
the King of Knight After link the Fire

After Lucifer last fight with Gwyn and rekindles the First Flame. He offers himself as kindling to the fire. Sacrificing all of souls souls, the Chosen Undead is consumed by the flames and the Age of Fire is extended, as life is breathed into the First Flame once more. when lucifer opened his eyes he was confused by what he saw, not the afterlife he was aiming for but the alley. he looked around and saw a lot of people passing by, he wanted to stand up but fell down because he was still injured from his last fight. while he was thinking what about his fate, someone blocked his view who turned out to be a beautiful girl "sir, are you okay?" ======================== Author: Joyful Interest i am just translating this for fun and training my writing skill, this novel doesn't belong to me and the cover also not mine.

Lotus79 · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 22 Heavy Rain

On the third day of the march, the sky was raining heavily, as Lucifer told Gawain before. The heavy rain slowed the marching speed significantly, but due to the previous rapid march, the overall speed did not slow down. Taking advantage of this weather, the army had more time to rest.

The heavy rain fell for one day and did not stop completely until the fourth day, Lucifer led the army to move on. There were turbulences along the way. When they walked along the avenue to near a river, there was an extra figure in the middle of the road.

He was Robin Hood who had only seen him before. The water beach on the roadside hadn't dried yet, Robin Hood didn't hide his figure, but stood there directly.

"Stop there!"

Lucifer raised his hand to make a gesture, and the army behind him stopped one after another. He took Gawain and Altria out of the crowd and rode up to Robin Hood.

"It's you again! This time is much more upright than last time, so you don't need to be invisible?" Lucifer looked around and found that he was indeed the only one.

"I don't want to be misunderstood by your knight again. Not to mention me, the reason why I am here now is to tell you not to move on. It is better for you to be forgiving."

Robin Hood's words couldn't help but let Lucifer think of what might have happened the way ahead.

"What happened before?" he asked.

"Yesterday's heavy rain caused the water level of the river to soar suddenly. The only bridge that can go to the other side of the river has been washed away. Although the current is much calmer, the water surface is much wider than expected. If you lose the bridge, you can go ahead and pass. Can't stop the river."

The news brought by Robin Hood surprised the three of them. The bridge in front is their only way. If the bridge has been destroyed, it will undoubtedly delay their march.

"The bridge has collapsed and you can't cross the river? Altoria, map! Gawain, you take a few knights to the front to check the river."

On the surface, he said so, but Lucifer did not fully believe Robin Hood's words. He asked Altoria to bring the map while sending Gawain to determine the situation.

"Look!" Altoria took out a cylinder from her horse, and there was exactly the map rolled up there.

Gawain returned to the queue and took a few knights out quickly. He needed to confirm the authenticity of this news as soon as possible. If it is true, it is necessary to determine the condition of the river.

After Gawain left, Lucifer had been looking at the map. He was observing the nearby bridge and even the terrain. In order to find alternative solutions. If the previous bridge is not destroyed or can be repaired, these schemes are naturally unnecessary.

But if the worst happens, an alternative way to cross the river must be found immediately.

"At present, the nearest bridge from here needs more than half a day, plus the time to restore the original road afterwards, and it will take another day." Lucifer murmured.

"Do you want to make a detour?" Altoria immediately said the possible plan.

"No, we need to wait for Gawain to return to determine the situation. If the damage is serious, we cannot be sure whether this bridge is intact. If it is the same as the previous one."

Soon, Gawain returned with the knight. He got off the horse and came to Lucifer, explaining the situation truthfully.

"My king, the water in front of the river has risen a lot, and the bridge...the bridge has also been washed away."

"Notify the troops to rest on the spot. Let's go there together, I want to check the situation on the spot myself.

Hearing this, Lucifer promptly ordered Gawain to stay, and he took dozens of knights to accelerate forward.

Soon they came to a river, and at the end of the road you could see a destroyed bridge. The piers are still only partially submerged in the water, but the central part has long since disappeared.

Under this situation, it is basically impossible for the army to cross the river. Although the river is quite calm, it still washes people away. Lucifer picked up a stone and threw it into the water, and found that the depth of the water far surpassed the height of an ordinary person. Coupled with the river surface of several tens of meters, it would be impossible to cross the river without a bridge.

The knight followed Lucifer's steps to the river and fell into silence as he watched his shadow reflected on the water. There was no problem for the previous three days, even their king considered and took advantage of the heavy rain, but no one thought that what should have been a small river prevented them from moving forward.

Lucifer kept calculating the time and feasibility in his mind, and finally fixed his eyes on the climate and a forest not far away.

"Robin Hood, are there elves in this little forest?" Lucifer asked the ranger beside him.

Compared with the previous forest, this forest can only be regarded as a small forest, but it does not mean that there are few trees in it. Lucifer calculated the distance to the river and found that they were enough to build a bridge.

