

This is the world where magicians are respected.. and the weak people ar doomed. Arjun Kumar our main protagonist is dsired to become the great magician but later finds that he has no "magic core" at all. Arjun didn't fell disappointed. He trains in Willpower the lengthy and time consuming way. But his fate changes when he meets a poweful Dragon named 'Magneel' who is kind to Humans and gives his power to Arjun and trains him. Join the adventures of Arjun and Magmeel who together joins in an adventures along with the interesting new characters who will be introduced in the future.

VKSS1602 · Eastern
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1002 Chs


The Pope of the Church of Deception was stunned. He still didn't understand why the Pope of the Church of War who was on his side just a moment ago, started to talk in favour of Jimmy. He is really a cunning old man. His experience told in that something really fishy going on here.

He looked at the face of the Pope of the Church of War. Immediately the Pope of the Church of Deception rendered speechless. What did he see? He saw fear in the eyes of the Church of War. He then looked at the faces of the Pope of the Church of Thief and Pope of the Church of Lust. They shared the similar fear in their eyes as of the Pope of the Church of War.

The Pope of the Church of the Deception found a common thing on the faces of the three Popes. All three of them were looking at the similar location. All three of them were looking at Jimmy. Jimmy was also looking at them with the face full of smile. The experienced Pope of the Church of Deception immediately understand that Jimmy did something which forced the Popes of the three Churches in going against him and his church.

He then remembered Jimmy taking the name of Sovereign. The Pope of the Church of Deception felt like his "Enlightenment bulb" has been switched on. He suddenly thought that Jimmy's statement which has the word "Sovereign" has truly frightened the Popes of other Churches. And then it forced them to go against him.

But the Pope of the Church of Deception didn't know that Jimmy threatened them through telepathically. But it doesn't matter anymore. He no longer has any way to escape from the crisis. He knew that all the hopes has been lost. But there is one hope which still remained.

"I don't know what you're talking about Pope Frankel!" ,Pope of the Church of Deception said with a little emotion on his face, "It looks like you have been forced to say something against me and my church. You may not tell openly in public. But your eyes cannot deceive me."

The Pope of the Church of Deception then looked at Garth who was standing beside him and asked, "Garth! Tell them. They are saying that you killed the son of the City Lord. Tell him that it is all a lie. Don't be afraid. You should not forget that the God of Deception is on our side. And as the God of Deception no one can deceive us. The God of Deception would protect us from all the deception. Don't be afraid and tell them the truth!"

Garth who was sitting silently without any care of the world finally stood up. It was as if he was saying "finally, it's my time to shine!" Within his heart. He looked around. The Pope of the Church of Deception and at the same time his father Jinx had eyes full of expectations towards him and his performance.

Garth sighed. He then said, "My lord! Please forget everything you had seen or heard by now. Whatever I'm going to say right now is the truth. Please believe me."

Jinx and the Pope of the Church of Deception looked at Garth and were waiting for this performance. So far they felt like Garth gave a good start. They encouraged him within their hearts to continue the performance and win the hearts of City Lord and the entire public who are watching the show as if they are watching an act.

City lad nodded his head and said, "Please go on."

Garth nodded his head and continued, "The truth is.... I am the one who killed your son! And I did it under the orders of the Pope of the Church of Deception! Because I am an assassin who works directly under them. I work under the Pope of the Church of Deception."

"Garth!!!" ,The Pope of the Church of Deception and Jinx shouted at the same time in total disbelief. They felt as if they heard whatever Garth said wrong. But when they looked at the shocked expression on the entire crowd, they had no choice but to believe that they heard right.

"What is the meaning of this, Garth?" ,The Pipe of the Church of Deception asked angrily.

"What's the meaning of this? Are you kidding me?" ,Garth shouted angrily at a Pope of the Church of Deception, "Do you know just how torturous it is being hunted by your nightmare and your alter ego? Do you have any idea what exactly did I go through? You don't have any idea. All you ever did is see. You don't understand how much pain I went through. Only me... the one who experienced it understood the horrible situation I was in."

Garth took a deep breath and continued, "When I was in such a trauma, where was your God? What exactly was he doing? I did all the hard work for him. I did everything he asked me to do. And yet what did I get in return? It is clear that he abandoned me. So why would I care whether he leaves or he dies?"

"God has his plans!" , The Pope of the Church of deception who was stunned finally said, "Just because of some minor incident you should not show any blasphemy towards the God."

"MINOR INCIDENT!!!" , Garth shouted, "You call that a minor incident? Well, you never experienced the nightmare I had gone through. So it is very easy for you to say that it is a minor incident. But you know something? I give up. I give up on you and your fucking church. And your God is nothing but an asshole. So I'm going to surrender."

"You...!" ,The Pope of the Church of Deception couldn't believe what he heard. He said angrily, "Good! very good! So this is how are you repay the grace the God had showed on you all th—-"

"Shut up!" ,Before the Pope of the Church of Deception could finish his sentence, the city Lord shouted, "I don't care about your faith and stuff. I got my answer. And I have made up my decision. Garth, Jinx and the Church of the Deception here by acknowledged as guilty for my son Feril! And I as a city Lord hereby sentence all of you to death!"

Everyone were stunned. But they had seen enough. Every evidence is pointing against them. And no matter how much the Church of Deception tried to twist the truth, nobody on the judgement ground were fool to believe it. After coming back from their shock, they felt that city Lord's decision was the right one.