

This is the world where magicians are respected.. and the weak people ar doomed. Arjun Kumar our main protagonist is dsired to become the great magician but later finds that he has no "magic core" at all. Arjun didn't fell disappointed. He trains in Willpower the lengthy and time consuming way. But his fate changes when he meets a poweful Dragon named 'Magneel' who is kind to Humans and gives his power to Arjun and trains him. Join the adventures of Arjun and Magmeel who together joins in an adventures along with the interesting new characters who will be introduced in the future.

VKSS1602 · Eastern
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1002 Chs


The name of the old man who happens to be Paine's Grandfather is Eoin. He was a seventh awakening stage expert. After enjoying whatever the world had to offer, Eoin became very arrogant. He has been enjoying others fears and respect towards him. It was to such an extent where the thought of "everything belongs to me" has deeply engraved in his heart. And as time passed, that thought strengthened even further. It was same with other seventh awakening stage experts who joined Eoin.

But today after a long time they encountered something which could counter even these bunch of seventh awakening stage experts' assaults. All of the sudden, they felt disgraced. This was definitely not something they expected. In their thoughts, no matter how powerful a formation is, since they are the monarchs of the God Realm, they can destroy it easily. And the source of their confidence is their strength obviously.

Eoin and other pavilion lords didn't give up. In their eyes, unable to destroy a mere formation is equal to a shame on their pride. So they all decided to set up a camp until they destroy the Star Moon Pavilion!

So Eoin brought all the core and powerful members of his pavilion to attack the Star Moon Pavilion. These experts are ranged from fourth awakening stage experts to the seventh awakening stage experts. They then started to attack combined.

Seeing this, all other top class pavilions of the realm didn't sit idly. Even they brought their core and powerful members. All of a sudden, there were over a million powerful cultivators from different organisations assembled at one place. Thus scene terrified onlookers. This scene attracted the attention of newspaper reporters and the underworld organisations on all over the world.

Even the small scale pavilions joined the party and started to attack the formation of the Star Moon Pavilion. But there were some organisations who stayed back. For example, the Konark Pavilion.

Back when Arjun was fighting Molane, it attracted the attention of so many people all around the city. And Konark's Pavilion Lord happens to be one of them. He witnessed how Arjun could jump levels in cultivation and fight someone with higher cultivation base with ease. And the quality of that fight engraved deeply in his heart. That fight gave him too many insights. And he felt that he could finally set his foot in the realm of Domain Stage in Dao. He was thankful for Arjun.

Someone behind him said, "Pavilion Lord! Even the Pavilions who are smaller than us has joined the assault. Why don't we join as well? Even though we may not get the formation, at least we can get on good terms with those top class pavilions in the realm.

It wasn't because these small pavilions were trying their luck. They knew that they won't get anything with their assault. But the reason why they attacked is to show their respect and good will towards these top class pavilions. If they can win the favour from these big pavilions, then that would do some good for these small fries. So they joined the assault and tried to fall in the eyes of any of these pavilions.

"Definitely not!" , The Konark Pavilion Lord shouted, "Do you have death wish?"

"But..." , That person was stunned. His always calm pavilion lord yelled at him. This was the reaction which he least expected.

"Shut Up!" , The Konark Pavilion Lord shouted, "Nobody joins them. If any of you tries anything funny, then I will personally kill them."

Everyone were stunned. They didn't understand the reason behind this reaction from their pavilion lord. Whatever. Their Pavilion Lord has issued his orders. No one dared to disobey him. They looked at those weaker Pavilions who were busy with currying favour with those monarchs level pavilion. They couldn't hide their jealousy.

The combined assault from over a million cultivators has become like a huge festival. The media and newspaper started to take pictures and videos using the recording crystals. They didn't know what exactly happened. But for the sake of popularity, they created their own stories and started to write it down excitedly. The assemble if these many top cultivators all over the realm at one place was a huge event. And they started to add spice and created their own story.

As these many strong cultivators which numbered over a million started to attack, their confidence started to grow. But honestly, Eoin was completely stunned to see this number. He just cane here to take his revenge for his grandson's humiliation. How exactly things developed to this stage? He himself couldn't believe it.

At that time people started to attack the formation in unison. So many weak and powerful spells were casted on the formation to attack and destroy it. So many Divine Arts were started to show their powers as they attackers the formation.


A loud sound rang out as they attacked the formation. This sound was the loudest so far. The ground was torn into pieces. People started to feel as if an earthquake came. Clouds started to separate in the sky due to the effects. They were certain this time after seeing all this that they were going in the right direction. The fall of the formation was certain.

But to fake these many people to destroy the formation, they started to wonder where exactly this grass root pavilion has got their hands on this formation from? But they didn't care to think too much about it as they witnessed the quality of this formation. After all, after the destruction of the Star Moon Pavilion, this formation would fall in the hands of one of these people.

But reality slapped them very hard. Due to effect, the clouds were separated. The ground was torn into pieces. An earthquake even took place. And yet when they looked at the status of the formation, they were stunned. The formation stood as usually. It was as if in the eyes of that formation, their combined attacks were nothing at all.

The entire realm who were watching this scene were stunned completely. The entire realm was shaken because of this discovery. The combined attack from over a million cultivators was nothing but a joke in front of this formation? What exactly is going on?

"Are you people done?" , At that time a Voice came from within the formation. Everyone looked at the formation as it opened on it's own. As the people's bewildered gazes landed on the scene, two people walked out of the formation. They were none other than Arjun and Rick!