
Chapter 27

The planning was done and Naruto interacted with the people on board, getting to know them. He hit it off with Ralph without any issue and even Clark wasn't a problem as he had already conquered Sasuke.

When they had found him in the base of the snake, Naruto had defeated him in battle with high difficulty and utilized his Rasenshuriken to atomize Orochimaru and Kabuto.

Sasuke was also one of the people that should have survived the battle with Pain. It brought some closure that he was back and ready to protect Konoha after having defeated Itachi with Naruto giving him back up.

Mai and Vanessa were also easy to get close to as Naruto was juts that kind of guy with experience in interacting with all kinds of people. But Leona proved to be an exception as she was hard to get close to and was always silent.

They arrived on land and ran the whole way towards their destination avoiding public eyes. There movements were fast, faster than any vehicle could move and their control meant there were no marks left behind.

Naruto was impressed by their ninja like movement skills as he thought they might leave foot prints behind or make too much noise leaving sonic booms.

Within minutes they had arrived at their destination, the Kunlun Mountains. The Kunlun Mountains constitute one of the longest mountain chains in Asia, extending for more than 3,000 kilometers (1,900 mi). In the broadest sense, the chain forms the northern edge of the Tibetan Plateau south of the Tarim Basin.

The highest elevation point of the mountain was 7 Km and most of the mountain range was covered in snow at this time.

There was a meadow and river flowing near it. It was a peaceful and beautiful sight away from a proper city.

There were normal people living in this region without the knowledge of NEST or they worked for them, none knew. The group continued without stopping by using Naruto's invisibility jutsu to cover them and they rushed towards the target region.

NEST had built a base in a careful space in the mountain range that wasn't visible to the outside world and it had tunnels going throughout the mountain range.

It was a coincidence that someone had seen Kyo in these mountains, and that was suspicious since Kyo was nowhere near China at that point of time.

The agent had witnessed the opening of the entrance and noted down the details. Fortunately he had been far from the detection range and specialized in long range scouting or he would have never got out of the region.

It had shown them that the organization was making clones, they had high level of tech and that should not be their limits. They wanted to take over the world and their leader Nests wanted to become the strongest, immortal being.

On the outside, NEST was just a good natured multinational corporation helping people around the world with education and health but it was also the name of the crime syndicate with dreams of control.

Nests was the CEO and founder of the corporation, he was born in England and came from a noble family. He had been alive for more than hundred years already and he had inherited the corporation from his predecessor, and changed the name to his own name.

He was a tall man with white short white hair and a muscular build. He was known to be a master of the sword and there were many paintings of him with large sword.

Arriving at the location, Naruto could sense the tunnels underneath and the base with his earth manipulation. He had trained in all elements and checking like this was one of the basic skills.

Confirming their target, the others split from Naruto and Leona while Mai and Ryo locked to another entrance. The base had more than one entrance so they were going to attack both sides to cause as much disturbance as possible.

They weren't going to underestimate them as the enemy was highly advanced and had existed for a long time. It wouldn't be a surprise if they had a fighter of Akuma's caliber.

Naruto felt excited as he stood on the mountain and felt the cool wind touch his skin. He locked onto the entrance that looked completely the same as the background. Without any accident, nobody would realize that the gate was metal.

"Let's go" Naruto muttered as he launched himself with a large rasengan in his hand.


He had been extra careful so it was big as a house and it easily had the gate collapse, taking away house worth of the area of the base entrances.

With such an attack, the alarms started blaring and Naruto went through signs as he breathed out smoke from his mouth that spread throughout the base. He made it difficult for the cameras to watch their movement and even took out the useless fodder humans that must have been armed with weapons.

Just as planned, Naruto smashed aside every person he came across while moving beside Leona. They headed for the interior where they could find anything useful and hack into their systems.

The Ikari warriors and others also followed up, they followed Mary leaving only Naruto on Leona's side as he was the literal one man army.

