
The Fall of Lucifer

Many years passed in heaven, and as the trial's consequences were decided, Lucifer found himself spending more time honing his abilities. He focused on mastering every aspect of his godly powers. Mostly focusing on the sins.

During those years, Lucifer also took it upon himself to help Lilith get a hang of her newfound power. As a mortal turned goddess, she struggled to control the immense energy that coursed through her. Lucifer was her mentor, guiding her with patience and understanding.

They spent countless hours together, training in the serene gardens of First Heaven. Lucifer taught her to harness the power of the earth, connecting with nature's essence and drawing strength from it. Perhaps it was due to Gaia, but Lilith had extreme potential in nature type abilities.

Lilith proved to be a quick learner, her determination matched only by her curiosity. She questioned everything, thirsting for knowledge and understanding. Lucifer reveled in these moments, enjoying the intellectual challenge of answering her inquiries and sharing his wisdom.

As time went on, their bond deepened beyond the realm of mentorship. Their conversations evolved from matters of divinity to contemplations of life, love, and the mysteries of the universe. They found solace in each other's company.

Lucifer was amazed at how Lilith embraced her godhood, blending the innate purity of her mortal heart with the boundless power of the divine. She was a testament to the potential that lay dormant within every being, mortal or celestial.

"I'm not sure I understand Luci," Lilith said with a puff of her cheeks one day as he attempted to show her something new.

"All gods have the ability to change their appearance, at least on the surface. You should be able to do it..."

Lilith looked at him with a completely lost expression, and this soon turned into frustration as she tried once again to change her appearance to no avail.

Lucifer chuckled softly at Lilith's adorable frustration. "It's alright, Lilith. Transforming your appearance is a skill that takes time to master. It's not just about changing how you look; it's about tapping into the essence of your divine self and projecting it outward."

He extended a hand toward her, offering guidance. "Try to relax and feel the energy within you. Picture the image you want to convey, and let it flow through you."

As if to demonstrate, Lucifer turned into a copy of Adam, making Lilith flinch before he turned back into his usual appearance.

Lilith nodded, calming down as she took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she focused on his words. She visualized herself with a different hairstyle, a flowing gown, and eyes that sparkled like stars. Slowly, a soft glow enveloped her, and when she opened her eyes again, she looked exactly as she had imagined.

"Oh! I did it!" Lilith exclaimed, her face lighting up with joy. "I look like a goddess, don't I?"

Lucifer's eyes softened. "You always have, Lilith. But now, you've learned to reflect that divinity outwardly as well. You are a true goddess, and your beauty is beyond compare."

Lilith jumped into his arms, kissing him deeply in her divine form as Lucifer embraced her as well.

Lucifer knew the consequences of acting on such lustful feelings, he was the creator of such things. Gods and celestial beings were meant to uphold the divine order, and romantic entanglements were often frowned upon.

Yet, lust in your heart does not always heed the mind's warnings, and Lucifer found himself drawn to Lilith in ways he couldn't fully comprehend.

One evening, as they stood on a balcony overlooking the celestial realm, Lilith gazed at the stars with a wistful expression. "Do you ever feel like there's something more out there, something beyond these realms?"

Lucifer turned to her, seeing the longing in her eyes. "I have wondered about that myself, Lilith. The universe is vast and full of mysteries. There may be realms beyond our own, waiting to be discovered."

Lilith sighed softly. "I can't help but feel like there's something calling to me, something beyond the boundaries of First Heaven. I want to explore, to seek out new experiences and knowledge."

Lucifer froze. "You... Want to leave?" He asked, his voice soft as he looked at the goddess.

"Eh! No not like that I-" Lilith stopped her words as Lucifer looked at her with a dangerous anger in his eyes.


Lucifer grabbed her by the throat, slamming her onto the ground and ripping her clothes off.

"You think you can accept my gifts and then leave? You owe me your very being. You!" Lucifer stopped, his anger subsiding as he saw the genuine fear in Lilith's eyes.

"I... Hmm, that's never happened before Lilith," He said simply, letting the scared woman go and unfurling his wings.


Lucifer flew off, his emotions in turmoil as his mind tried to comprehend what had just happened. "It's not like me to lash out..."

"No... No it's not," A voice said to the side of him as he widened his eyes, raising his arms just in time to be slapped out of the air by Tathagata.

"Gah!" Lucifer yelled in pain as he spit out blood, looking at the Buddha walk toward him with his usual blank expression and unlidded eyes.

"I was wondering when it would take effect... A demon god, of course you wouldn't be pure and in control, you are a spawn of hell, yet you are confined in the sacred place of the gods... An ever interesting predicament you're in. I've been taking notes on you since our first meeting, this is a nice development little angel."

Lucifer slowly stood up, glaring at the god in front of him as his green eyes began to glow. "Just what are you even talking about?"

Tathagata smiled widely. "Isn't it obvious? All gods can more or less determine their purpose, you, who has no purpose but to destroy, you tried so hard to find a true purpose. Is this why you turned that human?"

Lucifer's expression hardened, and he clenched his fists. "I didn't turn her into anything. Lilith embraced her divinity on her own. I merely guided her and helped her unlock her potential," He insisted.

Tathagata's smile remained unchanged. "Oh, is that so? Guided her toward what exactly? An identity crisis? A loss of control? You continued interfering with her and Adam's correct path, and you changed their story. She's supposed to be happy and married, and begin the story of the humans... You alone have doomed that race."

Lucifer's wings twitched with agitation. "No! I meant to empower her, she can change her fate herself, all humans can! They're like me! Why would I keep something like me powerless!" Lucifer yelled at the buddha.

The Buddha's eyes bore into Lucifer's, unwavering. "Is that why you attacked her just now?"

Lucifer winced. "I... I don't know what came over me. It's not like me to lose control like that."

Tathagata's voice remained calm and composed. "Yes it is, at least... It will be. You are The King of Sin are you not? The very essence of evil and temptation? You are a spawn of hell, and perhaps that darkness within you is too great to be tempered. The celestial realm is not a place for demons, and your presence is having a terrible effect on you..."

Lucifer felt a surge of anger rising within him. "You have no right to judge me! I have done more for the gods and First Heaven than you can imagine!"

Tathagata's face suddenly formed into a sinister smile, as if he was enjoying Lucifer's. "I do not doubt your contributions, Lucifer. I made most of them happen... But it is clear that your presence is causing unrest within yourself. My purpose is to lead others to their light yet the gods are divided, and Lilith's forced awakening you did is just the beginning. I cannot ignore the consequences of your actions any longer."

Lucifer's wings flared, and he took a step toward Tathagata, his voice seething with bitterness. "What do you suggest then? Banishment? Erasure from existence? I know you're enjoying this you sick fuck, you probably have been manipulating my thoughts from the very beginning to try and get this outcome. Do I scare you that much?"

Lucifer breathed heavily as black energy swirled around him, a crazed look in his eyes.

Tathagata shook his head. "I am not here to pass judgment, Lucifer. But I do believe it is time for you to find your true place in the universe, whatever that may be. You carry a burden of darkness that cannot be ignored, and until you confront it, you will continue to be a danger to yourself and others."

"Hah... Hey, shut the fuck up yeah?" Lucifer said, calming down and floating in the air. "If you're not kicking me out of first heaven, then why even say something like that? Help others find the light my ass, I'll do as I please as I always have..."

With that Lucifer burst off, and he was for sure this time that Tathagata's gaze was gone.

And so began to the downfall of Lucifer.

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