
The King of Fate

Ryouto is reincarnated in a mysterious world as the Son of The Demon King, Ryouto Has no memories of his past, but he has a Fate system (Gacha) Follow Ryo and his servants in a Journey to Conquer and Rule the World ---------------------- Fate Grail war, Kingdom Building, and Great Waifus + GACHA HELL ---------------------- Everything is Original Except the Fate Servant's And Ability's Even the World is an original world Hope you Like It XD ----------------------- if you have never heard or watched the Fate series than don't worry I explain pretty much everything, and don't forget the World is Original so no one knows what happens Next... Except me Fuhahahahaha ------------------------ Support me on Patroon patreon.com/Riadooo

Gilgamesh9669 · Anime & Comics
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98 Chs

Power System

There are many ways to increase power in this world but they all lead to one of the following Ranks, the people who reach the maximum level of 10 gain the ability to have a title which are like this


Those who use magic as their main power are ranked by:

Demon Noble "Level 11"

Demon Lord "Level 12"

Demon King "Level 13"

Demon Emperor "Level 14"

Demon God "Level 15"


Those who use Strengths and Technics as their main power are ranked by:

Champion "Level 11"

Hero "Level 12"

Great Hero "Level 13"

Supreme Hero "Level 14"

God-Hero "Level 15"


Those who use power of the gods and prayer are ranked by:

Apostle "Level 11"

Priest "Level 12"

Holy Apostle "Level 13"

Holy Priest "Level 14"

Angel "Level 15"


Those who use the power of Darkness and the Outside are ranked by:

Calamity "Level ?"

Great Calamity "Level ?"

Monster Calamity "Level ?"

God Calamity "Level ?"

World Calamity "Level ?"


There are other ranking system Such as the Dragon ranking but those are unknown as of now


In Terms of Power it is believed that a Demon Noble, Champion and Apostle are equal in power, however experience and Intelligence can change the outcome, this applies to all systems of power except calamity


It is Believed that a Calamity needs more than 10 Demon Nobles or 10 Champions or 10 Apostles to take it down, 3 Demon Lords or 3 Heroes or 3 Priests will also be capable of taking it down

It is Believed that a Great Calamity needs more than 10 Demon Lords or 10 Heroes or 10 Priests to take it down, 3 Demon Kings or 3 Great Heroes or 3 Holy Apostles will also be capable of taking it down

It is Believed that a Monster Calamity needs more than 10 Demon Kings or 10 Great Heroes or 10 Holy Apostles to take it down, 3 Demon Emperors or 3 Supreme Heroes or 3 Holy Priests will also be capable of taking it down

It is Believed that a God Calamity needs more than 10 Demon Emperors or 10 Supreme Heroes or 10 Holy Priests to take it down, 3 Demon Gods or 3 God Heroes or 3 Angels will also be capable of taking it down

It is Believed that a World Calamity is Impossible to take down and if one were to come out the world will be destroyed, many scholars have gathered years of knowledge and have given it the possibility of being taking down by a force of 100 Demon Gods, 100 God Heroes and a 100 Angeles Combined to take one down, that if they were fast enough to do it, as it will destroy the world