Naruto's clone spread throughout the base, making a mess and beating down everyone that they came across. That was until the clones from the other side were released.

The base was actually filled with clones, and was one of the research bases for preparing clones. Naruto's clone fought off Kyo clone, Ryo clones, Leona clones and Ryu clones. The clones were weaker than the original self and were very robotic.

But it seems Naruto had managed to piss off the leader of the base very much with his tactics and destruction of defense systems.

They ended up facing real danger after entering a large room that seems to be used for testing purposes and they could see the leader behind the glass above them while powerful fighters surrounded them.

They weren't the only ones in trouble as the other team had also gotten into conflict with important fighters of NEST.

"Leave this to me, I will handle it." Naruto muttered as he looked at the Akuma clone, Rugal clone, Terry Clone and two fighters while the boss was above them.

Six powerful fighters against him, even Leona didn't see a way of survival and it seems this was trap to invite powerful fighters inside without making too much noise.

Leona looked at his confident smile and to the enemies, she could tell he could die here if she left but the mission could decide the fate of millions of lives.

"Take care" Leona muttered as she crashed through the door from where they came from with two of Naruto's clones while Naruto erected a wind barrier to block them off.

"Welcome to our base, Uzumaki Naruto. We have been looking forward to see how you operate, so it's a welcome surprise that you appeared here. We look forward to operating on you and using your friends to create better fighters. Now let us begin the testing phase." Krizalid announced with an arrogant tone as he looked down on Naruto, he was one of the executives of the syndicate with only few people above him.

He was a tall Irish man with white hair. He was made to be the ultimate Kyo Kusanagi clone and had Terry's and Akuma's DNA mixed in as well. He was outfitted with a special suit to feed data of fighters into his body during battle. He had control over all the clones in this facility and could use them however he wished. Under him were two other operative that were part of the Ultimate warrior program.


K Dash was a man with dark skin tone and white hair. He wore sunglasses and a black leather suit. K' (real name unknown) was a normal child who lived happily with his sister, Seirah. One day, they were captured by NESTS. K' was kept under NESTS and trained to be some kind of weapon. K' was made to participate in the Kusanagi cloning program. He was infused with Kyo Kusanagi's DNA, which gave him the power of Pyrokinesis. During the program, K's memory was tinkered with, and he was made to believe that he was Krizalid's clone. Any real memories from his past had either been erased by NESTS, forgotten, or repressed.

To boost his performance even more after he had proved his strength, NEST had infused him Akuma's DNA. It granted him a boost of KI that was much required and his power reached a new level.

K' has a very serious and arrogant personality but was very easy to enrage due to his more high-strung side. He often calls Maxima names - like "stupid", "idiot", etc. - but he actually trusts his partner's reliability. He was hardly polite and was always gruff, even to those close to him. Because K' usually expressed his concerns in a "tough guy" manner, Maxima jokingly calls him dishonest or stiff. He sees Kyo as a rival and wants to prove he was better than him.


The final fighter was Maxima, a buff Canadian that had been turned into a cyborg. Maxima was a Canadian soldier who led a normal life until he found out that his comrade-in-arms Rocky was killed in an incident involving NESTS. To avenge Rocky, he decided to sacrifice his previous life; he had his face and name changed and his "ordinary" life destroyed. To infiltrate the cartel without being recognized, he had his body cybernetically modified by Dr. Makishima, hence his codename of Maxima. As a cyborg, his strength and reaction time increased to superhuman level with built-in weapons (an originally-blocked hand cannon and a powerful cannon-like weapon installed in his chest) and the ability to conduct instant data analysis. He also has some degree of cyberpathy (he is able to perform feats such as connection to the satellite via cybernetic part of his mind). These systems were powered by a miniaturized nuclear reactor called the "Maxima Heart", although it's unclear whether his real heart remains as part of those 20% of his body which is still organic or if it was replaced with its artificial analogue.

