

This is the world where magicians are respected.. and the weak people ar doomed. Arjun Kumar our main protagonist is dsired to become the great magician but later finds that he has no "magic core" at all. Arjun didn't fell disappointed. He trains in Willpower the lengthy and time consuming way. But his fate changes when he meets a poweful Dragon named 'Magneel' who is kind to Humans and gives his power to Arjun and trains him. Join the adventures of Arjun and Magmeel who together joins in an adventures along with the interesting new characters who will be introduced in the future.

VKSS1602 · Eastern
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1002 Chs


Arjun said, "Don't worry! We took them down. But it doesn't mean that we are we came unharmed. In fact, it's because we have taken a minor injury, that we had to take a complete day worth of rest."

Young Master Ivan and Kenneth maintained silence. Even though they have taken minor injuries, in return they had taken down an army of around fifty people all by themselves. And the number of people who took the army of fifty from a Tier-1 Clan was actually two.

If it were them, then do they even have someone who could do the same thing? Definitely not. Only the monsters like Arjun and his underlings could do this. And Young Master Ivan believed that there were only very handful of people in the entire realm who could have ridiculous strength like Arjun.

Arjun said, "I am going to raid the Silverwing Clan. I will take around sixty percent of the army with me. While the other team can go and take what left from the Trott Clan. But remember. Don't kill even a single monster. I want you people to bring all the monsters here alive. As per agreement, we will divide the monsters among us accordingly. Sabretooth Clan will not participate in this raid. They will be protect us from reinforcement making sure that our mission becomes easy. How is that? Is this arrangement okay with you people?"

"It's fine as long as we could make it into top 50." ,Kenneth clenched his fist and said.

"Top fifty?" ,Arjun smiled and said, "Don't be narrow minded. Since you are part of our team, I am planning to take you straight to the 11th spot."

Everyone from the Keth clan were stunned. In fact, they were speechless. 11th rank? Well, to be honest, who don't want to reach that rank if possible. But reaching that spot is easier said than done. How confident could he be to say such words?

"11th Spot?" ,Kenneth asked, "If you can take us to the 11th rank, then why don't you work even a little bit and take us to the top 10?"

"I am sorry. I can't do that." ,Arjun shook his head and said, "I promised Young Master Ivan that I will help nine of his team to reach second to tenth spot. That is the reason why I can't help your team reach top 10!"

"What did you say?" ,Kenneth and others from the Keth clan felt what Arjun said was a ridiculous dream. How could it be possible to occupy top ten spots in the rankings? They didn't say anything in return. They looked at the faces of the people from the Sabretooth Clan. The people from the Sabretooth Clan had faces as if it was obvious. And from their facial expression, they could say that they had complete faith in Arjun and his ability.

Kenneth didn't speak any further. It looks like the Sabretooth Clan had put all their hopes on Arjun. If a clan like the sabretooth Clan put all their hopes on an outsider, then that outsider should have the ability to back their strength. And not just long ago, Arjun captured all the spies so casually and showed the glimpse of his strength.

Kenneth asked, "You said that they are going to occupy the spots from second to tenth. Then it is safe to say that the one who is going to take the first spot might be your team?"

"That's right." ,Arjun smiled and said, "I never had any intention to fight for the first spot to begin with. I originally intended to make it into the top 5000 and win the rights to participate in the competition that will take place in the Eagle Province. But since all the rich kids from the city tried to block our path and became reason for the fall in our rankings, I will prove to them what exactly I am."

Kenneth didn't speak. He already knew what all the rich kids did to Arjun and his team. Before the start of the preliminaries, Trott Clan conducted a secret meeting and explained if Jimmy was to win the bet, then it will not only the Trott Clan who will lose face, but all the noble clans in the City will share the same fate.

Those words from the clan leader of the Trott Clan hit the sore parts of all the nobles and decided to work together to defeat Jimmy's team as soon as possible. Of course, Sabretooth Clan and the Keth Clan pulled back from this mission for some reasons. But under strict warning from the other noble clans, they didn't reveal this plan to anyone else.

Arjun said, "Alright! If no one has any doubt left, then let's go and kill some monsters and raise our rankings."

"Yes." ,Others replied. Arjun led a team with an army of 228 people. Sitaram led an army and left to clean up the monsters in the turf of the Trott Clan. Sabretooth Clan stayed back and killed the Monsters from their own occupied region. The race for the rankings is about to begin.


In a distant spot which was not far away from the spot occupied by the Sabretooth Clan, there was another spot. According to the map, this spot was occupied by the Trott Clan. It was the place where Arjun, Rick and Adam wrecked havoc and killed all the monsters in the premises.

Sitaram led a team and marched in order to attack and occupy the spit of the Trott Clan. Kenneth was part of the team who was leading a team under Sitaram's Generalship.

A person from the Keth Clan asked, "Young Master! Are you sure about this? You really intended to ho against the Trott Clan despite knowing how troublesome they are?"

"I know what I am doing." ,Kenneth said with resolution, "Look at that Arjun. What kind of background he had? He is just a barbarian who depended on their own abilities to survive in the outside world. They never fear anything or anyone. Only two people under him could take down the sixty people of the Trott Clan and come back without any injuries. So how powerful that Arjun might be?"

Kenneth said, "Don't forget. He casually pinpointed thirteen spies from our both ranks. The thing which not even the Young Master Ivan could do was done by him. He might look simple from the appearance. But he is much more terrifying. And most importantly, he lives with utmost freedom and without any worries."

Kenneth clenched his fists and said, "I want to live just like him. I have decided to quit the clan and live my own life! But for now I will fight for the clan."