

Lireesa stood on a high ground in the makeshift command center, watching the advancing trolls below. To her, this skirmish was hardly worth mentioning. Having engaged in large-scale battles against trolls in the past, she could have easily handled most of them by herself, thanks to the power of Saladril.

Having reached the status of a hero, professional adventurers like her had transcended the realm of ordinary mortals. While they couldn't single-handedly wipe out armies, escaping unscathed was well within their capabilities. Assisted by her artifact, Lireesa felt no fear even in the face of Zul'jin, a hero nearing the pinnacle of his powers. She was confident she could defeat him within these woods.

The battle below wasn't too challenging. The high elves already held a numerical advantage, and the troll leaders, Ekkilson and Nalarok, were held at bay by Lireesa herself and her old rival, Aran.

The only formidable foe, Harlaz, was engaged with Lireesa's nephew, Charleman, and her daughter, Sylvanas. Under their combined efforts, Harlaz was growing increasingly frustrated and agitated.

Sylvanas and Charleman's teamwork was exceptional, so much so that they hardly needed to exchange glances. Charleman's precise movements and Sylvanas's skillful archery combined seamlessly. Any opening Charleman created in his defense, Sylvanas exploited with her arrows, disrupting Harlaz's every move.

Charleman's skill in close combat had also improved significantly under the relentless assault. As he defended against a warrior one tier higher than him, Charleman couldn't help but wonder if he possessed rogue talents. He found himself more agile and skilled in melee combat than ever before.

In reality, this sensation wasn't unusual. The ranger profession was initially formed by blending the skills of rogues, night elven sentinels, and even a touch of mage magic, under the leadership of Tyrande. Being a ranger, one couldn't rely solely on archery; it required proficiency in traps, close combat, and even stealth.

In the heat of battle, Charleman resolved to study both rogue and mage skills after the war. Simultaneously, Harlaz found himself growing more impatient as Charleman defended expertly, his movements increasingly precise and deliberate.

"What's the matter? Lost your edge already?" Charleman taunted. "You talk big, but it seems you're one of those who can only flap their gums before battle but falter when the real fight begins."

"That was a decent strike!" he continued, parrying one of Harlaz's blows. "Now, however, you're flailing like a newborn deer. Here, try this angle!" Charleman deftly moved to counter Harlaz's attack, opening up another weakness that Sylvanas exploited with a well-placed arrow.

Harlaz, already frustrated, was further infuriated by Charleman's mockery. "Sharp-tongued elven brat! I'll cut off your head and use it as a chamber pot!"

Harlaz's swordplay grew less precise and more reckless. While his anger allowed him to withstand the arrows, it also made him more vulnerable to Charleman's skillful maneuvers.

Charleman, on the other hand, began to sense something extraordinary happening. His focus and concentration, which had been growing unusually intense in recent days, now felt like a dam about to burst.

But Charleman wasn't alarmed; he remembered Aran's teachings. This could be a sign of a breakthrough.

In the midst of Harlaz's relentless attacks, Charleman opened himself to this wellspring of energy, channeling it with great effort. His goal was to achieve a breakthrough into the next tier during the battle, catching Harlaz off guard.

As Harlaz struggled with his increasingly ineffective strikes, Charleman experienced the sensation of a metaphorical switch being flipped within him. The surge of concentration coursing through his body was unlike anything he had ever felt before.

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