He had become one of the minions of the cartel not knowing that the kind doctor was one of their agents and his memories had been tempered with so that he saw himself as part of NEST.

Maxima was very serious about duty and business. He was a very honorable man who suffered greatly when Rocky died. He saw K' as a new Rocky and calls him partner. He usually has to apologize for his partner's rudeness with a humble attitude. His mellow nature seemed to belie his age, as several people mistake him for being a few years older than he really was.


"Take him down, don't worry about mutilating him." Krizalid commanded while his system analyzed all the fights happening around the base. Every moment he was evolving and become a better fighter, humans had limits but the computer assisted system would easily make him enter a new level.

He was already one of the best fighters in the world only limited by his stats and powers but that would change as the research improved.

They would replicate the powers of the ancient warriors and earn the power similar to the levels of Orochi.

With a cold gaze he watched the battle in the room below as Naruto was surrounded by Akuma, Terry, Rugal, Maxima and K.

Maxima was similar to him and he had started analyzing his foe.

"Hey blonde bitch, why don't you pop up some clones already before we tear you a new one." K smirked at Naruto while red flames burned on his hand.

"Hehe, now that's funny. You are too pathetic to earn such honor. Come on force me, with your weak stats." Naruto teased him with the intention of making them angry.

It was his style to piss of people during combat when he wasn't playing around and intended real harm.

"You are gonna regret that, you little shit." K was angered by the disregard he was being shown. It really pisses him of when people looked down on him. But he didn't let it lead him as he waved his hand towards Naruto sending a flame wheel in his direction.

It was the signal for the start of the battle.

Naruto didn't wait for them either as he moved just like them.

Terry charged at him with burning knuckle, his fist covered in flaming Ki that would knock most foes with ease. Rugal unleashed a genocide cutter while Akuma charged at him.

Naruto jumped towards Akuma and met him in the middle, just all the clones it was much weaker than the original and very robotic as only memories had been planted into it.

With smooth movements, Naruto threw him behind to intercept the attacks for him while unleashing making signs with one hand and releasing a vacuum bullet.

Terry stopped his move and jumped to the side while Akuma launched a Ki bullet below dodging the attacks from Rugal and K.

Limited thoughts indeed and the clones didn't last for long either as the tech wasn't perfected yet. It was the reason they mainly used agents infused with DNA from other warriors.

The Vacuum bullet was huge and it hit Akuma while Terry managed used Power geyser, a punch to the ground that unleashed a pillar of nature Ki.

Terry fighting style allowed his Ki to interact with nature. It was the reason, why he was so powerful and his attacks were so destructive.

Rugal used dark barrier to block the attack for K and Maxima while Akuma smashed into the wall without a scratch and launched himself towards Naruto again.

He unleashed a Hadoken while Naruto unleashed another wind jutsu, wind wolves. Smashing his palm against the ground, several wind wolves appeared as the locked on to their targets.

Running like the wind, they crashed into each of the fights causing the cutting damage as they were made from wind sharp enough to cut any metal.

It gave the chance to use his wind armor technique and he applied right in time as Rugal appeared close to him with a punch charged with dark energy. Naruto ducked as he punched Rugal in the chin sending him into the air but couldn't continue as K came at him with sliding tackle.

Naruto made a small rasengan to handle him when Terry launched himself at him with blazing rush and Akuma also came at him with flying kick from above.

He was surrounded from all sides with powerful attacks so Naruto controlled his chakra and made a barrier that expanded outwards instantly.

It wasn't strong enough to handle all of the attacks especially since Rugal flipped and axe kicked towards the barrier.

Naruto went through signs with his other hand and unleashed a giant hurricane that sent all of them away from him but once again they launched attacks without rest.

Akuma unleashed a charged beam while Rugal used a charged genocide cutter and Terry used a consecutive Power Geyser that sent tremors across the base.

The ground was shaking from the impacts of his fist and K focused on his target and the area around it exploded in consecutive explosions.

