
A Runic Monkey Named Klein

"Ook. AHH. Krook. Ook. Ook. RACK..." A large dark furred monkey screams, pointing to the new-born beast, wielding barely cracked jade green eyes, still with bare skin exposed on his tail, and tuffs of brown fur scattered over most of its body. To the humans reading the monkey speak means "Everyone, it is time! My son is born! Ri brothers, wrap his eye with your magic!"

From there, 4 more monkeys all of varying shades start chanting in their monkey language, "Riok, Rior, Rion, Rios" Each word summoned a thread of elemental Qi finding its way around the new-born monkey, riok brought heat, it was the runic word for fire, rior gave the air a chill balancing the temperature in the air to what was normal for a jungle, rion was clearly heavy and strong, the runic word for earth, and with rios came a thread with the speed of lightning, lighter than a feather, sharp and soft.

The four strands all had one destination, they made it to the young beast's eye. The strand of fire made a line on top the pupil, the strand of water below, earth straight up beside, and the strand of wind taking place opposite, his eye showing the symbol 'Ri' the runic word for the elements. Shapes started to freely shift in the beast boy's eye, life and death flashed, then time and space until his pupil showed only klein, the symbol for chaos: φ (AN: Yes I know that is $\varphi$, it is really SIMILAR to the character I made up, every rune is some operation on a circle)

The dark furred monkey, the child's father named Mor smiled, he was pleased seeing that his experiment worked out in his son's favor. "Boy, your eye gives you the right to the name Klein. You are the harbinger of chaos, whatever is in this world has only the fate to be yours. Us runic beasts are all the firsts for this land, we are the primogenitors, and you are the first child of all of our magics, the Dao runs through your veins. Claim their souls if you can, claim their strength. Hahahah, I have a good son." Mor looked away from his son after an adorable smile from the infant primate coated in brown tuffs, leaving him in his mother's pale embrace. The snow white monkey was Klein's mother, she was born with the name Vir, she was the runic beast of life.

A star rides in a path over-head, it rose as it always does, from magnetic north unto magnetic south where it sets. From Klein's view come nightfall, a sight quite similar to Earth's Aurora Borealis was seen for the first time. He would become quite familiar with the multicolored marvel over the years, a blessing signaling the birth of the new heavens.


3 years pass


A beast with a full body covered in brown yet golden tipped fur stands in front of a lazing beast much larger than itself. "Dad! I want to leave the village!" Klein spoke without stumbling over his words, he had conviction over very little in his life until this point, finding little joy in any of the mindless tasks in his life, all his life was little more than sustaining himself with the aid of the older beasts in the tribe.

The black furred beast looks into the multicolored eyes and sighs, "Why? What good is the outer-world? Especially to make you so firm?" Klein's response wasn't anything profound, but he was a 3 year old monkey, and that's to be expected. "The village is boring, all I do is eat. drink. sleep. defecate. and repeat! I can't live a life like this! Let me go out on my own, I thirst for freedom!"

The black primate strokes the fur running down his chin, "You can leave, but you must understand what we are Klein. We are runic beasts, do you know what that entails?" Klein cocks his head to the side and sticks a finger in his mouth. "Uh, that we have runes in our eyes?"

With a sigh Mor looks at his son "Yes, we have 'runes in our eyes' but those symbolize something much more profound, we are the creators of this world, not to say we created the world, but instead that we create in it.

"There are varying levels of status in this world, and the lowest are those without a hint of magic in them, then those with some affinity but little relationship to the elements under Ri, higher are those under Mor and Vir, and further still Kar and Cor, all of them are made even more superior through cultivating their affinities, and above all of them are us runic beasts. We create the affinity, and we blaze the trails to walk down it.

"You, Klein, have the rune of Chaos, the rune called klein. You must blaze your own trail and become strong on your own, you have something like a master affinity. Here in lies your task:"

Klein stares at his father with wide eyes, and open ears, this is what he has been waiting for all his life. A chance for freedom! "You must understand your rune enough to embark on the journey of cultivation. You have a grander fate than Ri cultivation, than Mor and Vir, and even than your soul merged runes Kar and Cor, so take the first step on your journey, and then you may take every step you need after, and too you will be freed."