

This is the world where magicians are respected.. and the weak people ar doomed. Arjun Kumar our main protagonist is dsired to become the great magician but later finds that he has no "magic core" at all. Arjun didn't fell disappointed. He trains in Willpower the lengthy and time consuming way. But his fate changes when he meets a poweful Dragon named 'Magneel' who is kind to Humans and gives his power to Arjun and trains him. Join the adventures of Arjun and Magmeel who together joins in an adventures along with the interesting new characters who will be introduced in the future.

VKSS1602 · Eastern
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1002 Chs


It was the Bluehart mountain. The mountain that located between the Nora kingdom is Bloom kingdom. Bluehart mountain is believed that the core border between the two kingdoms.

Nora kingdom located at the south. Bloom kingdom located at the east. The Kingdom of Shun located at the West. While the kingdom of Broad located at the north. And the Bluehart mountain located at the center of these four kingdom. Afterall the Bluehart mountain is really very huge and big.

The usually peaceful mountain has lost the peace itself. Kingdom of Bloom and Nora kingdom has fallen in the enemy's hands. Kingdom of Shun and kingdom of Broad are fighting very hard to defend themselves and their kingdoms.

King Shun was seated in a tent and was listening the war update.

The messenger said, " Your Majesty! Things are getting worse. More than 7,000 people died in the war. As the kingdom of Nora and kingdom of Bloom who were actually much stronger than ours, has fallen in their hands. Initially the Loren empire's military was around 50000 people. But with the inclusion of the military of Kingdom of Bloom and the Nora Kingdom, their might has gone up to more than 100,000."

Shun asked, " Initially we had 75000 soldiers. But now 7000 people died. That means we have less than 68000 army left. Our remaining army is fighting in the north."

Shun shook his head in disappointment. He said after some thinking, " What about the backup request with empire?"

The messenger said, " We have sent the request three days ago. Judging from the distance, the reinforcement should be arrived at any moment."

"Good." , Shun replied, " Keep the defence. Once the backup will come, we will give you further instruction."

"Yes Sir!" , The messenger replied and was about to leave. But another messenger entered the tent.

He said, " Your Majesty! The reinforcement has arrived. They are waiting outside."

Shun's eyes lit up. He said, " Fantastic! Lead the way."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" , that second messenger replied.

Both Shun and the messenger left the tent followed by all the officials. After walking outside the tent, they have seen more than 100000 soldiers approximately standing in the disciplined order. The leader of this military might is someone whom Shun knows.

After recognising the leader of this massive military might, Shun kneeled down and said, " I didn't believe that I would be fighting alongside someone like you. Greetings! Lord Gutherson."

Gutherson looked at Shun and said, " It looks like you are pretty much exhausted, Shun!"

Shun smiled bitterly and said, " Of course! Even 12 hours didn't pass since the start of the war, and we lost more than 7000 people. You know that feet is close to impossible for the smallest empire of a world. It doesn't make any common sense where exactly did they get this kind of military might all of a sudden."

Sitaram shook his head and said, " I think you are wrong."

Shun asked in surprise, " What do you mean by that, My Lord?"

Gutherson replied, " All this time what we know is that Loren empire is the smallest empire in the world. But that's only at the surface. Who knows what was running behind the scene? Who knows what kind of terrible force they were creating behind the shadow of 'Smallest empire in the world?' We really underestimated them."

Nobody spoke. They knew who Gutherson is. If Gutherson is here, then it could be said that the war is as good as won. If a legendary figure like that has come to lead them in the war, then they don't have any rights to say in response.

Gutherson said, " Let's get in. We will come up with a plan after considering everything."

"Yes." , Shun replied in response. All of them then walked inside the tent.

After some brief discussion, Gutherson said, " It is totally unconvienceable. I mean how did they get strong very quickly? When did they plan all this? But the most important thing is, where did they get this much army from?"

Shun said, " And another important question is, exactly from where did they get such high quality weapons from? I mean we are from Star Moon Empire. Our arsenal should be much better than their's. But we couldn't even keep up with them at all. This is suspicious."

Gutherson said, " We had no accurate information in the first place. But let's see what will happen tomorrow. Only after witnessing the situation that I can come up with a solution."

"Yes." , Shun replied.

Gutherson looked up in the sky and thought to himself, " Since children are in the <<Space-Time Formation>> I hope this much amount of time is enough for them to forge weapons and medical pills."


Inside the <<Space-Time Formation>>

Rick took the lead as the team leader. He looked at others and said, " We are going to be busy for God knows how many days inside the formation. So let me ask you one thing. How many of you here learnt the pill concoction?"

Adam replied, " I learned it. I thought if all of us are going to start with Weapon forging, then we are going to lose balance. So I learned the pill concoctation while others started with the Weapon Forging."

"Fantastic!" , Rick replied, " Since I learned both pill concoction and weapon forging, and majority of us has learned the weapon forfing, I'll go with pill concocration aling with Adam. As for the rest of you would go with weapon forging."

"Yes." , everyone replied in response.


During night time, when half of the soldiers were sleeping while exhausted during fight, more than 5000 people came in the black robes without alerting anyone. These people were well disciined as they are not making any sound while approaching Gutherson and his army.

The leader of these people said with a sinister smile, " Archers! Your target is right in front of your eyes. Why don't you show them our might?"

The Archer group immediately took their bows and arrows. They lifted their bows and arrows in the air. They locked their targets.

The general of these troops said, " Let's show Gutherson the might of our army. Archers! Shoot!!!"

Archer groups immediately triggered the arrows. The arrows travelled like a rocket towards the exhausted soldiers of the kingdom of Shun.

Because of the exhaustion, soldiers were in a deep sleep without any alertness. So they didn't know that from next moment how many people are not going to open their eyes forever.

The arrows travelled silently and pierced through the bodies of soldiers of the kingdom of Shun. Some of them yelled loudly in pain. While some of them died without even knowing how.

One of the soldier who was lucky enough to escape the shower of deathly arrows regained his senses from shock and shouted with his full might,