"This is a barren forest. The magic power in the veins has long been exhausted. The elves will not live in such a place." Robin Hood looked at the distant woods and said the answer.

The place where the elves live is usually accompanied by the ground veins, and there is no magic power in the ground veins.

"That's good."

"What do you want to do?"

"Of course you need materials to build a bridge, don't you? Originally I was thinking that if there are elves here, I should discuss with them to borrow or buy some trees. After all, it is not very moral to disturb people's peace casually."

"Ah? You still care about this?" Robin Hood had a new understanding of Lucifer.

In his opinion, as the king, it is good to take this forest directly. This is what the nobles and even the king did before. Although this country is famous for its knighthood, there are very few people who truly speak the principle of knighthood.

"Of course, from a historical point of view, elves have lived in this land for much longer than humans. Moreover, since they live on this land, they are my people and part of this country." Lucy Phil expressed his opinion.

"You..., if you really have this kind of idea, I would really support it. I have heard elves complain about the impact of humans on their lives. It just so happens that this land currently has no owner, you can just cut it down."

"There is no master. The former master died in battle?"

"It is true that the former owner died. But he was not killed in battle, but in a duel. He has no descendants. According to the current laws in Britain, this land will be collected and returned to the royal family."

After Robin Hood had finished speaking, Lucifer suddenly felt that he was lucky. Of course, even if the land had a lord, Lucifer would still cut it, but he would go through a procedure and give that person some compensation. But since it doesn't, it saves some trouble.

"Oh! In other words, it's my thing now."

Lucifer's current identity is king, naturally, this land is also his territory. Although the official document may not be filed, at least it is in name.

Robin Hood thought at this time as if it was the same as Lucifer said.

"That's true. It's just that I want to remind you that even if the bridge is opened now, it will still delay a lot of time. Instead of wasting time and energy to build the bridge, it is better to take a detour."

"Under normal circumstances, you are right. But if you just build a one-off bridge, I have a special method."

"Special method?"

Lucifer didn't say what the special method was, but went to one of the many knights among the purple knights.

"Knight Lancelot, I heard Tristan say you are good at logging?" Lucifer asked a delicate question.

"Logging? If this is what the king expects." Lancelot was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood that it meant cutting trees. Although he didn't know what king wanted to do, he still obeyed the order.

"It doesn't need to be too neat, just cut down the trees in the fastest way. Then throw them into the river in rows and fill them up. Can it be done?"

"Yes! But if I want to do it as soon as possible, I need more manpower."

"No problem. Altoria, tell Tristan, let him bring three hundred people over. Focus on choosing those who can grow stronger."

[T/N: Each time I typing Altoria, it felt wrong. I'm already used to saber, how about you my brother]


Altoria went quickly, and came back quickly. In a short while, three hundred knights appeared in front of Lucifer, who temporarily handed them over to Lancelot to command them, and then they started a huge tree-cutting movement over there.

Although they also had many questions in their hearts, since it was the king's order, they could only execute it. About an hour later, they took the cut tree trunks and quickly dropped them not far from the upper reaches of the river. The trunks drifted down the river.

While they were still wondering why Lucifer didn't use these things to build the bridge, but dropped these trunks, Lucifer had already come to the river. He drew the holy sword from his waist.

"The cold frost from the painting world, freeze everything." A frosty whirlpool was rolled up on the holy sword held high, and Lucifer aimed it forcefully at the surface of the river.

A strong ice storm spurted out with a sword, and swiftly reached the river directly to the opposite bank, and finally froze together with the tree trunks on the ground. In this storm, everyone was almost unsteady on their feet.

After the storm, a miraculous ice bridge appeared. The river and tree trunks are frozen together by ice, and the huge ice surface with a width of hundreds of meters in front of you forms a natural ice bridge. Because of the tree trunks under the ice, it is stronger than ordinary ice. The whole looks like a concrete bridge made of ice and trees.

"Okay!" At this moment, Lucifer seemed to have just done a trivial thing.

"This!" Robin Hood has the urge to wipe his eyes to see if he is dazzled.

Using magic to freeze the surface of the river to allow the army to pass, this approach has probably rarely been thought of before. Compared to Robin Hood's sluggishness, the knights who saw this scene once again looked at Lucifer in their eyes full of enthusiasm.

Yes, the person in front of him who is freezing the river with his hands and feet is their king, the king they are loyal to. Even Altoria stayed for a long time without responding, until Lucifer's order appeared.

"Immediately notify everyone to speed up crossing the river!" Lucifer retracted his sword and shouted at the knight behind him.


At this moment, all the knights rushed to the army behind, and they couldn't wait to tell the people behind them the miracle they had just seen.


this chapter is 2 chapters long.

Give me your power stone, its not like i need it or anything.