
The King Elementalist: The Sun

Two worlds trying to protect themselves from invaders but turned out to be invading themselves. How can they fight the super villain?

Yan_Pauls · Fantasy
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73 Chs

The Secret Of Lara Smith

King Vladimir confronted his mother.

"That doesn't make sense mother, we have a lot of questions to ask you, but why are you still siding with the enemy?" King Vladimir said to Lara.

"If you only understand my situation right now my son. I will answer your questions when we get to your palace." Lara replied.

They all went back to Vladimir's palace and discuss things with his mother. They are all gathered in the conference room.

"Now that I'm here, I'd like to answer all of your questions one by one." Lara said.

King Vladimir asked the first important question "Why did you betray father?"

Lara became guilty after hearing Vladimir's question and answered "Abraham is a good wizard and I loved him so dearly more than my own life my son. I can't say it's a betrayal because my true objective is to infiltrate the Corpse and lead Death to his demise by protecting James and Abraham from him. I betrayed my friends to catch the enemies which turned out quite successful as James survived the curse. Abraham executed the sealing process, his life is put in tremendous risk. Me and your father planned for it my son so I risk my life with that mission to contain and determine Death's plan. The sealing was successful to buy some time to rejuvenate James because he is the only one who can bring down Death with his magic. It is all planned."

"But why James? Abraham already has the sun abilities, he can terminate Death whenever he wants?" Queen Archandia asked Lara.

"That is quite a misunderstanding and generic concept you had because you were overshadowed by your admiration to Abraham. The truth about sun's abilities lies within the youth. Abraham is already an old wizard that time and his body couldn't manage the full abilities of the sun so he needed to transfer his sun attunement to a young blood with his bloodline, that's why he gave James the sun attunement. Even if he would still have his sun abilities while fighting Death, it would still lead to Death's victory and bigger risk might get in the way because there's no other wizard who can bring him down aside from a sun wizard." Lara answered Queen Archandia's question.

"Why are you sealed with your own soul stone after the sealing of Death?" Adeath asked.

"That is an irreversible consequence upon using my soul stones. The creator will be sealed together with the sealed target but in different soul stone. My soul stone broke a day before James' arrival here together with his brother Aaron. That's why I left Vladimir alone because of the consequence. I'm really proud of you my son for keeping Gaia safe along with Queen Archandia. I'm also the one responsible of her life's longevity because I know she is a reliable and honest Queen so I decided to complete a contract with the Moon Goddess to make her life longer than the life span of an Earthian. Fortunately, the contract is still valid up until now." Lara answered Adeath's question.

They are all overwhelmed and enlightened about knowing all of these truth from Lara. Zion then raised his question "What is your connection with Thalos? I've overheard your name when Drexmar had a conversation while him in a hologram."

"Hmmmf. Thalos is my father. He is a great man and one of the early ancestors of Chrono, but committed himself to the darkness with an unknown reason. He is Carlisle Smith, the last soul attuned wizard. There is one more legendary attunement aside from Sun and that is Soul attunement but you weren't aware of that because the fact about soul attunements lie before two generations and that is way before our era." Lara answered. Everyone were shocked upon knowing that Lara is the daughter of Thalos and the soul attunement.

"So are you a Soul attuned wizard?" JackSpark asked.

"Yes indeed and I don't use that attunement anymore because it is highly forbidden in today's generation. I'm a pro-life wizard so I forbid myself upon using that attunement. I am also a Moon and Wood attuned." Lara answered JackSpark's question.

"Did you use Soul spell to transport Ian to the wasteland?" DragonKnight asked.

"No, that is a moon forbidden spell same as with Death's teleportation to other dimension." Lara answered DragonKnight's question.

"But why did you send bro to that dangerous place? You love him more than your life right? So why?" Hacker asked Lara.

"That is a part of his training. Our ultimate enemy right now is not Death but my father Thalos and he can't be a threat to him if he will just have a normal training so I planned to send him to the most dangerous place in the universe. That's why I abducted you to get him because you are a very important person to him and you are left in Archandia's palace when the rest are busy with the Djinn situation. I believe in him even though it hurts me to send him there but there's no other way to make him more powerful enough to beat my father aside from the learnings he will acquire to the Forbes wasteland. We just have to believe in him. I know he can get back here because he has already his own Djinn. If a wizard and Djinn are together, they are more powerful than a God, even more powerful than Titans." Lara answered Hacker's question.

"I have my final question mother. Did you love me same as with father and brother?" Vladimir got teary-eyed upon asking this question to Lara.

"You are all the same my son. I will sacrifice my life for the sake of the welfare of my family. I love you so much the same way as my love for Abraham and James." Lara dropped her tears when she answered the final question of Vladimir and she approached him with a tight hug longing for each other while they both cry.

"I want you to meet Samantha mother, my soon to be big sister-in-law and Aaron Whitlock, my brother as well." Vladimir introduced Sam and Aaron to Lara.

Lara embraced Sam as she said "welcome to the family my daughter." with a feature of happiness in her face. Sam cried and embraced Lara tight too. Then, Lara hugged Aaron while saying "Thank you from the bottom of my heart for accepting James in your family Aaron."

"He is indeed my brother Auntie regardless of our bloodline and his family will become my family as well."

The discussion resulted to an emotional reunion and first meetings.