
The King's Witch

Leen is the heiress of the King of the North and the only one remaining who bears the blood of the bloodline of the Great Wizard's Empire lives isolated from the public eye in a small palace amidst the dense forests of the North, and only so-called future husband, son of the Great Counsel, General Diram, is allowed to visit her. Zain the vampire hybrid and the king of the southern kingdom, the most powerful of the four kingdoms, decide to invade the northern kingdom and obtain Princess Leen at any cost while the awaited prophecy is awakened. what fate will combain them?

Amina_Hamla · Fantasy
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6 Chs


..............Location: Forests of the Northern Kingdom ...................

Leen: I am alone with him, no bird flies, no beast moves, no sound is heard, except for the damned calm that shrouds the vast and mysterious forests of the north.

For the first time in my life I feel all this contradiction in my feelings.. for the first time I have responded to this extent.. to the point that I do not have the courage to utter any letter..

Time stopped with his big cold hand still resting on my head with its heavy rings..waking up that woman and a child screamed and ran away without bothering to look back..

She left me alone with those eyes whose cold magic flame emanates from its long black lashes taking its time and staring at my eyes with great calm and peace.. I couldn't have blamed his stare because I too did the same. I don't know why or how I had the audacity to be in such a situation. But.. these eyes.. those looks and this great peace that fell on the place. I feel it stifling my veins and straining it.. as if I had seen it before.. as if I had felt it before.. as if I had lived it before..

A king with a strong body, captivating eyes, a sharp jaw..noble, calm features, a large, strong, rough hand, nice to treat with his embroidered red majesty..certainly these are characteristics that do not at all match the shape of the savage king of the south that I draw in my imagination..

The sound of horses running approaching.. Taehyung! This is definitely Taehyung and he's back with help!

But the one standing in front of me didn't react.. it's been enough time for this maze of staring and it's time to get out of it.. he is absent-minded and the sound of horses is approaching, no doubt it's Diram, come on, Leen!, it's your perfect chance to escape...

I raised my hand quietly, I removed his hand from my head..

my hand on his arm. No response.

I caught his arm. No response.

I lowered his hand to the ground, and there was no response.

His eyes were still staring at me.. Now it's time to run. Leen is time to run..!

I rolled up my dress a little so as not to hinder me from running. His eyes were still staring at mine..I think he didn't notice what I was going to do..

blinking his eyes..


I ran towards the approaching sound of horses, a few steps galloping through the thick layers of northern snow, with every step I moved away from that man without feeling his steps chasing me, hope was getting brighter before my face

The sound is closer than ever. I'm screaming out of breath. Diram I'm here.. Diram!!

Di...!! The sun of hope disappeared from my face, a branch grabbed my dress and I fell, it seems that some of it was already torn, but will that stop me from running away.. absolutely not..

I got up and rolled up what was left of my torn edges of my dress. I raised my head, and the sky became dark and night fell. Perhaps my face collided with the source of the wide property out of nowhere.. for God's sake, how did this thing get here?

Zaid: Do you think I'll let you get away from me again, Princess Witch?

Then the eye fell on the eye and the witch's magic met the king's throne.. at that surprised smiling look he gave me, I finally realized the extent of the disaster I am in.

I was confused and the words scattered in my throat and the boiled red blood overflowed my cheek when he smiled after seeing the sight of me in that dress with torn ends..

He smiled. that smile that only innocent child has . Warmth filled my chest for no reason.. His hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him, making the space between my burning face in confusion and his thick chest almost non-existent. And what the hell happened to me and why I couldn't resist it...

He extended his hand behind my neck after he pulled out his royal red fur majesty and wrapped it around me with him..

Nothing appeared from me with him except my feet..I understood that I did not resist him because there was no way to win..The fires of his red quilt with which he drowned me in the middle of that darkness between his chest and his hands that burned everything related to me comforted and forgot it..! Those horses were his generals, and it seemed he wanted to hide my tattered robe so I wouldn't feel ashamed under the royal quilt.

General Kasser: Sir.. I give you good news of the complete fall of the traitors from the Kingdom of the North. The Grand Vizier has been arrested and handed over to King of the North, Aguilas, who conveys his greetings to you..

General Timur: Sir, we have arrested the traitors of the court and the followers of the Grand Vizier, and the godfather and the Sibyl were eliminated. We realized all the soldiers who were guarding the castle of the princess..but..there is a problem my lord..!

Zaid: What is the problem..!

General Timur:..unfortunately we couldn't find General Diram and..- He looks at the princess's feet standing between Zaid's legs and then continues with more submission-...

General Timur: I have already sent three battalions in separate areas to find the princess as soon as possible..but it seems that there is no need for that now...Do you order to return home now, sir..!

Zaid: Timur..!

Timur: S.S.S..S.. Sir..!

The faces of all his soldiers turned black with terror, and their hearts reached their throats when the handsome beast stared at Timur with his fiery eyes staring , anger shouting loudly from his face.

Zaid: I have my princess now..! And Diram's head should be in front of my eyes this evening too!

Lenn: I was stiff, I can hardly breathe while I am stuck in the middle of his chest and his strong arm is tightly clasping on my shoulder, which has tightened for me after he got angry and told his follower what he said..

I heard every word and letter his soldiers uttered to him..I was not shocked by the fact that his savage soldiers could kill the godfather and fortune-teller with such ease, nor the defeat of our kingdom, nor his urgent desire to kill Diram..but..

For his general to tell him that my father, the King of the North, was conveying his greetings to him.. He destroyed my patience and stirred up anger and terror within me.

Damn, will this thing make me a hostage in order to force my father to annex the lands of the north to his kingdom, then I have to kill him before he kills me at worst he will get angry for trying to kill him and kill me instead of making me a hostage to seize the kingdom.. at least I'll have the honor of trying.

I directed my focus to withdraw my dagger quietly without him realizing me while his soldiers spoke... But before I pulled my dagger until his hand caught me and tightened its bond on my hand and the dagger together.. a struggle that does not know or feel and no one sees but the two of us

Hell, I want to breathe, you damned, leave me.. ..without thinking I raised my head amid the darkness of the quilt that hides my face towards the light above my head, and I looked directly into his eyes, angry and shocked, insisting on explaining what his soldiers had just said to him..!

Those sharp, captivating black eyes were confused and woe to me by their handsome confusion.. Then it was not long before the expressions of stern, red angelic confidence returned to his face.. He put my collapsed anxious face in his large, manly hands, rooted in veins, he lowered his face to me with great magnanimity and raised my chin with his finger..

Zaid: Don't worry, Your Highness, I'll take you to your father..and don't look at me for a long time with those charming eyes, my heart is tender and can't bear all this captivating tyranny from you, my charming princess, I wish you a good sleep! .

Leen lost consciousness, the curtain of the King of the South reveals her to lie in his arms, sleeping as a little girl, amid the bowing of his generals and their soldiers in front of them. None of them dares to stare at the princess with one look, for fear of the king's burning jealousy

He walks among them, carrying her on his huge brown horse, and signs of contentment colonize his sharp and handsome face, as if he has thrust the throne of the whole earth for himself.

Zaid: Kaseer..Gather the soldiers..!! We will be guests of the King of the North tonight!.

......................................................................................to be continued