
the King of Knight After link the Fire

After Lucifer last fight with Gwyn and rekindles the First Flame. He offers himself as kindling to the fire. Sacrificing all of souls souls, the Chosen Undead is consumed by the flames and the Age of Fire is extended, as life is breathed into the First Flame once more. when lucifer opened his eyes he was confused by what he saw, not the afterlife he was aiming for but the alley. he looked around and saw a lot of people passing by, he wanted to stand up but fell down because he was still injured from his last fight. while he was thinking what about his fate, someone blocked his view who turned out to be a beautiful girl "sir, are you okay?" ======================== Author: Joyful Interest i am just translating this for fun and training my writing skill, this novel doesn't belong to me and the cover also not mine.

Lotus79 · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 26 Strike

On the city wall, many soldiers were taken aback by the cavalry that appeared suddenly, but some of them did not panic. St. Georgios looked at everything in front of him, his eyes extremely calm.

"The king's prediction is really accurate. There really is a problem here. The inner city is in place!" St. Georgios gave orders to the soldiers behind him. At the same time, behind the gate of the city wall, you can see that it has been arranged into a concave position.

Reinforced iron fences were erected all around, and six strong crossbows were aimed at the gate. At the same time, archers lined up on the surrounding high walls, and the magician troops were already in place. The entire inner city is like a huge trap waiting for the enemy to come.

Of course, this arrangement would certainly not be able to withstand the impact of tens of thousands of troops, but it was enough to deal with the opponent's elite knights.


Before the French knights approached the city wall, many bows and arrows and huge crossbows had been shot at them. Many people fell off their horses and disappeared into the chaos army, but these attacks did not slow down the cavalry force at all. They rushed towards the gate in a rain of arrows.

For them, there is only one chance, and if they fail, there is no second time. At the same time as the plan was going on here, the French army by the distant forest also began to move. They stepped out of the forest fantasy and prepared to attack with all their strength.

Lothar left a few hundred people to guard a hundred magician troops exhausted by illusions, and formally marched forward with the main force of the whole army. In the sky, more than two hundred two-legged flying dragon legions flew into the sky at the same time, with five people on each flying dragon's back. They are the legendary dragon knights, and together with the flying dragons became war weapons.

"What's the matter! Why did the Flying Dragon Legion only appear in half?" Lothar looked at Anseis beside him.

"His Royal Highness said that with the marshal's plan, half of the flying dragons would be enough. He also said that the others need to stay behind to defend the army so as not to be attacked." The face of Anseis who had just returned was also black.

"Asshole! The capital of Britain has entered the city, how could there be a surprise attack, or run behind us!" Lothar was so angry that he exploded directly.

"Commander! I think..."

"I know what he is thinking. I want us to fight desperately first. Fortunately, he shows up to take credit at a critical time. This **** does not care for his own merits and the lives of others." Lothar, as the battlefield veteran, naturally understands The prince's thoughts.

Wait a minute, the forward force will definitely encounter desperate resistance. The prince wanted to wait until the two sides were exhausted before sending out to grab the head.

"Commander, we can't stop now, even if we don't have the entire Flying Dragon Legion, we can't stop."

"I know. Speed ​​up!"

The French army began to move, but a part of the army did not follow them and stayed.

The center of the army formation was where the prince was. Inside the tent, a young male noble commander was watching the prince carefully and hesitated.

"His Royal Highness, are we really good like this? I think"

"Tell me, who has the final say here now, Roman!" The prince gave the nobleman a cold look.

"Of course it is you, Your Royal Highness."

"Then you just shut up, here I say, everything is up to me. I don't want you to think, I want me to think, understand?"

"Understand, understand!" The nobleman wiped the sweat from his forehead and said nothing.

On the plain in front of the Dragonscale Fortress, Lucifer and Siegfried had already dealt with these hundreds of ordinary knights, and the people on the flying dragon just saw that the situation was not good. Make them a lot easier.

After the battle, they didn't have much time to sigh, because they had discovered that the knight in the distance had already rushed through the gate of the fortress.

"It's a trap! No wonder they only sent so little troops to hunt me down. I'm sorry, everyone." A guilty expression appeared on Siegfried's face.

"Yes, it's a trap! Commander Sieg, you still have the ability to fight now." Lucifer looked at the fortress in the distance and didn't worry too much.

"Yes! Please give me the order my king."

"Knights, sound the horn, and we will charge again from behind them."


All the knights turned their horses, and they rushed back to the fortress. The battle just now cost them dozens of people, and the overall combat strength is still there. Not without the ability to rush back.

Moreover, not knowing if it was an illusion, Altoria found that from their current position, it was not so much that the French knights were attacking the fortress, it was more that they exposed their rear to the front of their sword. She subconsciously glanced at Lucifer who was smiling.

Is this also in your plan, master?

Putting away the doubts in her heart, she followed Lucifer's figure and once again launched a charge against the enemy.

Inside the fortress, Saint Georgios also found the French army on the distant horizon. He estimated the time of arrival in his mind, and at the same time looked at what was happening in the inner city.

Below is a purgatory-like scenery, countless corpses are piled up in the main road, blood is flowing freely, they seem to be a natural barrier blocking the way in which the knights come in, and wait until the knights behind have roughed it up. Their bodies will become part of the barrier again.

"If it's normal, maybe we won't have time to react at all. Not to mention mobilizing so many troops." Saint Georgios was lost in thought.

Normally, the main force of defending the city is concentrated on the wall. Because the defense is at the gate door, unless you see that the city gate is about to be broken, it will not increase the force, let alone set up a trap with heavy troops like this.

He knew very well that he had to solve these knights quickly. Then close the door, so that France's plan will be completely finished.

Outside the city gate, the troops led by Lucifer had already touched the rear of the French knights. They took Lucifer as the tip of their sword, and if a sharp sword cut through the French knights.

Knights continued to fall under their swords, and they were getting closer and closer to the gate. And in the distance behind them, a large number of French knights are also rushing towards the fortress with all their strength. Now they are all in a race against time.

Seeing that Lucifer and the opening they made was about to approach the door, St. Georgios again gave orders to the soldiers behind him.

"Stop the attack! The king is coming back! Get ready to close the city gate!"

The soldiers in the inner city put away their bows, arrows and crossbows, they began to move towards the wall one after another, and the soldiers on the ground also pushed open the fence beside them to prepare for Lucifer's return.

Lucifer led the knights to behead the enemy all the way, and finally returned to the city wall. When the knights returned completely, there were still a large number of suicidal enemy troops behind them. These people are desperately charging towards the city gate.

"close the gate!"

Just after St. Georgios's words were finished, the voice of the city guard came not far away.

"No, Master commander, the enemy army below forcibly stuck the door with its body. It can't be closed."
