

This is the world where magicians are respected.. and the weak people ar doomed. Arjun Kumar our main protagonist is dsired to become the great magician but later finds that he has no "magic core" at all. Arjun didn't fell disappointed. He trains in Willpower the lengthy and time consuming way. But his fate changes when he meets a poweful Dragon named 'Magneel' who is kind to Humans and gives his power to Arjun and trains him. Join the adventures of Arjun and Magmeel who together joins in an adventures along with the interesting new characters who will be introduced in the future.

VKSS1602 · Eastern
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1002 Chs


Jinx was stunned. He was stunned by Jimmy's confidence. He then clearly looked at a faint smile on Jimmy space. Jinx that that that smile is telling him that he fell in Jimmy's trap. And just as how everyone were wondering what exactly what kind of proof Jimmy is about to submit, everyone clearly saw that Jimmy took out a recording crystal from his pocket.

"Wait! Is that a recording Crystal?" , Jinx asked in confusion and shock, "But how is that possible? Before you were imprisoned we took all your belongings away from you. Then where did you get that recording Crystal?"

"I hid it in a place where no one can see." , Jimmy replied with a smile.

Everyone was shocked. Jinx shouted in anger, "Could it be.... you hid it in your conscience?"

"What do you think?" ,Jimmy asked while maintaining the same smile.

"Why would you do that?" , Jinx asked in astonishment, "Hiding an object in a person's conscience is very dangerous. It is a life threatening deed. It will definitely destroy your conscience and it will cripple you. You will lose the ability to cultivate. Then why would you still hide something in your conscience?"

"Life threatening?" , Jimmy smiled. But this time that smile is filled with an intense anger, "So you are saying that the situation we are in right now is like we are in some kind of Paradise? Stop joking around. I am in not a mood to listen to any of your crappy jokes."

"You...!" , Jinx was infuriated. But before he could say any further, Jimmy played the recording Crystal.

In the recording crystal everyone could see how jinx injected fear in the hearts of all those followers of young master Feril. Everyone especially the smart people looked at how, When those young masters were trying to tell the truth, Jinx stopped them in the mid way.

He told them how angry the city Lord would be. He told them that if they couldn't take the culprit with them, then the city Lord would punish them in anger. He pursued them by saying that the worst outcome that awaits them is death! After all, city Lord strictly ordered young master Feril not to leave the City Lord Manor.

Even after receiving his order young master Feril quietly disobeyed the orders and left the home. So City Lord's fury would be at its peak. And then jinx pointed his finger towards Jimmy and others and asked, "Are they the one who killed young master Feril?"

The already frightened young master Feril's followers immediately said that it was indeed the case. Due to the fear of death they falsely accused Jimmy and others as the killers of the young master Feril. Then Jinx didn't even give them a chance to speak anything in their defence and imprisoned them. And the recording crystal ended there.

Everyone took a deep breath. Today, even though it is a very short time, a huge drama is taking place. The information they learned is so huge that they needed some time to digest it. After all this is not a small information. There is a huge unknown story behind it. But they were certain that Jimmy and others were accused with baseless proofs.

The smart thinking people thought it differently. Yes, they were convinced that Jimmy and others were imprisoned without any concrete proof. That is true. But most of the time they thought about Jinx's actions. It was obvious that he injected the fear within the hearts of those inexperienced followers of the young master. And he forced them to shift the blame on Jimmy and others deliberately. And at the same time, they were thinking another question. What exactly Jinx was doing at that spot? But they knew that that they will receive answer very shortly.

Jinx was stunned. He might Fool those inexperienced youngsters. But how could he not know that just what kind of impact this will be on him? Especially in the middle of the experienced people like these people in the second floor? He knew that things are going in the wrong direction.

He then looked at Jimmy. His gaze was filled with hostile and malicious intent. Especially when you looked at how Jimmy was looking at him with a smile on his face. That smile was like an arrow piercing his heart. He knew that even if he gets away from all this, the City Lord would no longer support him any longer. Or to be more precise, he may lose his place as a Great Elder. After all, there are many other elders who wants his place. When the opportunity presents itself in front of them, they won't hesitate to grab it with both hands.

"So what do you think now distinguished guests?" , City Lord looked at everyone and asked, "Please use your wisdom and feel free to state your opinions."

And just as jinx was thinking an elder sieged the opportunity and spoke against Jinx, "I think we have seen great elders true face today. I think we need to summon those young master's followers and asked them whether whatever we have seen through the recording is right or not."

"I agree as well." , The Pope of the Church of War said.

The city Lord didn't ask jinx for his opinion. He then looked at his guards and said, "Bring them at the centre of the ground."

"Yes, My Lord!" , The guard who was ordered said and left immediately to carry out the City Lord's order.

Very soon a group of panic stricken young people who were in their twenties were brought by the guards. Of course, these young people were none other than the followers of the Young Master Feril. Their facial expressions was horrible to behold.

There were many people in the third floor who looked panicked s as well. They were none other than the elders of the City Lord Manor. The reason why they were looking panicked is because among the group of people who were brought, their kins were present as well. And if they were killed, then they don't know what would happen?

City Lord Ferlin looked at them and asked, "You children had seen the recording crystal. I am promising in front of these many people that if you tell me the truth, then I won't harm you in any way. I am not as cold blooded as jinx said in the recording crystal. And I am sick of listening to the false statement. Today I want the truth. So, tell all of us who are sitting here. Is everything that was displayed in the recording crystal is true?"