

This is the world where magicians are respected.. and the weak people ar doomed. Arjun Kumar our main protagonist is dsired to become the great magician but later finds that he has no "magic core" at all. Arjun didn't fell disappointed. He trains in Willpower the lengthy and time consuming way. But his fate changes when he meets a poweful Dragon named 'Magneel' who is kind to Humans and gives his power to Arjun and trains him. Join the adventures of Arjun and Magmeel who together joins in an adventures along with the interesting new characters who will be introduced in the future.

VKSS1602 · Eastern
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1002 Chs


Jason once again dashed forward. He wanted to test his current limits of his Divine Art. But without learning the weak point of his opponent he don't want to take the risk of revealing his power. Especially if the opponent is from the Assassin Organisation.

As he dashed forward he gave a punch. When his punch was in the middle, he suddenly stopped it and retreated his fists. He then put his both hands near the abdomen point.

But out of his expectations, Kurt gave a round kick. The round kick perfectly hit his neck below the ears. He was flew to his right side and fell.

"Just give up." , Kurt said, " You have no chance of victory. How do you think you can defeat me, if I can see what move you are going to make in advance?"

"Not yet!" , Jason gritted his teeth while getting up from the ground. He looked at Kurt in hatred.

[What the hell?]

[If he is going to see my moves in advance, then that makes him totally impossible to defeat.]

[But I don't believe it. If he is really that invincible, then he would have been working in the God Realm.]

[There was no need for him to send here. After all, the people who were sent here by the Assassin Organisation are a bunch of total garbage.]

[Even if he was sent here, then he should be at least given the position of the leader of the Assassins Organisation.]

[Or at least, he should have been one of the two chiefs.]

[But if he became one of the three musketeers, then it is obvious that his Divine Art has a flaw in it. ]

[But what exactly is that?]

While a series of thoughts were going through his mind, he advanced forward once again. But he suddenly stopped in midway. He created a spherical black ball with his darkness element and threw it quickly in the direction of Kurt.

But Kurt moved a little to the right. The darkness spherical ball missed the target and went pass through Kurt. Jason expected it though. And he wasn't happy with this. This was his first ever life and death battle and the opponent he faced is truly troublesome one. He felt like to curse his luck.

"I said it already!" , Kurt said, " You are no match for me. Just give up."

"Shut up!" , Jason shouted, " There is no such thing. You have a weakness that I am unable to find out. You are not a talented person. Or else, why would you end up in this realm? If you are truly a formidable person, then you would have some higher position in the God Realm. You wouldn't have come to this small realm at all."

Kurt felt insulted. It was truly as Jason said it. He was truly not a talented person in cultivation. That's why he was tossed in the Life Realm as a watchman for the Maze Palace.

Jason's words made him remember how he was trolled for his weak talent. He was trolled for his poor performance during the training period. He was truly weak at learning and comprehension. All his peers made their advancement and surpassed him very quickly. He had to sit along with his juniors for next semester as well.

And all his former classmates made a fun of him asking him to address them as 'senior'. That was one hell of an embarrassment moment.

Ge always wanted to leave them and run off to somewhere far. But the place he was in was actually the Assassins Organisation. He knew that once someone joined the Assassin Organisation, then there was no leaving it. You need to work for them for the rest of your lives. Or else death is imminent. So he had no other choice but to endure the harassment.

But his fate changed when he was asked to be a guardian for Maze Palace in the Life Realm. He felt thrilled and immediately accepted the offer. Finally he got his chance to leave that damm place.

What was even more surprising is that, he was like a King in the Life Realm. He never expected that in the Life Realm there was no such thing as Willpower. There source of cultivation is actually magic. And the strongest in the Life Realm was equal to a servant of a low level family in the God Realm.

When he imagined himself to be a king, he was thrilled. It was like his patience finally paid off. He got something more than what he actually desired.

But Jason's words suddenly remained him those trolls from his "seniors" from the God Realm. He was totally pissed.

"You brought it upon yourself!" , Kurt said in hoarse voice. He dashed towards Jason. Jason was stunned for a moment. But he didn't have time to bother about it.

Jason used his darkness element on his fists and moved forward. But that was just a bluff. As soon as he reached his opponent, he ignited the darkness on his right leg and suddenly gave an upper kick.

But before he could bend down to give an upper kick, Kurt was already waiting for him. He was sitting on his toes and was waiting for Jason to bend down for the upper kick.

"Crap!" , Jason thought. But it was too late. Kurt gave a tight smack on his face. Jason lost his balance and flew back.

Before Jason could fall on the ground, Kurt dashed where was about to crash and kicked him on his abdomen. Jason once again flew in the air.

And as he was about to land on the ground, Kurt once again saw the future and was already ready to kick him once he lands.

When he was in the air, Jason used the Yin-Yan Eyes and looked towards Kurt. After what he saw, he was stunned for a bit.

But he had no time to think. Because he was falling on the ground. And as he was about to land, Kurt kicked him on the abdomen once again.

When he was about to fly from the kick, Jason's hand which was covered with the darkness element, touched Kurt's face. But it was a little touch. That's it. Nothing more.

[What? My hands touched him?]

[But he was supposed to see the future and avoid that touch?]

[What exactly did I miss from this info?]

[I definitely missed something. But what is it?]

Jason pictured every small detail in his mind during that period when his hand touched Kurt's face.

After a moment a smile appeared on his face as he thought, 'I get it. So that's how it is! I finally figured out this bastard's weak point!"