

This is the world where magicians are respected.. and the weak people ar doomed. Arjun Kumar our main protagonist is dsired to become the great magician but later finds that he has no "magic core" at all. Arjun didn't fell disappointed. He trains in Willpower the lengthy and time consuming way. But his fate changes when he meets a poweful Dragon named 'Magneel' who is kind to Humans and gives his power to Arjun and trains him. Join the adventures of Arjun and Magmeel who together joins in an adventures along with the interesting new characters who will be introduced in the future.

VKSS1602 · Eastern
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1002 Chs


Rick was disappointed. He said, " D*mn it boss! I really envy you. I wish I could also draw power from the chaos world!"

Arjun said, " No one in this universe could train in both the gate of light and the gate of the darkness. But you can. You are far lucky than anyone else. So don't be greedy."

Rick shook his head and said, " I'm not greedy. It's just that I want to be just like you."

Arjun said, " Forget it! I'm going to the city of light now."

Rick asked, " Why?"

Arjun replied, " I'm going to start learning another supporting occupation now!"

Rick was excited. He asked, " Which one?"

Arjun said, " Alchemy!"

Rick was excited. But he asked in surprise, " Boss! What is the difference between Alchemy and Pills Concocting? For me both comes under same branch."

Arjun said, " Alchemy teaches us to learn the properties of different plants. Every plants possess unique properties. But two different plants give you another unique properties. For example, The combination of space and time will give you a portal. Here time element has it's own properties. And space will have it's own properties. But the combination of these two gives you a totally different outcome. Same goes for the plants too."

Arjun continued, " As per pills concoction, The product of Alchemy needs to be sealed in something to avoid any leakage. In pills concoction we need to learn which coating material is strong and harmless enough to carry the alchemy product."

Arjun continued, " Both the occupation are interlinked. But the two things are totally different."

Rick nodded his head. He said, " I get it. Then I'll enter the city of light too. Ill learn forging."

Arjun said, " Good! Go ahead then."

Rick entered the city of light and started to learn the beginner level of forging. Arjun entered the building of Alchemy and took the beginner level of Alchemy. He then sat on the chair in the room and started to read it.


Alchemy is of two types. First is medicine type. Second one is poisonous type.

First you will learn about medicine type. In medicine type, you will combine the properties of different plants and bring out an unique property. These alchemy products could be used on every life form who are hurt. Life form could hurt themselves in different conditions. They could be hurt because of the disease. They could hurt themselves in the war. But your medicine which was prepared due to alchemy will restore them to the extent which the alchemy product's limit is.

As for the poison. If you can bring a person back to life and restore them. Then using alchemy you can destroy them using poison. Because if the combination of different plants could give a life saving property. Then there exist the combination of different plants which gives you an outcome that kills any life forms.

But in order to prepare a medicines or poison, you need to learn about the properties of each and every plant. You need to learn how exactly the properties of the plant changes if you boil it at different temperatures. What would it shows if you freeze it at different temperatures.

In the beginner level you will learn about the basic properties of different plants and leaves. You will learn about the properties of the stem, roots, leaves and it's advantages and disadvantages. You need to memorize every small details like your daily routine life habits.


Arjun who red this was fired up. He gone back to the reck and put the introduction manual in it. Then he picked up a book which was numbered as number 1 and gone back to the table. He sat on the chair and opened the book.

The moment he opened the book he found the picture of different plants. Below the picture he found the name and properties of that plant.

Arjun was about to begin it. But he heard a voice from the outside world. Arjun recognised the owner of the voice. It was Brooks!

Brooks said, " Young Master! Jacob and Raymond from the Assassins Organisation requests your presence."

Arjun opened his eyes and said, " I'm sorry Uncle Brooks. But ask grandfather to deal with them. Right now I'm not in the position to come out. I'm really fired up. If they came to deliver the materials then tell them that I'm learning Alchemy. So I will forge their orders when I'm done with learning. It will take 2 years roughly. So tell them if they could wait for 2 years then they can. If they can't, then ask them to find some other forger. But tell this to everyone not to disturb me until I'm done learning beginner level of alchemy! I'm not going to come out until I reach the beginner level in Alchemy!"

Rick opened his eyes and said while raising his hand in air, " Same here! I'm not going to come out until I reach beginner level in forging! D*mn! it's mind blowing. I started to love forging! I'm not going anywhere until I reach beginner level in forging."

Both of them didn't even looked at each other. They didn't even talk. They were literally fired up. They closed their eyes and started to learn what they wanted to.

"Eh?.." , Brooks went speechless! He didn't know whether to laugh or cry!

He went straight to Sitaram and told him everything. Sitaram was stunned! But a smile appeared on his face.

Gnan said, " So, he is learning Alchemy huh?"

Gutherson said, " Rick is learning about Forging! That's great!"

Aeron asked, " But is there any need for them to neglect the promise of the business deal? I mean what if the Assassins Organisation will stop this business deal?"

Sitaram said, " No, they won't! I'm sure that the news of us reaching the 8 - Grandstar Realm has already fallen in their ears. They know how troublesome we are when we were at 7 - Grandstar realm! Needless to say 8 - Grandstar realm! So they will try to build up a good relationship between us. And the only source they have is this business deal. So they will wait for 2 years."

Sitaram said, " Brooks! Go and tell Jacob and Raymond about this! Don't listen to any of their pleases!"

Brooks nodded his head and went and told everything to Jacob and Raymond. Both of them were stunned and didn't expect this at all! Helplessly they left and wrote back the letter to the headquarters of the Assassins Organisation.

When the news fell in the ears of the leader of the Assassins Organisation, he was pissed!

He stood up immediately and shouted in anger,