

This is the world where magicians are respected.. and the weak people ar doomed. Arjun Kumar our main protagonist is dsired to become the great magician but later finds that he has no "magic core" at all. Arjun didn't fell disappointed. He trains in Willpower the lengthy and time consuming way. But his fate changes when he meets a poweful Dragon named 'Magneel' who is kind to Humans and gives his power to Arjun and trains him. Join the adventures of Arjun and Magmeel who together joins in an adventures along with the interesting new characters who will be introduced in the future.

VKSS1602 · Eastern
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1002 Chs


They had never seen Arjun this angry before. They all knew that Arjun loved his grandfather more than anyone else. And since his grandfather was wounded like this, how could Arjun stay calm? There is no way.

"Fucking bastards!!!" ,Arjun shouted loudly and rushed towards that Orange Ranked Monster. But no matter how angry Arjun is right now, he still has some sense left within him. He knew his priorities. He didn't do anything to that Orange Ranked Monster. He grabbed his grandfather carefully and immediately left the place.

As soon as they reached a safe place, Arjun started to inspect Sitaram's condition. After checking his pulse by holding his left arm, Arjun immediately understood what happened. His face darkened instantly.

He immediately took out a Medicinal Pill from his Spatial Ring and placed it within the mouth of Sitaram. The pill dissolved instantly and spread through Sitaram's entire body. Arjun then injected his Void Qi within Sitaram's conscience and started to stabilise his situation.

In the meanwhile, Ben and others didn't sit idly. They all started to massage Sitaram's arms and legs making sure that Sitaram's blood and Astral Qi circulation is happening smoothly.

Very soon Sitaram's condition stabilised. Only then Arjun took a sigh of relief. He said, "Keep massaging his arms and feet. And massage his chest as well. And inject Astral Qi for every ten minutes."

"Got it." ,Adam replied. He then asked, "What about you, boss?"

"There are some creatures out there who are courting death in a worst way possible!" ,As soon as he said that, he suddenly disappeared. He didn't stay there any moment.

"But bos-" ,Adam wanted to stop Arjun from doing anything crazy. But before he could say anything, Arjun disappeared. There is no way he will stop when someone tried to harm his family.

Arjun immediately entered the gate once again and stood bravely in front of the Orange Ranked Monsters. The Orange Ranked Monster looked at Arjun lazily. It didn't put Arjun even in its eyes. Arjun was nothing but an insignificant character in it's eyes.

"He lost his calm." ,An elder from the Trott Clan smiled and said, "He is underestimating the Orange Ranked Monsters! He will die a worst death!"

"He will certainly die." ,Another elder from the Trott Clan replied, "Back when we encountered the Orange Ranked Monsters, Even we couldn't defeat even one of them. And we had the cultivation base of 6th Level of Soul Origin Stage. And we were Third Awakening Stage experts. What could a mere child like him do against such a bunch of monsters with his shallow cultivation base?"

One way or other, be it supporters or haters, everyone believed that it is impossible for Arjun to kill even one Orange Ranked Monster. Needless to say, when they were in a bunch.

Arjun didn't know what the spectators were thinking about him at the moment. And honestly he never cares about their opinion. His grandfather was fatally wounded by this monster. And he is here to take his revenge on the monster that almost killed his grandfather.

He daringly stood in front of the Orange Ranked Monster. The Orange Ranked Monster gave a loud roar and rushed it's claws towards Arjun. Within a flash, that Orange Ranked Monster's claw was in front of Arjun's neck.

But just as the claw was about to pierce Arjun's neck, Arjun suddenly disappeared from his spot and suddenly appeared in the midair behind that Orange Ranked Monster. There was a huge fire burning on his hands.

Before the Orange Ranked Monster could turn back, Arjun hardly hit that Orange Ranked Monster with his Dragon Flames.


The Orange Ranked Monster gave a loud roar of pain as it fell on the ground. Looking at this scene everyone were stunned. Especially those elders from the three Tier-1 clans of the city. They were stupefied after seeing the 30m giant monster lying on the ground and suffering from the pain.

But Arjun didn't stop there. He took out a slot from his ring and rushed towards the fallen monster. Even before the monster going to react, Arjun slashed the monster's head. The monster screamed in pain and remained helpless.

But there was no cut marks on the monster. The truth is, there was one but it was inside the body. Arjun's slash hurt the monster's internal parts, but it didn't hurt the external part. That means, the monster's internal parts were damaged. But it didn't receive any damage on it's flesh.

The name of this technique is "Internal Slash" which he learned from the City of Void. This attack will hurt the target's internal part. But it will not attack the target's exterior part.

The monster has three heads which extended to the neck. And one of the three neck was seriously injured.

The monster got up. It then looked at Arjun with serious gaze. The middle neck was injured. So the other two heads looked at Arjun with hatred. How could they agree when a human who was akin to an ant like existence in it's eyes damage it to this degree? There is no way the monster will agree with this harsh reality.

The two heads of the monster who didn't receive any damage looked at Arjun. They immediately opened their mouths. From the left side head's mouth, a silver colour gas gushed out and shot towards Arjun. While at the same time, from the mouth of the right head of the monster, a grey colour gas flew towards Arjun.

Both the grey colour gas and the silver colour gas formed a circle while entrapping Arjun in the middle. There was not even an inch of Arjun's body could be seen.

"It's over!" ,One of the elder who was watching the preliminaries from outside the forest said. This elder was one of those members from the Sabretoorh Clan who jointly attacked the Red Colour Monster along with other elders from his clan and Silverwing Clan and the Trott Clan. He knew about those orange rankled monsters.

"It's indeed over." ,Another elder from the sabretooth clan said with a deep sigh, "The grey colour gas has a property to attack a person's willpower. While the silver colour gas has the property to attack a person's soul power. These people helped our clan to occupy all ten spits in the preliminaries. But today one of them is going to die because of his anger."

"That's right." ,That first elder said, "I truly wishe.... wait! How is this possible?"

The two elders completely remained horrified from the scene they have seen. What did they see? They had seen Arjun coming out of the trap formed from the silver and grey coloured gas without receiving any damage. The thing is very clear. Arjun's will power and solar power were far greater than the monster's willpower and Soul Power attacks!