

This is the world where magicians are respected.. and the weak people ar doomed. Arjun Kumar our main protagonist is dsired to become the great magician but later finds that he has no "magic core" at all. Arjun didn't fell disappointed. He trains in Willpower the lengthy and time consuming way. But his fate changes when he meets a poweful Dragon named 'Magneel' who is kind to Humans and gives his power to Arjun and trains him. Join the adventures of Arjun and Magmeel who together joins in an adventures along with the interesting new characters who will be introduced in the future.

VKSS1602 · Eastern
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1002 Chs


"You are... Jimmy, right?" ,City Lord looked at Jimmy and asked.

"Yes." ,Jimmy replied, "I am indeed Jimmy. But how come City Lord know an insignificant lowly existence like me?"

"Well, you have become very famous recently. Your famous bet with the Luke from the Trott Clan has become the talk of the city. How could such a matter escapes from me?" ,City Lord Alger asked with a smile on his face.

In fact, he was surprised when Jimmy was coming towards his direction. His heart beat started to rise rapidly. Jimmy was someone who was being backed by a mysterious existence. When Jovan said told him about the bet between Jimmy and Young Master Luke, City Lord Alger remained speechless. After all, it was a war between rich and poor where Jimmy was on the side of the poor people and at the same time, City Lord Alger has jo choice but to stay on the side of all the rich kids.

But when Ivan developed friendship with Arjun, City Lord calmed down a bit. After all, since Jimmy has a powerful existence backing him, City Lord Alger felt that if he helped Jimmy as much as possible, then he will fall in the eyes of that Supreme existence and it might be highly beneficial for his clan's future development. Of course, all these were just mere possibilities. But even though the chances were slim, the City Lord would definitely not miss it.

So when Jimmy was coming towards his direction, he was stunned as his heartbeat started to rise without any control.

"Oh? Is that so?" ,Jimmy smiled and said, "That's good to hear."

"Hmm." ,City Lord Alger took a deep breath and asked, "May I know why you are here?"

"We wish to take our leave from the forest!" ,Jimmy sighed and replied.

"You want to leave? The entire team?" ,City Lord Alger asked in surprise.

"That's right!" ,Arjun replied, "The entire team."

"May I know why?" ,City Lord Alger asked. If Jimmy is disappointed in something, then he could solve that problem. With this, he will initiate his positive relationship with Jimmy. With this in mind, City Lord Alger asked, "Please tell me if something is bothering you. I will definitely help you."

"No. It's nothing." ,Jimmy sighed and said, "We are going to lose. This is something everyone knows. Our team's ranking is still in 16000s. There is no way we could make it to the top 5000. And this fact is something we couldn't digest. Especially with the first two days of horrible deed by all the rich kids in the city. They knew about the bet between me and Young Master Luke from the Trott Clan. And they worked together to stop my team from killing monsters. And now for some reasons, my teammates are working for Young Master Ivan. With only 40 days left for the end of the preliminaries, it is an obvious fact that we will lose and lose very badly. Before we could see such a scene, it's better for us if we take our leave!"

"This..." ,City Lord Alger thought for a moment and then said, "Well, sorry to hear that. No matter what they did, it was all within the rules of the competition. All I can say is to take it easy if possible And instead you might even go and enjoy the show of other contestants in the forest. After all, not everyone will get this opportunity to witness the preliminaries like this."

"We don't have the mood to do it." ,Jimmy said in a depressed tone, "Instead I will go and try to recover. Please grant me and my team the permission to take our leave."

"Alright!" ,City Lord sighed and said, "I will let you take your leave. But don't feel bad. I know the burden behind this loss. But you shouldn't have accepted for this bet so rashly like this. Anyways, whatever happened has happened. Go back and try to rectify on what mistakes you have done. Don't take this result too personally. Try to take the result casually."

"Yes sir!" ,Jimmy replied, "And thank you very much for your permission. I will take your suggestion seriously."

"Good." ,City Lord Alger smiled friendly and said, "You may take your leave."

"Thank you once again." ,Jimmy put the depressed face and turned back. He continued to stay depressed and walked towards his teammates.

"Let us take our leave." ,Jimmy maintained his depressed mood and said, "Let us no longer stay here."

"Yes. Let's leave." ,Ram said. And then all the members of the Star Moon Team got up with depressed mood and started to move slowly towards the exit.

"Hey! Take a loo who are leaving!"

"Yeah. Yeah. It's those loser and his teammates. They were arrogant and tried to mess with the Young Master Luke of the Trott Clan!"

"He was the man who placed a bet with Young Master Luke and now he is leaving because he knew that he has lost it."

"Well, The losers always comes from the poor family background."

"These are the kind of a person who don't know the difference between nobles like us and a poor bastard like them."

"They deserve this. This will be the perfect example for all the poor bastards who are putting all their hopes on this Jimmy. From now on they will know that there is always a huge gap between poor people like them and the rich kids like this."

All the rich kids especially from the Silverwing Clan and the Trott Clan started to mock at Arjun and other members of his team. The bet between Arjun and young master Luke was like a tight slap on the faces of all the rich people in the city. And hence when he lost, they started to vent all their anger on him.

"Silence!" ,At that time they heard the angry shout of the City Lord. He said, "It is your people fault to trap their teammates. It was you people who are in competent. Even though Jimmy knew this, he still excepted his defeat. This is already a noble deed. And yet you people who has no shame are you trying to mock him? What kind of noble act is this? Shut your mouth and watch the preliminaries. Or else, I will eliminate all your teams."

All the rich kids immediately shut their mouths and started to watch the preliminaries as if nothing has happened. It was obvious that they were afraid of the City Lord.


Jimmy and others left the forest's outskirts. They all walked towards an isolated place where there were no one and stood. There. Jimmy said, "Are you people ready?"

"Yes." ,Others replied.

Then with just a thought everyone disappeared.