1 Reincarnation/ Origin

As he walked down the busy street, a black-haired young man carried a briefcase with an air of carefree contentment.

Suddenly, he spotted a little girl perilously close to being run over by an oncoming truck. "Lookout!" he urgently yelled, swooping in to save the child before dashing out of harm's way.

"Be careful—" he began to caution the girl but felt an unexpected force on his arm, pushing him back onto the street where he was tragically hit by the truck.

The last thing he saw was a man with black hair, looking at him with lifeless eyes and an outstretched arm that had seemingly pushed him into the path of the truck.

That man was the protagonist of our story. This tale is not one of a virtuous character, earning good karma and reincarnating as a result. No, this is the story of a protagonist who had not performed any good deeds. But to understand him fully, one must delve into his past.


Our protagonist was born in room 666 of Mercy Hospital, a perfectly healthy baby boy weighing exactly 8 pounds. However, four years later, his parents abandoned him outside a Walmart. Crying out for his "Mom" and "Dad," he hoped in vain that they would return for him, but they never did.

Some years passed, and a different fate brought him to an old man who, like him, had been abandoned. This man was a deranged murderer who took pleasure in seeing his victims beneath him.

"I'm going to teach you the art of murder," the man proclaimed upon finding our protagonist sleeping outside the Walmart where he persistently searched for his parents.

Confused by the concept, our protagonist, lacking knowledge of criminal activities, unwittingly delved into this dark path. Over nine years, he grew into a thirteen-year-old who had taken control of an entire underground company, driven by an insatiable hunger for wealth and power, relentlessly pursuing more property and companies.

By the age of nineteen, he had killed a man who owed his company money. This man had borrowed from our protagonist's cousin, who was also one of his lackeys. When the protagonist pushed the debtor into the street, the cousin rallied people to retaliate, but they all met their untimely demise before they could even harm him.

Upon reaching twenty-one, the protagonist looked out over his vast empire with a sense of boredom, feeling that something was missing in his life. It was on this very day that a woman, with whom he had occasional encounters, introduced him to Webtoon, and he became enamored with it.

Obsessed with Webtoons, he spent hours and days engrossed in reading, watching anime, and exploring web novels. During these moments, his face was the only time he could genuinely smile.

A year after discovering Webtoons, his empire collapsed, and his followers were hunted down. Oblivious to this downfall, he remained immersed in his online escapades, disconnected from the reality that awaited him.


A group of ten armed men stormed into his room, interrupting his perpetual reading. "We finally found yo—"


The protagonist shot the man speaking in the head and calmly interrupted, "Shut up, I'm reading." For the first time in months, he glanced up from his phone, only to be instantly obliterated by a hail of bullets.

'Well, can't complain.' His final thought before fading away.


Awakening in a mysterious room, he opened his eyes and exclaimed, "What the hell... didn't I die?"

"Yeah, you did," said a man with black angel wings, nonchalantly reading a book.

"And my boss has an offer for you," he continued.

Switching into business mode, our protagonist inquired, "And what is that, sir?"

The man smiled, encouraging him to be himself. "Your true self," he added, his eyes glinting with intrigue.

Overwhelmed by the tension, our protagonist dropped his facade, appearing uninterested as he replied, "Sorry... I guess."

The man smiled back, reassuring him that his boss was a fan. He directed him towards a door, and as our protagonist pushed it open, another man with black wings greeted him enthusiastically, nuzzling up to his face.

"Uh, yeah, good to see you too..." our protagonist said, bewildered by the warm reception.

Apologizing for his excitement, the man expressed his admiration and proclaimed, "You're more of a devil than I am, haha."

The mention of the devil prompted our protagonist to raise an eyebrow. 'Why is the devil acting like a child?'

The devil, seeming unabashed, clarified, "Hey! I'm not a kid... I'm just excited to see what you'll do in this new world."

Curious about this new world, our protagonist stepped back, wondering if it resembled the fanfictions he was familiar with.

Confirming his suspicions, the devil explained that he would be reincarnated into the world of God of Highschool, wielding the powers of Lucifer, the fallen angel. The devil assured him that karma was merely a human concept and that he was specifically chosen by Lucifer himself.

Eager to begin this new chapter in his life, our protagonist disregarded the notion of karma and expressed his excitement at the prospect of reincarnating into his favorite world.

As he embarked on his journey, the devil directed him to choose his appearance and a cheat to aid him in his new life. Without desiring an easy path, our protagonist made a bold choice, selecting a cheat that would offer him a unique experience.

The devil informed him of his destiny as Lucifer in the God of Highschool world, endowed with control over the seven sins, granting him the power of skill creation aligned with these sins. With a snap of his fingers, the devil sent our protagonist into the unknown.


In a realm amidst a chaotic battle, an angel with golden hair faced his father, the early Christian God, expressing his frustration and accusing him of betrayal. As the clash of divine forces unfolded, an unfamiliar figure descended into the scene—an enigmatic six-foot man with black angel wings.

'What the hell...' Our protagonist's mind raced as he surveyed the unfolding chaos before him. "Hello?"

The bearded old man pointedly addressed him as "Lucifer" and urgently implored him to halt the army's attack.

Disoriented and skeptical, our protagonist questioned, "What? No way, Dad... aren't you supposed to be all-powerful?"

Before an answer could be given, a fire wave surged between them, and a golden-haired figure sneered, "So you sired another son?" He glared at our protagonist with animosity. "Whatever... Attack!!!"

The army surged forward, unleashing destruction upon God and the heavenly realm. Bound before Michael, our protagonist helplessly watched as he executed a fatal blow upon God.

"God!!... Is no more," Michael proclaimed, then turned his attention to our protagonist, casting upon him a "Curse of 1,000-Time seal," condemning him to be a slave for the first realm of heaven for a thousand years.


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