
Chapter 3: Battle that no one has ever seen

[Note: both Prince Xiong Qiang and King Sun Qiang have the same name]

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"My Name is Xiong Bo,

My father's name is Xiong Song, he is the King of this Xiong Kingdom

My Mothers name is Xiong Wenling, she is the Queen of this Xiong Kingdom"

Prince Xiong Bo gave his introduction before they start fighting

Chiyou also gave his introduction

"My name is Chiyou, and i am the king of Sullegar

My father's name is Cheng, he is an Archer and the greatest father who taught me a lot about survival.

My mother's name is Lihua, she is a demi-human and the greatest mother under this heaven

Both of them are no longer in this world, still, i consider them to be with me.

Also, i am blessed by the goddess of Sun, Jin Jie"

His last sentence made everyone surprised and the crowd started gossiping among each other.

Blessed by the goddess or gods is something not so common as very few people receive such blessing, so far, in the population of millions of people in the whole continent, only one person has been discovered with such blessing

He is Prince Xiong Bo who is blessed by the thunder god and he can control lightning with his will.

Thus, hearing Chiyou having a blessing is in no way normal

For sure, not many believe in his words, but Chiyou don't care about their thoughts.


The horns by the soldiers were blown as the battle begins


The wind blew wildly as Xiong Bo disappeared from his place and appeared right at the backside of Chiyou with his spear aiming at the back of his head


One more time wind blew wildly as Xiong Bo thrust his spear right at the head of Chiyou but Chiyou had long sensed his enemy,

He calmly moved his head sideward and gets away from the attack easily

But Chiyou is not done yet as he rotated backward and threw his left fist at Xiong Bo, but Xiong Bo also manages to avoid the hit and made some distance between themselves as he returns back to his initial position

"You really have some skills, i am impressed" Xiong Bo said as he looked at his enemy while he tightens the grip on his spear

Chiyou calmly looked at Xiong Bo, then he took a few steps back and walked towards Prince Sun Mo

"Scared?" Prince Xiong Qiang asked with a mocking tone, at his words, the whole crowd laughed at Chiyou, but he didn't care anyone

"Friend Chiyou, what happened?" Prince Sun Mo asked in a worried tone

"Nothing Friend Mo, i want you to hold my bow and arrows"

"Why? don't you want to fight with everything?" Prince Sun Mo asked as he is now tensed if his friend will be able to win or not as he has invested a lot to see this day where he can see Prince Xiong Bo fall down

But all of his tension disappears when Chiyou said "I thought that Prince Xiong Bo would be really good as he is blessed by thunder god, but that one contact made me realized that...

He is weak, he still has a long way to go and for that very reason, i have no plan to get serious, that's why i want you to hold my bow and arrows"

"Hahahahaa, for sure Friend Chiyou!" Prince Sun Mo said with a burst of wild laughter as he is now all tension-free.

His words were also heard by everyone else in the arena and everyone is angry at Chiyou

"So much arrogant!" Royal Teacher Yuang Gen said as he threw the glass of water he was drinking

Even Xiong Bo is angry at this

Chiyou turns around and with his 3 swords, still in its sheathe, he looked at his enemy

"Let's see what you got that makes your teacher so proud of you" Chiyou said as he releases Qi in every part of his body and in the next moment


He disappears


The whole arena trembled one more time as people are shocked to see the strength of Chiyou

Chiyou threw his fist at the chest of Xiong Bo, but he managed to block the attack with the shaft of his spear, but still, the whole spear trembled when it took the attack.

"This won't be enough to beat me, New King of Sullegar" Xiong Bo said in a calm tone

"I know that i am just testing your strength" Chiyou said back in a calm tone

Both of them had their eyes fixed on each other and then,





Both of them disappeared in the air as they both clashed against each other, they both are strong and they can take each other's attack without showing any opening

Every time they clashed, winds blew wild and the whole arena trembled


The crowd cheered for their prince as everyone present is a human, there is no demi-human

To the crowd and everyone else, it may look like Prince Xiong Bo and Chiyou are fighting on the same level, so it will be hard for Chiyou to win, but Prince Sun Mo and few others know that so far, Chiyou has not taken his sword out of its sheath

Chiyou carries three swords, and so far, not even one has been taken out



"You are truly impressive, but don't you think that you should take your sword out now? after all, you can die if i get serious" Xiong Bo warned Chiyou as he will now get serious.

"I would lobe to see how strong you are when you get serious, please don't feel any hesitation in getting serious" Chiyou said in a warm welcoming tone

At the side, Prince Sun Mo is looking at the battle with a big evil smile

'Hehhee, Xiong Bo, you always claimed to be the strongest under the heaven, but now what?!

HAHAHAA your so-called glory ends today when Chiyou will defeat you' Prince Sun Mo said in his mind

At the arena-

Xiong Bo is now really angry "You are really arrogant, you don't deserve to be here"

After that, Xiong Bo took his spear and then he closed his eyes as he concentrates,

The whole weather changed immediately, the open sky is now filled with dark clouds signaling that a storm is coming

Thunder clapped here and there as wild winds blew everywhere, Xiong Bo opens his eyes, and then called his skill/spell

"Spear of Lightning!"

The whole spear is covered in thunder and lightning crashed here and there in the arena ground from his spear

Xiong Bo aimed his spear at Chiyou and then launched it at him

"Friend Chiyou!' Prince Sun Mo called his friend as he is worried but Chiyou showed him his hand, stopping him from taking any step


The spear came straight at Chiyou's body, but Chiyou is all calm as if he don't cares about his life

But when the spear reached near the body of Chiyou, suddenly two large wings appeared out of nowhere and folded around the body of Chiyou



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to be continued-

I wanted to use real God names but that might cause some trouble so I didn't and yes, God's are real in this story

mrCatcreators' thoughts
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