Naruto was on all fours surrounded by the storm as he could sense the danger of these threats. They could all survive his attacks, alone they weren't much but combined they were too much for him.

He had almost gotten damaged.

'Oh damn, this is getting too hot.' Naruto thought as he locked onto Rugal as he was also providing defense and his attacks weren't weak either. All three clones were too powerful, it was good that they were weaker than the originals or even the sage mode wouldn't be enough.

Pushing against the ground covered in his wind armor, Naruto launched himself at Rugal and went through the hurricane that moved towards Akuma and Terry to hold them off.

Naruto went through the genocide cutter with the his enhanced body covered by the armor and crashed into Rugal who kicked him from above but he dodged it and caught Rugal's face in his hand as crashed his head into the wall.

Smashing his head into the metallic wall with insane speed caused it to shake while the clone attacked him with an energy explosion while K appeared beside him with some kind of speed technique and punched him in the side.

Naruto unleashed a rasengan at Rugal regardless of the energy explosion, the attack hit Rugal chest but the man managed to put up the dark barrier that reflected the attack back.

K's fist landed on his side and an explosion took place while the rasengan flew at him. Naruto blocked the fist with his right arm while backhanding the rasengan towards Akuma who had come towards him.

Following that he pulled K and kicked him towards Rugal. Using him as a launching pad, Naruto kicked Terry who was kicking him from above.

Both of them collided but he was stronger, though that didn't matter since Akuma hit him with the powerful uppercut while Rugal kept him in place with a large energy blast.

Akuma ended up hitting him in the abdomen and they crashed into the ceiling, Naruto caught the fist while enduring the pain of fractures and smashed Akuma into the ceiling while kicking him in the face using chakra as boosters for his kick. It sent tremors across the base.

Akuma ended up hitting him with a single hand Hadoken in the balls.

'Fuck!' Naruto almost screamed out loud as he was hit in such a weak spot. The bastard clone had been lucky to get a hit when Naruto's attention was on the attackers below.

The pain gave them the chance to hit with blazing knuckle, explosion and genocide cutter. Naruto was forced to endure as the attacks hit him but managed to use a rasengan on Akuma who fell from the ceiling with a concussion.

The rasengan hit him in the face and was about to tear away his head when Naruto quickly moved it to the side and blocked the laser that came at him.

He increased the intensity of the rasengan and even then he was still sent crashing into the opposite wall as the laser broke through his rasengan.

Maxima had read all his movements and detected his chance to give him maximum damage. He used his strongest laser that could easily tear through the base.

It was a testament of Naruto's power that he even survived it when none of the others present could.

Naruto landed on his feat while coughing up blood as his bones had broken, his lungs were busted and he was burned terribly from the impact of the beam.

The attack was stronger than his attack and he didn't think they were nice enough to let him use Rasenshuriken.

'Hehe, this is the feeling.' Naruto smiled as he summoned clones for each of them. It gave him enough time to heal the damage and prepare his attack.

'Have you found the goal yet?' Naruto asked through the communication seals he had drawn on Mary and Leona.

'I am working on it, give me 5 minutes.' Leona answered with a tired tone as she had also gone through many battles on the way.

'Take your time, I can handle it.' Naruto said as he looked at his foes and a mini Rasenshuriken formed in his hand.

This would have been really dangerous if he didn't know to how to throw it or minimize it. Locking onto Akuma, Naruto threw it while he threw the other one at Terry.

They were busy fighting his clones and were taken by the attacks. Akuma radiated all his energy to block the attack he sensed death while Terry was also covered in energy but it took form like armor.

The Rasenshuriken covered them up and attacked them with millions of tiny blades that cut diamonds with ease. The attack also popped his clones while the targets were almost killed. They survived but they were drained from defending it.

Krizalid had seen enough, he knew Naruto would win if he continued to watch. Locking onto Naruto, Krizalid caused an enormous explosion that affected everyone.

