and gives his power to Arjun and trains him. Join the adventures of Arjun and Magmeel who together joins in an adventures along with the interesting new characters who will be introduced in the future.

VKSS1602 · Eastern
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1002 Chs


In the Solar City, Jimmy and others were living in their cottage. It's been three months since they arrived in the Astral World. And this three months was enough for them to get a general understanding about the Astral World.

Astral World is pretty much similar to the Chaos World. Both of them has similar Cultivation methods. Even the names of the Cultivation Stages were same. But there is only one major difference. That is their inner cultivation method.

In the Chaos World, the cultivators train in the Willpower. The Willpower will enhance their guts which further helps them to stay strong in any life and death situations. But in the Astral World, the cultivators would not dare to put their lives on the line unless they have no choice left. This is the major difference between Astral and Chaos World.

But it doesn't mean that Astral World is weaker than Chaos World. Because Astral World has some kind of power which makes them stronger in their own sense. The cultivators in the Astral World has very strong Mental State and Mental Strength.

Unlike the cultivators in the Chaos World who trains in the Willpower, the cultivators in the Astral World trains in the Soul power! The Willpower will enhance a person's will. And the Soul Power will enhance a person's soul.

The Willpower will enhance a cultivator's guts. It will enhance a cultivator's daring level. This is the reason why a cultivator in the Chaos World always finds himself become strong in a battle.

But the Soul Power is different. The Soul Power will enhance a person's Mental State and Mental Strength. It will enhance a person's Mental State and Mental Strength to such a degree, that it will make their mental energy much stronger.

This is the major difference between Astral World and the Chaos World. In the Chaos World, a cultivator train in his willpower which will enhance their guts power. It will make that cultivator very daring and calm in a life and death situation.

But in the Astral World, a cultivator trains in the Soul Power. The Soul Power will enhance their Mental State and Mental Strength which further enhances their Mental Energy. This will help them to keep their senses strong against a powerful enemy who tries to dominate the cultivators using Mental Attacks.

This is the reason why the cultivators in the Astral World never engages in a battle unless it is mandatory or the need for battle is undeniable. This is also the reason why most of the Cultivators in the Astral World expertises in the Mental Attacks. It's because they train in the Soul Power, their strong side always lies in the Mental related attacks.

Only after gaining a general understanding about the customs in the Astral World, Jimmy and others started to act normal in front of everyone as if they lived in the Astral World since their birth.

In these three months Jimmy and others didn't do anything eye catching. They kept as much low profile as possible. They joined a lifestyle Masters school. It was mandatory for all the lifestyle masters to join a school. It is for two reasons. The first one is to learn The first one is to learn. And the second one is to teach the people who came to learn. Since they don't know anything about the Astral World, Jimmy and others decided to join the institute under the identity of a student.

In the civilian quarters, Jimmy and others were sitting and were having a casual chat. It was evening time. That means it was a free time for them. So they developed an habit to sit and have a nice chat.

"I wish how our families in the War Realm are doing?" ,Dick started to wonder.

"They will be fine." ,Jimmy said, "Don't worry about them unnecessarily. You need to learn everything about the Astral World as much as possible."

"I know. But I still couldn't hold myself back from worrying." ,Dick sighed after he said.

"As I said, don't worry too much about it." ,Jimmy said, "Even if you worry about them, it won't help you in any way. There is no way we are going to meet them anytime soon. We should try to learn to live a lifestyle where we should pretend as we we don't know them. You should know this despite me saying it."

"Yes. I understand." ,Dick replied. But he was a little disappointed. Because he knew that no matter how much time they spend here in the Astral World, he knew that he is helpless.

At that time, Alister(Alwyn) entered the room. He said, "That Jovan is coming."

"Again?" ,Lucky(Logan) asked in frustration. He continued, "Don't you think that he is coming here like everyday? I wonder why? What he found so special about us to come everyday and try to build a relationship with us?"

Ram(Sitaram) said, "He is right. That Jovan is coming here almost everyday. It was as if he wants to develop friendly relationship with us. My instincts are telling me that something is definitely wrong."

"It is indeed. And I suspected Jovan's behaviour much earlier." ,Jimmy said, "But I don't know what it is."

"But why is he trying to develop friendly relationship with us?" ,Ackles(Adam) asked, "What would he gain from this?"

"I don't know." ,Jimmy replied, "A person would never bother to disturb a nobody like us unless it is highly beneficial to them. This is where I couldn't guess the reason. I mean... how exactly it will benefit Jovan in order to develop friendly relationship with us? I don't know yet."

"What should we do now?" ,Lucky(Logan) asked.

"What else?" ,Jimmy smiled and said, "We can't offend anyone without any clear view of the situation. We don't know what exactly is Jovan's motives are. So let's do what we did everyday. Let us be nice to him for now. We should continue this until we find the truth behind his actions."

Jimmy and others walked out to receive Jovan. As they finally met, Jovan said, "What are you people up to?"

"Nothing else." ,Jimmy replied with a smile, "We are having a nice chat. What brings you here at such a late hours?"

"There is something I came to announce." ,Jovan said, "You people are new. So you probably don't know the customs here. One year from now, a huge competition will be held between all the cities in the province. This competition is so big, that it is celebrated as a huge festival. All the fighters will participate in this competition. It is mandatory. All the fighters has to participate in the competition.