
Prince of Western Luo

A child was born in the Western Province of Luo, people gathered around the palace and commoners eagerly awaiting the good news. It seemed like a great day but destruction will come when they least expect it.


The King of Western Luo, named Li, commanded the palace security to be strictly reinforced. No one was allowed to enter the palace without his permission. Palace guards were all over the palace making sure everything was safe.

King Li was a great man, husband and father. He was smart, handsome, and musically talented. Every maids and servants squealed as they see him walking by but they quickly bowed when they saw him. Every palace guards, scholars, and his concubines were all respective of him. He had few enemies. His love for the Queen was immeasurable so there were a few who were envious, of course.

The royal palace was huge for a small province but it didn't really matter. Everyone was at peace, there were no wars nor conflicts. King Li made sure everything was safe for his son and everyone else. He was a man of responsibility and a man of his own words. He doesn't make fake promises, when he promised something, he will do it no matter how long it will take.

For a great man like him, he wished his son, Prince Li Jun will be able to succeed him afterward.


Prince Li Jun grew up to be a handsome boy. His bright personality attracted young girls in the palace as well. He wore a luxurious handmade silk hanfu, with red, white, and gold colors. His had long silky hair, he was slim and tall too. His smile could melt everyone's heart.

"Brother Li Jun, can you play with us?" A group of young girls surrounded him and he had no where to escape.

'I'll play with you all if you let me have some breathing space." He made a nervous laugh while looking for his friend, An Ye.

"An Ye, save me!" He jumped up and down to get An Ye's attention. An Ye laughed and stuck his tongue out.

"Aish, is he even my friend?" Prince Li Jun sighed and saw An Ye in front of him few seconds later.

"Who told you come out? You knew you will attract all sorts of girls." An Ye dragged him out and the girls all left.

"At least I attract them cuz I'm handsome. If I was uglier, this wouldn't happen." Prince Li Jun laughed at himself.

"Handsome, my ass." An Ye smirked, "I'm more handsome than you!" They joked and laughed altogether. They were childhood friends, they never hide secrets from each other, they were like biological brothers.

As they stopped by the riverside, they sat down and lied on the green grass. The weather was cool and breezy. Colder weather is at hand.

"Hey, An Ye. Have you been outside of Western Luo?" An Ye looked at him and looked up, "Nope, I wonder what outside would be like."

Prince Li Jun sat up, "An Ye, what would happen if we escape right now?" An Ye laughed and could hardly breathe.

"Are you nuts? Your father will kill us like we are dead meat." An Ye calmed down a bit and said, "Li Jun, just be a bit more patient. You will get a chance to see the outside when it's time. Right now, your father wants you to study hard to become the next king, right?"

Prince Li Jun sighed and An Ye was right. They will get punished if they escape without the King's permission. As the weather turned cooler, they went back to the palace.

"An Ye, I want to ask you something. If something happened to us, are you still going to be my blood sworn brother?" Prince Li Jun asked while he headed in.

An Ye smiled, "Of course. I hate to make you my enemy." An Ye smacked Li Jun on the back, "Don't worry. Nothing will happen."

As they waved bye to each other, Prince Li Jun felt a tug in his chest. What was he feeling? Is something bad going to happen? He shook off the thoughts, he was probably thinking too much.

Prince Li Jun greeted his father and mother when he went back.

"Father, Mother, I'm back." His mother quickly went over to his side.

"My son, where were you?" His mother looked worried and he looked at his father.

"Father, what's wrong?" Prince Li Jun sensed something was wrong but he waited for his father to say it.

"Son, your mother was worried about you since you didn't come back for dinner." His father smiled wearily.

"That's all? I thought something major happened." Prince Li Jun was relieved nothing bad happened.

"My son, please wash up. I'll ask a maid to bring food over to your room." Li Jun nodded and said goodnight to them.

"Is it okay not to tell him?" The Queen looked at the King.

"He will know it sooner or later. He won't learn if I tell him everything." He re-assured her.

"I just hope he won't get hurt." The Queen leaned on his broad shoulder.

"Same here but the 500 years old prophecy might not even happen. It's been predicted by some old astrologer or fortune teller, it might not be real. If it's real, our son will bound to know. Let's not tell him what we heard. Make sure no one in the palace talks about it." The King looked at her with a longing eye, "I hate to see you looking so worried. Our son will be alright. He is a strong boy." The Queen nodded and felt relieved.

"My King, I'm so happy to have you." The Queen slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep.

"Same here, you are my only Queen." He gently placed the Queen on the bed and kissed her forehead.

~When the Pandora box is opened, nothing will stop it.~

As the 500 years old prophecy foretold, a tyrant King will come from the Western Luo Province. He will be an oppressive leader. A cruel one.

Who do you think the tyrant King will be?

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