Naruto was hit directly by it and his Rasenshuriken damaged his hand while his face was burned from the explosion. He had been sent flying again and Maxima unleashed more powerful beams at him by connecting the system of the training room.

The beams combined together and hit him in the abdomen.

Naruto had blocked it with body enhancement and chakra barrier but it pierced through it, making a hole in his body.

'Should have used more clones.' Naruto thought as he bled and looked at his foes. The clones would definitely make a difference but the beams would pop them easy enough.

'I guess enough horsing around.' Naruto closed his eyes as a clone that he had hidden in the start of the battle popped. It had gathered nature energy for him and he turned into sage mode.

"You should have run when I was playing around with you. Take the lesson with you to the afterlife." Naruto muttered as he took a stance while his body healed at a visible pace.

Focusing all his power, Naruto unleashed a kick that seemed to not hit anyone as he was standing far away but it hit all of them in the face.

K and Maxima had already taken him seriously so they were ready for anything and when the attack hit them, they had used their Ki to block it but were still sent crashing through the wall that had already suffered too much damage.

On the other hand the clones were hit directly without much defenses and Rugal neck broke while Terry and Akuma crashed through the wall with their necks barely holding up.

Krizalid had sensed the danger and activated his barrier but it was broken and his arm broken from the impact. Sage mode gave Naruto a multiplier of 15, the enemies could fight his base form and their strength was close to his base form while Krizalid was stronger than his base form.

Naruto had seen it from the start that the boss was stronger than him but the difference was too big. Sage mode made the difference huge.

The power of nature was not to be underestimated. Naruto followed that with a straight punch and sent Krizalid crashing through the room into the hall way while the clones exploded from the impact.

Maxima and K were lucky as they hand landed out of his range. Seeing the destruction and the unconscious K, Maxima picked him up and decided to escape.

He didn't want his friend dying. The mission was a failure and they had no chance to fight.

'Maxima unleash the space canon and destroy the base.' Krizalid's command hit him and Maxima ran as he connected to the canon in orbit.

It locked onto the base.

Naruto felt the danger, it was enough to threaten his safety but it was enough to kill everyone else.

'RUN' Naruto screamed into the seal. He had already informed them of his danger sense and the moment h=they heard his voice all of them rushed out of the base in any way they could.

Breaking through walls or running through the path.

Krizalid locked onto Naruto and unleashed hundred of explosive spheres of fire and his aura came in like a tsunami to cut down his foe.

Using the distraction, he controlled the base and slipped into the escape route under the training room. Naruto ignored the attacks and placed his hand on the ground, causing it to collapse ad condense.

Seeing his life force extinguished, Naruto rushed through the base and back on the peaks right on time as the beam hit the base.

It covered a range of 100 meters and erased everything that came in the way. Naruto could say he wouldn't have survived it without sage mode and even in that mode he would have gotten hurt.

"Did you get it?" Naruto asked as he looked at the team that was missing some of the Ikari warriors as they had been killed by the clones. None of them looked good and were about to collapse.

"We got something but it wasn't about the bases, just information used for the clone experiments." Leona answered as she believed he deserved to know. He had done the most in this operation and without him they might have died.

"Well, we got something at least." Mary said in a tired tone as she walked to his side with a broken arm.

It was a very informative experience for Naruto and he had stolen many files on warriors from them as well.

He also got some of their laser guns before getting out of the base.

"Let's go home, before the army arrives." Kyo muttered and they all started to move as this thing was not secretive at all. Everyone should have seen the beam from space.


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment

I will let you guys give suggestion for this battle against NEST. If you think I should some things then tell me. Interactions and whatnots. I will fix it when i start this story again. Yes, it is hiatus time. The first arc of the story is done.

The second arc will focus on the tournament in Bangkok, Shadaloo attacks, NEST attack. Akuma will appear. Morgana will appear.

Third arc will focus on dead or alive. Mishima's will appear

Forth arc will focus on KOF.

Last arc will focus on the demon world and Kaguya.