
The King of Evolution

A game called 'Evolutionism' is the revolutionary MMORPG that allows the player to become either an adventurer or a monster. Meet Alden Gray. He is a high ranked player in the day where he also created a guild that can topple the balance of the world. At night, he is a rebel soldier. Alden is fighting an government that is trying to put all of the world under one rule. However, Alden lost his life and is reincarnated to a different world, but not as one would hope. Alden first reached the realm of the gods and was ridiculed by the Goddess of Order named Arukatha and was banished into the Void which no powerful being can survive, not even Deities alike. However, not only Alden survives in the Void, he is getting stronger there as well. Yet, he is not alone, he meets other beings with traits incomprehensible through normal means. Alden then transports himself to the world similar to his favorite MMO with the same identity in his game named Kain Void. Will he survive in a world like he did in the game or die again before he gets the chance?

NightlyWinter · Fantasy
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245 Chs

Sudden Mutation

We follow Onizakura and Metsuka into their village. The village compared to Friis, Zherk, Exor, and Aria, Onizakura is fairly stable and prosperous. It was no doubt that they have a lot of power since they're onis.

The village have multiple tents, markets, a lake to do many things, and places to eat. I also see that there are a few lizardmen walk about. Both are happy, yet wary about the dangers of the hypnotized monsters of Dystoark and the Hellkins.

But there is a threat far worse than that. It's that weapon of mass destruction that is right in front of me!

Every time Onizakura walks, her butt jolts and her breasts bounces. I also get to see that black piece of cloth that is separate from her so-called dress.

"Wait...it's her panties! But it's so...thin." I thought, gazing at that piece of cloth up close.

"Goodness, I can feel your intense gaze on my posterior." Onizakura said as she looked back at me, catching me in the act.

"Ain't it drafty?" I said, trying to play it off from being caught.

"It allows me to move freely." Onizakura replied with confidence.

"Not with them shoes of yours." I muttered.

"How mean, these aren't just regular footwear. It's to test myself in and outside of battle." Onizakura retaliated as she happened to hear my muttering. "Also, they're quite heavy."

Heavy? And she is walking like it's nothing? Let me see her stats.

<Name: Grand Oni- Onizakura>

<Gender: Female>

<Race: Oni- Blue>

<Rank: X++>

<Skills: Perception, Ultra Speed, Hyper Strength, Hyper Endurance, Super Resistance, Ice Nullification, Water Nullification, Poison Resistance, Ice Magic-XX, Water Magic-XX, Hyper Regeneration, Great Terror, Great Valor, Mind Acceleration, Runium Skin>

<Unique Skills: Aura-XXV, Kihou-XX, Oni Fear, Freeze Nullification, Aura Resistance, Champion Spirit, Curse Resistance, Holy Resistance, Temperature Adjustment, Monoverse, Body Armor-Runium, Soul Regeneration>

<Ultimate Skills: None>


<Name: Great Oni- Metsuka>

<Gender: Female>

<Race: Oni- Red>

<Rank: U>

<Skills: Perception, Ultra Strength, Ultra Endurance, Hyper Resistance, Hyperspeed Regeneration Adamantine Skin, Fire Nullification, Poison Resistance, Terror, Valorous, Super Speed, Runium Skin>

<Unique Skills: Kihou-XV, Aura-XV, Oni Fear, Gladiator Spirit, Spirit Attack Resistance, Spirit Regeneration, Body Armor-Adamantine>

<Ultimate Skills: None>

Woah...Rank X++?! She's basically comparable to Zaneth when he was a hero! Actually, better yet, she's stronger than Zaneth in terms of combat!

Also, Metsuka is a powerhouse too! Despite not having elemental magic, she has raw strength and defense to do so!

We reached far into the village where there is a large yurt painted blue and gold. We went inside and it has fine wooden table, chairs, wine cellars, and a large bed.

"Now, let me assume that you two aren't here for some sight seeing, right?" Onizakura stated.

"You are right, it is the Hellkins who are hypnotizing these beasts to weaken us." Friis said.

"And strong ones at that." I added. Onizakura soon became serious.

"I know. We did fight against them with our combined forces, but one of the Hellkins we faced has silver eyes." Onizakura stated.

"Silver!?" I shouted.

"You seem to know some Hellkins." Onizakura said.

"I encountered them more than once. I encountered a Greater Demon before I arrived at Dystoark." I said.

"But the Hellkins you encountered are nothing compared to the silver-eyed Hellkins. Onizakura couldn't kill it with our combined Kihou." Metsuka said.

If they said their Kihou skills couldn't kill the silver-eyed Hellkin, then it must be at least a Greater Archdemon. I'm gonna have to go all out for this.

"How's the Seakin?" I said, changing the subject a little.

"The Seakin village is mostly untouched because of us. Even so, I can't be certain if we can maintain this situation." Onizakura said, worrying about the well being of inhabitants of Dystoark.

I lay my head down as I have been racking my brain. I can always rank up my monsters, including myself to match them, but strength isn't everything. I have to use strategy if I am to win since there are tens or hundreds of thousands of monsters in this forest.

Also, these Hellkins most likely have Inferno Magic or weapons that damages the soul, so I can't let them get hit recklessly.

I'll have to create a weapon that can damage Hellkins, not just my Holy Magic.

"Here are the drinks, Lady Onizakura." said the female oni, serving us cups and then gourds. When it came to onis, they usually drink alcohol.

The female oni have two purple horns and purple skin. The purple oni is wearing a maid outfit, but it's design is minimal.

The purple female oni poured us drinks.

"I haven't got a drink since I came here, so...bottoms up." I said, grabbing the cup and smelling it. The drink gave a strong ginger smell. I drank it.

"Hnnngh!?" My senses were assaulted by the intense taste of the drink. It soon faded when Pain Nullification kicked in as it was burning to the touch. I soon gulped it down.

"Oh my, you seem to have an iron stomach for a child." Onizakura complimented me.

"It just surprised me, that's all." I said, letting out a sigh. Then everyone in the same yurt suddenly became concerned.

"What's wrong?" I asked, confused.

"Young Kain, your skin is turning red." Friis said. "Look at your hand."

I looked and my fingernails began to grow longer and sharper. I look at my other hand to see that my fingernails also grew longer. Then, both of my hands began to turn red.

"What's happening?" I said.

[Now mutating...]


I felt a dull, throbbing pain in my entire body along my body temperature rising.

"Young Kain, are all right!?" Friis called out me. As he put his hand on my shoulder, he retracted it.

"His body is burning. I can't even touch him without burning myself." Friis thought.

This pain is nothing compared as the time I was unlocking my Unique Skills. I breathe to steady myself, but the pain grew steadily.

I clutched the table hard to withstand the pain, to keep me from letting out a single sound. The table creaks, groaning from the force of my increasing strength.


The table cracked, giving way from the stress.


The tearing of cloth was sounding in the yurt and I looked to see that I was getting bigger in size. The pants and the shirt I wear, the armor I wear, it's being torn by my growing size.

"He's one of our people all along?" Metsuka said.

"I don't know, he was human moments ago." Onizakura said.

My teeth sharpened, my black hair grew rapidly, my entire body was being reformed painfully.


With one final tearing sound resounded in the room the pain stopped. I let out a huge sigh, letting out steam from my mouth. But my voice sounded different. It's deeper, more gravelly than my child human self.

I look at my hands to see that they are completely red like Metsuka's. I touch my face, nose, ears, hair, and my teeth.

"What the hell just happened?"

Yeah, what the hell?

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