
Becoming Yama

He excitedly went to his room to make a call to his parents but when he open the door switch on the he got electrocuted and went to coma

He was in coma Saw a palace Yama written on it in His mind his he got curious and wanted to know about palace so he move toward it when he touched the door palace started glowing A loud voice ringed in his mind which said new yama "The King of Hell" has been selected Xuxin Become the new yama large information about three realms started to flood Xuxin mind he found out hell currently was in bad shape He was given task to bring hell to its peak condition

But bringing the Hell to its peaks was not easy task. first thing he needs was to become strong

powerful enough to defy the heavens. He aslo needed strong companions because managing hell wasn't one persons task.

He was owner of the hell not worker of hell so he need people to work for him.

but he can only work alone at moment.