

The sun shone brightly over the district of Haloria, rays warmed the grounds. The weather was fair and clear with the clouds hiding in the firmament. Trees stood tall with their leaves throwing shades on the stalls that crowded the open market.

Voices upon voices filled the air as the merchants and buyers negotiated prices over goods displayed on stands. Foodstuffs, confectioneries, textiles, fabrics, dresses of fine linens, pieces of jewelry, metalworks, antiques, wines of different varieties, and many more of people's interests laid naked, opened to be attractive to their eyes.

Men, women, and children took the liberty to walk around the large space of land that had now been turned into a trade fair. The tranquil town which had only the marketplace as the busiest on a regular day had now turned busier with the rich and poor mingling on this special day. It was a rare thing to see an elite of the society moving without guards in crowded areas, but today was exceptional. It was a day of celebration. Haloria's biggest festival. It was the Halloween festival and even the beggars on the streets saved for it.

The Halloween annual festival was celebrated for three days straight in the district of Haloria, the first two days had the largest market fair where things were sold cheap and fresh. The last day of the festival had even a larger fair in the morning as the people strolled in, in their numbers to purchase ingredients for cooking from the grocers or dresses from the drapers. The Halloween night welcomed more festivity as the evening of the last day was filled with joy and merriness as everyone moved to the streets to enjoy their Halloween to its fullest.

'' A fine dress for a fine maiden. Your exact size, beautiful ". A draper held out a silk dress to a lady as he persuaded her to buy his goods. She took it to measure her body size. It was her fit. A blue dress with slits in the arm tied with a ribbon at the end, tight at the waist, and big from the bottom.

" I will take it. How much is the cost? ". She inquired of him. The smile of satisfaction was hidden from her view as he turned his back to her to pick another dress for a lady that neared his stall.

" Two silver coins ". He replied to the lady with the silk dress. His new buyer turned to him with knotted brows. " No, not you, milady. Is it to your taste? ".

Two coins of silver were placed in his hand after which he wrapped the silk dress and handed it to the owner. She left his stall to another that sold vegetables.

Children ran around the field, playing with each other and with the fur animals that were restrained in cages to be bought as pets. Ice creams were sold in cones to the little ones that gathered around the carts.

'' One ephah of flour, please ".

" Do you have ruby stones? ".

" Buy your sweet wine here. The sweetest of all. Freshly made red grape wine ".

Commodities were sold and soon to be replaced with new stocks.

Away from the market stead, up the hill, and in the outskirt of the district, a manor stood on an expanse of land. The houses in it separated from each other with cubits of ground space. All were built with similar architectural design and materials except for the major house situated in the heart of the manor. It was the manor of Lord Elvin. The Lord over the district of Haloria.

The beauty of the outside of the major house was little in comparison with the inside. Torches clasped to the walls, cast a glow against the brick walls. The wooden boards made little to no noise when walked upon. The railing, hard, made of lignum wood, offered a firm grasp and guide up the neatly mopped stairs. The corridor, split in the middle, served as a two-way choice. The left to four rooms and the right to a door at the end. Seeing the built, only those that feared not for their lives take the right.

The railings continued onto a wall with a door that demarcated the corridor from a room. Torches lit the way still, burning bright as the house was blackout from the daylight.

Once the key has turned, the door will open with a click, and...

Caroline almost jumped out of her skin when she saw the state of her Mistress. Hastily, she dropped the oil lamp in her hand on the side locker and dashed to the young Mistress of the House.

A girl of fifteen years judging from her appearance scratched roughly at her skin at the same time crying Red patches and rashes clustered on her skin as she scratched harder. Caroline was shocked at her appearance but was more shocked when she saw the ray of light that entered the room. She left the girl, and to the window. Quickly, she closed the curtains and heaved a sigh when the room became dark with the oil lamp as the only source of light.

Gradually, everything became calm. The loud cries turned into quiet sobs. She stared at the curtain for a while only to move her feet when the sobs had subsided to nothing. Walking to the girl, she noticed the red patches were still there, but the scratching had stopped.

" Lady Primrose ". Caroline called the girl. Her voice was as low as it could. As low to evade the disaster to come. She called again when her first call was not answered. A surge of fear rushed in her veins when she saw her gaze at the closed curtain. It was not good, a bad sign. A two-finger touch on the girl's hand made her realize that she was okay and breathing fine, but it did not help to cool off the fear in her.

As though compelled by an external force, but Caroline knew it was in her case, internal, the girl turned to face her. Her eyes glimmered with hatred so sharp that she felt her stare as a stab in her chest.

The girl shifted in her position, to rest her back against the leg of the chair close to her. She felt relieved when she saw some progress in her. Heaving yet another sigh, Caroline backed a little to give the girl space.

Suddenly, the only thing she heard was a piercing sound, her vision got blurred for a second and slowly the pain stepped in.


Hey, the author here. Thanking you for joining me here. This is a book I hope to be of your great interest.

I will be updating a chapter every day. You can also read my other ongoing story, Her Intention, His Agony, in your free time.

Much love.

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