
the King of Knight After link the Fire

After Lucifer last fight with Gwyn and rekindles the First Flame. He offers himself as kindling to the fire. Sacrificing all of souls souls, the Chosen Undead is consumed by the flames and the Age of Fire is extended, as life is breathed into the First Flame once more. when lucifer opened his eyes he was confused by what he saw, not the afterlife he was aiming for but the alley. he looked around and saw a lot of people passing by, he wanted to stand up but fell down because he was still injured from his last fight. while he was thinking what about his fate, someone blocked his view who turned out to be a beautiful girl "sir, are you okay?" ======================== Author: Joyful Interest i am just translating this for fun and training my writing skill, this novel doesn't belong to me and the cover also not mine.

Lotus79 · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 43 Iron-Blooded Prime Minister

The fiasco of the French East Front soon spread to the royal city of France. In fact, a small number of knights escaped the bridge that had not been destroyed before the defeat, but that was only a very small part of the scouts, and they took orders from Lothar.

It wasn't until several soldiers and even little nobles fled back that France finally determined what had happened on the front line. At this time, the last 70,000 people of the French Legion had been surrounded, and it was almost impossible to escape.

In the royal palace of France, many noble ministers are discussing what is currently happening. Many people's first impression is that they don't believe it, but facts are facts. After discussing for a long time, they haven't thought of how to transport the remaining 70,000 people on the front line. Even if the wounded are left behind, as long as normal people are to be transported back.

The cruel fact is that they will certainly not be able to build so many ships in a short time, and even if there are ships, they risk being sunk. However, some of them are also a little strange. Why did the Britains only surround the last 70,000 people without directly destroying them?

Regarding this question, Prime Minister Bismarck, who had been silent before, gave his answer.

"The reason why the other party did not do their best to destroy our last legion can only explain one problem." Bismarck looked like a blond man in his forties, with a short and delicate golden beard on his calm face.

Bismarck knew very well why the other party did not kill all the remnants. Just because they are hostages, they will be used to negotiate. If these people are killed, France is likely to fight desperately, and will never negotiate.

Of course, if France wants to fight to the death first, don't want to talk about it. Then Britain would definitely behead everyone immediately. With these 70,000 people, it is equivalent to the possibility of peace talks between the two countries.

"What's the problem?" The 30-year-old Earl Charles asked suspiciously.

"They are waiting! In other words, the new king of Britain is waiting for us to negotiate with him." Bismarck said the only possibility.

His words caused much discussion in the hall for a while, and many people agreed with Bismarck's words. However, some of them seem to be wrong.

"Your Excellency, since the Britains are waiting for me to negotiate, let them wait. Anyway, it is not us who are in a hurry. Let them wait more, maybe they will beg us to negotiate with them. Then we will let these The barbarians of Britain paid the price for their aggressive actions." The green-clothed nobleman named Carl stood up, and just looking at the way he spoke now, he probably thought he was the victory of the war.

"That's right." Another nobleman came out to agree.

"Yeah! Yeah! Let them wait!"

"Their king will not kneel down and beg us, we will never negotiate."

For a time, such words spread throughout the hall. Many seem to have forgotten their fiasco on the front line, thinking they have a great advantage.

"Shut up, idiots! Our frontline legion is almost wiped out. You still want them to beg you. Do you think you are a winner? Don't you have any brains?" Bismarck yelled.

Discussing state affairs with these guys, he will doubt his IQ more than once, and more than once he wants to strangle these idiots.

The prime minister's roar like an evil dragon made the hall become silent, and many nobles stepped back subconsciously.

"The prime minister! You...you! Just what you said, they are waiting for us to negotiate. Since this is the case, of course we..."

Carl wanted to say something, but Bismarck had no intention of listening.

"Duke Charles, can you shut up your people? We have no time to waste now, not a minute. And these idiots are still dreaming." As he said, Bismarck looked at the middle-aged aristocrat led by the idiot group.

Charles himself is actually very hard. Although he said he was the superficial leader of this group of Harmony factions, in fact he was only superficial, and the people below would get convulsions from time to time, and he could not help it.

At this moment, the emperor who had been silent spoke up.

"Bismarck, what will happen if we delay the negotiation?"

"The result will be very troublesome, Your Majesty."

"What kind of trouble?"

"Britain's victory this time can be described as a miracle. It took less than a month from the departure to the present to severely crippled the three major legions of our country. No matter how they did it, this matter has affected the others. The country will undoubtedly have a huge shock. The two countries that were originally prepared to take action against Britain will also reconsider the current situation and Britain's combat power at this time."

Before that, they had received news that Rome and Irish had acted, but now something like this has happened. Whether the two countries will take the opportunity to send troops has become a question. After all, it is only from the result that the new king of Britain is very capable of playing, and no one wants to follow in France's footsteps before figuring out the situation.

"You mean they will withdraw?" king Pepin calmly said a possibility.

"Irish certainly will. But Rome is not. We have obtained information before. The question of when the Roman Senate will send troops has been arguing for a long time, and until now there is no result. This means that their legion has not moved. Your Majesty, if Now that the news reaches Rome, the King of Britain will send an envoy to negotiate terms with Rome for a joint offensive. At that time, the three major armies of Rome may turn their heads and head south at any time, and things will turn into another rather terrifying situation."

Bismarck's words were only finished, and another heavyweight took over his speculation.

"The three Roman legions are heading south from the center, and the Britains come from the west to kill the last troops of our three legions. Based on the current strength of the British legions, the remaining troops on the west will certainly not be able to stop the new king of Britain. Only then. Withdrawing troops from the center and the north, the situation in northwestern France will become very dangerous." Florence, one of the three commanders, stood up. He was an old man nearly fifty years old. There are eyes like eagles hidden in a head of white hair.

"commander Florence, not only the two of them, Macedonia in the east, Alexander will not let go of this good opportunity." Bismarck continued to say more serious possibilities.

Once Rome and Britain moved at the same time, it would be almost impossible for Macedonia in the east of France to say that there was no movement. By that time, France will face a three-sided siege. Of course, they may be able to block the east and north, but the west has become the biggest problem.

Before the inside story of the destruction of the Legion was completely passed back, none of them knew how strong Britain was at this time. Maybe they can fight Britain again. But in case, in case it is defeated again this time, then France may never recover. Before they have a better choice, they dare not bet on their national fortune.


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